
作者&投稿:祗兴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Both parties confirm that the subscription book is the true meaning of the two parties, with the basic elements of the contract law, is effective and protected by law, Party B's statement on the subscription of property, transaction conditions, the surrounding environment has been fully understood.
  Party B is willing to Party A in accordance with the following conditions for Evergrande splendor ___ yuan ___ building _________ unit ____. The commercial housing construction area is ______ square meters, among them, the construction area comprising ______ square meters. Choose the decoration standards, discount, according to the calculation of the construction area, unit price for the yuan / m2; comprising the construction area calculation, unit price for the yuan / m2. The total amount of RMB Qian Bai pick up thousand hundred million ten dollar whole (RMB yuan)
  One, Party B agrees to sign the subscription book, pay yuan RMB (RMB yuan) as a deposit, Party A in the subscription book the triple stamped finance receivables special chapter for receiving the credentials.

Signed agreement shall know
A, the parties shall abide by the lawful, justice, equality, free will, negotiated consensus and good faith, the principle of the labor contracts concluded according to law.
Second, sign labor contract, party a shall stamp, legal representative (or responsible person) or major entrusted agent should be the signature or seal, party b should the signature or seal.
Third, both parties need to negotiate an agreement of other matters in the ninth specified in the contract.
Four, both parties agreed other content, labor contract changes in this contract in such content, can not complete the enclosed sheet.
Five, the contract should use the pen or felt-tip pens, legible, expression, may not be altered.
Six, this contract in duplicate, both parties all copies for party b, party a must for safekeeping contract.

The parties may be specific responsibilities and requirements prescribed post.
Party a due to inadequate job to party b, party a DaiGong DaiGong period in accordance with the relevant regulations pay party b basic living expenses.
. Both parties agreed to pay the other party in fifteen-year period, apply for leave to compensate party a for all 3,5000 yuan RMB liquidated damages.
J regulations legally stipulated by party a, by unit of effective ways to inform party b.
. Both parties modification, rescission, termination of a labor contract in accordance with the labor law of the People's Republic of China "and other relevant laws and regulations. Both parties will change, remove labor contract unless otherwise agreed, but in this contract in the ninth.
Party b according to the bilateral agreement, deal with relevant formalities such as the work handover.
Problems, it added two to refer to thank you...

4 party b in the summer season high temperature condition, party a can of labor production according to the production (work) characteristics, and adjust the temperature conditions summer break, the increase of labor and system of rest and reduce labor intensity, the decrease temperature operation, ensure party b during the health and safety of life, and according to the relevant provisions of the government to issue summer cool and refreshing beverage fee to party b.

Both parties agreed to this contract, do the following changes:



17. You shall not at any time during the continuance of your employment hereunder except with the expressed approval of the Company, engage directly or indirectly in any other business or occupation whatever either as principal, agent, broker or otherwise or engage in any activity to the detriment, either directly, to the Company’s interests.

18. You shall not at any time during the continuance or after termination of your employment hereunder except by the direction or with the express approval of the Company divulge either directly or indirectly to any person or body corporate, knowledge or information which you may acquire during the course of or incidental to your employment by the Company concerning the affairs or property of the Company or any business or property or transactions or policies in which the Company may be or may have been concerned or interested.

19. You shall not at any time during the continuance of your employment except with the express approval of the Company remove from the Company’s premises or make copies of any books, handouts or any other materials that are used for the purpose of or in connections with your employment with the Company.

20. After the termination of this contract you shall not at any time divulge to any other body corporate or person or make use of any of the trade secrets or confidential information belonging to the Company.

21. While holding the same position or during the period of three(3) years following the date of termination, you shall not be permitted to operate, join and/or be engaged within two(2) kilometers radius from the premises of the Company.


22. This contract may be terminated by the Company or yourself upon giving one(1) month notice in writing to the other party and upon payment to the other party, four(4) months of the salary payable under Clause 5 herein. In lieu of notice, either party shall compensate the other party an additional month of salary. Except that if the notice of termination is tendered during the month of June and November, the compensation shall not be as provided above, but shall only be a sum equal to one(1) month of the salary payable under Clause 5 herein.

23. Earned leave shall not be consumed during the period of notice. However, it may be used to offset against the period of notice with the expressed consent of the Company.

24. In any event, your employment may be terminated forthwith upon notice in writing in any one or more of the following circumstances, namely misconduct, gross incompetence or breach of any of the employment.


不求拿分,因为不保证严谨,勉强凑合吧。 看你急 能用上就算帮个忙吧。










17. You shall not at any time during the continuance of your employment hereunder except with the expressed approval of the Company, engage directly or indirectly in any other business or occupation whatever either as principal, agent, broker or otherwise or engage in any activity to the detriment, either directly, to the Company’s interests.

18. You shall not at any time during the continuance or after determination of your employment hereunder except by the direction or with the express approval of the Company divulge either directly or indirectly to any person or body corporate, knowledge or information which you may acquire during the course of or incidental to your employment by the Company concerning the affairs or property of the Company or any business or property or transactions or policies in which the Company may be or may have been concerned or interested.

19. You shall not at any time during the continuance of your employment except with the express approval of the Company remove from the Company’s premises or make copies of any books, handouts or any other materials that are used for the purpose of or in connections with your employment with the Company.

20. After the termination of this contract you shall not at any time divulge to any other body corporate or person or make use of any of the trade secrets or confidential information belonging to the Company.

21. While holding the same position or during the period of three(3) years following the date of termination, you shall not be permitted to operate, join and/or be engaged within two(2) kilometers radius from the premises of the Company.


22. This contract may be terminated by the Company or yourself upon giving one(1) month notice in writing to the other party and upon payment to the other party, four(4) months of the salary payable under Clause 5 herein. In lieu of notice, either party shall compensate the other party an additional month of salary. Except that if the notice of termination is tendered during the month of June and November, the compensation shall not be as provided above, but shall only be a sum equal to one(1) month of the salary payable under Clause 5 herein.

23. Earned leave shall not be consumed during the period of notice. However, it may be used to offset against the period of notice with the expressed consent of the Company.

24. In any event, your employment may be terminated forthwith upon notice in writing in any one or more of the following circumstances, namely misconduct, gross incompetence or breach of any of the employment.











17. 在任职期间,除非得到公司允许,否则在任何情况下都不能直接或间接以委托人、代理人、经纪人或者其他身份从事其他行业或领域的工作或者从事其他直接或间接损害公司利益的活动。

18. 除非得到公司命令或者许可,否则在任职期间或者决定在我公司任职后,你都不得直接或间接向其他个人或者公司泄露你在公司任职期间得到的或者接触到的涉及公司利益的关于公司资产或者业务抑或公司交易或者决议的信息。

19. 在任职期间,除非得到公司允许,否则在任何情况下都不得将任何用于或者与你和公司之间雇佣关系有关的书籍、资料或者其他材料带离公司处所或者进行影印。

20. 合同期满之后,在任何情况下你都不得向其他公司或者个人透漏或者利用属于公司的交易机密以及保密信息。

21. 合同终止后三年你都不得在公司处所周围两公里范围内活动。


22. 本合同可由公司或者你自己终止,前提是提前一个月给对方通知并且按照第5条的规定付给对方4个月的工资。如果没有提前一个月通知,任何一方都必须多赔偿对方一个月的额外工资,如果通知是在六月或者十一月发出的,则不适用于此,赔偿金亦不需要按上述规定缴纳,只需按第5条赔付1个月的工资。

23. 在公司任职期间赚取的累积假期在通知期间不得使用。但是在得到公司许可的情况下可用来抵消通知期。

24. 无论如何,你的任职在下列情况下写出通知后将立即被终结:失职、不作为或者违反规定。




摩西摩西丶 19:29:24






求高手帮翻译一段合同上的英语 第一部分 (第二部分,http:\/\/zhidao.bai...
A:第二部分 - 谁是被保险人修订,包括作为附加被保险人(S)或组织(s)所示在附表中,但仅限于对“人身伤害”,“财产损害”或“法律责任个人和广告伤害“全部或部分造成的:1。您的行为或遗漏或 2。这些行为或不作为您的名义行事 在你正在进行的操作的附加被保险人在上述指定的位置(s)(s)...

以下是改写后的文章,内容更加丰富,语言更为流畅,增强了可读性:在英文合同翻译中,hereby是个常见开头,用于强调正式条款,如雇主明确约定支付承包商的工作报酬:“Employer hereby agrees to compensate the contractor for completed works.”Covenant则是指合同的签订,例如业主承诺支付合同价:...

<50分> 简单的英文合同翻译
3.1 任一方都可以终止此协议,条件是1)另一方犯有重大违约,而且这样的违约不是可以治愈的,或者说,这样的违约,违约方不能在其从非违约方那里收到书面通知之日起的15天内治愈,或者2)任一方因为债权人的利益而做了转让,或被判定为破产者或无力偿还者,或正在填写请求书为自己寻求解散和清算自己...



1 this contract is the fixed term (month), starting from the day in the date of employment in months from the date to the date.Article 2 in accordance with party a need and office work, party b agrees in position, and the specific work contents for.Time B Monday, as ...

合同书翻译 英语翻译
Distribution of total authorized contract Contract Date: Date 2009 Is authorized to:Authorized to: XXXXXXXX • The contract is the legal representative of XXXXXX Co., Ltd.: Lee Tai-ying (hereinafter Party),• Limited legal representative: (below B),• Inter-contract...


driver (in the field accommodation), the driver responsible for board and lodging from B to resolve (the other: subject to long-distance costs).4. Party pilots do a good job in daily traffic records.中文 » 英语 翻译,给加分哦,谢谢了 参考资料:给加分哦~~谢谢了 ...

On the quality of party a, party b late payment, each with a delay,, a fine 1%, delay more than three days, as party b breaks the contract to give up cargo right, party a may sell themselves, all the economic loss caused by party b should take all....

安塞县19276929934: 英语部分合同翻译 -
计彬益源: 去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:莉莉 一般货物出口合同格式(附英文) 合同号:日期:订单号:买方:卖方:买卖双方签订本合同并同意按下列条款进行交易:(1)品名及规格(2)数量(3)单价(4)金额合计允许溢短装__%...

安塞县19276929934: 求好心人帮帮我翻译英文合同中的一小段,谢谢了 -
计彬益源: 要约人售出其全部或部分股份.受要约人接受并期望通过赎回相同的股份有限公司来获得其全部股份.那么,要约人不得对参与表决的股份实行赎回.

安塞县19276929934: 急请高手帮我翻译一下合同里的条款急~~~请高手帮我翻译一下合同里
计彬益源: 1.函内附件的信用证应当规定,卖方货运的任选项目,指明比本合同的数量多或少出的百分数;并且,对实际发货数的总价进行商讨.(请求买方开立信用证,总金额包括指明的超过按照本销售合同订货总数百分数那部分;2.函内附件信用证的内容,应严格地符合本销售合同的规定.在有任何变化,迫使修改信用证的情况下,买方应当承担修改带来的花费.卖方不应承担由于等待修改信用证,而导致的货运的可能延误;并且,保留权力向买方索赔由此带来的损失;3.除了买方给的保险外,应该由卖方从中国保险公司购买保险.入锅,买方要求额外险和/或其他保险项目,必须在托运前事先通知到卖方,由卖方的协议决定;而额外的保险费应记入买方的帐上;(后待译)

安塞县19276929934: 求高人给我翻译合同部分内容!! -
计彬益源: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to make either Party hereto an agent, partner, or joint ventures of the other Party for any purpose. 根据本合同条款当事人任意一方不得以任何目的和其他当事人发生代理,合作或合资关系. Neither ...

安塞县19276929934: 请帮忙翻译合同条款,谢谢!大意即可. -
计彬益源: 没有失败的延迟部分,公司在锻炼或遗漏行使任何术语或条件或补救增加额,公司应当损害任何这样的术语或条件或补救,被解释为放弃或一个anquiescence之在这样的违约,影响或损害任何权利、权力或补救的特权的公司方面的其他任何前期或后续违约.猴岛外宣Iim 温眸-为你解答

安塞县19276929934: 急求将简单中文合同段落翻译成英文?急求将简单中文合同段落翻译成英
计彬益源: 用浏览器打开百度翻译,将中文段落复制进去.选定目标语言为英语,点击翻译

安塞县19276929934: 英文合同翻译,这里有份英文合同条款,请高手帮忙翻一下.(只有11分了,希望大家给力,多谢了) -
计彬益源: 1. 买方须于寄送前30天开出本批交易的信用证并交达售方,否则,售方有权:不经通知取消本确认书,或只承认买方未履行的合同全部或部分有效,或对由此遭受的损失提出索赔.2. 凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起130天内提出.凡属于...

安塞县19276929934: 跪求翻译高手翻译一份保密合同里的部分条文!!谢谢!! -
计彬益源: 公告:双方同意如果订立进一步具体业务将独立评估信息,所有面向第三方的公告和其他宣传及和另一方或其附属公司有关的公司名、商标、产权信息都将共同计划、协调、发布,任何一方不得在没有另一方书面许可的情况下单方面行动,如果双方无法就评估信息达成一致意见,此种许可不得被无理由地扣留,对此不再做任何形式的公告.

安塞县19276929934: 还请继续帮我翻译合同中部分内容如下: 此问题悬赏100分并将追加100分 -
计彬益源: 1,甲方因财务困难提出延期支付研究开...

安塞县19276929934: 麻烦帮忙翻译一段合同英文,悬赏叩谢 -
计彬益源: 【手工译文】 第一段: 根据下述条款,供应商授予且分销商接受在此区域内此品牌产品的市场营销权,但不包括网络销售.自本协议签字之日起一年内此品牌产品的市场营销权为非独家营销,此后根据附件7.2视分销商是否完成第一年销售任务的100%转为独家. 第二段: 分销商和供应商均正式确认,本协议适用范围仅限于附件1中提供给分销商的品牌产品系列.比如,若供应商推出新系列产品,则新产品并不自动包括在此协议所规定的分销权限内.除非供应商以私人契约方式书面授权分销商,并将该契约明确作为本协议的一部分方可. 第三句: 此区域内品牌产品的销售达到必要的合理水平以维护并确保供应商的利益.

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