
作者&投稿:种祝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I cannot be without you.

I can't live without you

I don't have more money than you do
Most of them need help in English.

I don't have as much money as you.
Most of them (those people) need help with English

I have less money than you

The money that I does not as much as yours.

You are richer than me.

Many of them need help with their English.

没有你的生活 我开始写小说 好多画面好多灵感 我要把稿费都给你 巷口不小心经过 你的车子依旧停在红线 帮你缴罚单 你叫我别管 我才想到我们已经分开 想起那一个夏天 那不是那不是那是冬天 想起你生气的脸 每天就像冬天 唉唉唉 你说那是爱爱爱 谁该坚强起来 月亮还是太阳 是谁遮了谁 是谁都会依赖 你说已...

这么累。看你翻译的怎样了。。。我觉得起码也要给个4000~6000吧,毕竟刚毕业。。 陪同翻译 还是早八晚11的。。。太低了最好跟老板申请一下。。一般陪同翻译的话一天要200+ 你自己估摸着算吧 望采纳

would life be meaningful to me without you ?

那,我活了多少年就有多少没有你在我过得多好,怎么翻译英文 98
您好!那,我活了多少年就有多少没有你在我过得多好,翻译为:Well, I've lived there for many years without you how much I had much better 采纳我吧,谢谢你啦!

没有你的城市我真的好茫然 翻译成英语
Alone in a city without you, I really feel lost.

高二英语 句子考察 (根据要求写句子)
Young as she is, she has...;Without your help, we wouldn't have made such progress.it seems that he has a great deal of money, but in fact ,he has run out of all his savings,a. it is advised by him that the meeting be put off at once.b. he advised that ...c...

If not you,

没有你,我的世界没有颜色 的英文翻译
My world will be colourless without you.

没有你的地方都是远方 用英语翻译过来。最好复杂点
你好!很高兴为你解答。wherever without you is faraway places. 希望能帮到你。

翻译结果:I don't want you so flower,(诚心为您解答,亲 请随手设为“好评”哦,对您没有任何损失的哦,谢谢啦!)

疏附县18733786518: 英语翻译我的钱没有你的多他们中的大多数人在英语上需要帮助都翻译 -
蛮秀力太:[答案] I have less money than you

疏附县18733786518: 翻译成英文:1.我的钱没你的多 2.从我家到学校骑车只要10分钟 3.他们中的大多数人在英语上都需要帮助 4.你不必那么早离开,我们可以载你回家 5.你为什么不选你喜欢的那个礼物呢?
蛮秀力太: 1I haven't much money you 2From my home to school cycling just 10 minutes3Most of them are in English needs help4You don't have to leave so early, we can give you a ride home5Why don't you choose you like that?

疏附县18733786518: 中译英:1我的钱没有你的多2从我家骑车到学校只要十分钟3他们中的大多数人在英语方面都需要帮助4你不必那么早离开,我们可以开车送你回家5你为什么不选择你喜欢的那个礼物呢6你表姐喜欢做什么?她非常喜欢看电
蛮秀力太: 翻译是个活的,只要掌握一些基本句型,这些都是可以翻的 1.My money is not as much as yours.=My money is not more than yours. 2.It takes me ten minutes to ride to school from home.(也可以用sb spend <st> on doing sth的句型) 3.Most of ...

疏附县18733786518: 英语翻译,帮帮忙
蛮秀力太: 2.我爸爸懂点英语.My father knows little about English.3.关于这件事,他几乎不知道.He barely knows about.4.我没有你钱多.I have less money than you.

疏附县18733786518: 我的钱比你少,用英语翻译 -
蛮秀力太: i have lesser money than you.

疏附县18733786518: 我的钢笔比你的多,但是没你的好.用英语怎么翻译? -
蛮秀力太: My pen is more than yours, but not as good as yours

疏附县18733786518: 我有许多钱,但他一点都没有 英文翻译 i have - - - -- - but he - - - ----. -
蛮秀力太: I have much money but he has no money.

疏附县18733786518: 用英文翻译我没有很多钱我几乎没有这句话 -
蛮秀力太: I do not have a lot of money I almost did not 我没有很多钱我几乎没有 如果对您有帮助 请采纳 谢谢 I do not have a lot of money I almost did not 我没有很多钱我几乎没有

疏附县18733786518: 英语翻译我的钱已经不多,你可以在放假前把钱还给我吗?有人问我借了一百元,我想吹他还钱,但又不好意思直接说,打算发电邮给他,提目应该怎样写?... -
蛮秀力太:[答案] I have less money now ,could you please return my money before vacation? 要写信那?你就照这个语气,不要太生硬,也不要太软弱,适中,你可以跟他说你最近需要钱了,过年要买东西等等.

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