
作者&投稿:弋勇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This paper reviews the our country electric power system mechanical and electrical protection technology development process, this paper summarized the microcomputer electromechanical protection technology achievements, this paper puts forward the future development trend of mechanical and electrical protection technology is: computerized, networking, protection, control, measurement, data communication integration and artificial intelligence.

My hometown is a city called Rizhao in Shandong province.It's a beautiful city located at the east coast of China.I lived there for 20 years.I love it and am also curious about the world out of it at the same time.
I am full of imaginatioin about the sky since I was very young,I imagin that someday I could fly in the sky by driving a plane,far from the surface and close to the clouds,overlooking the moutains and lakes.
Today, I have a chance here that can make my dreams come true.To become a pilot of Shenzhen Airlines.I know it would be a long way for me till i became a experienced driver,but I determine to devote all myself to this objective.
Goodmorning, i'm glad to be here for this interview, now let me in troduce myself, my name is MaJi, 22 years old now, i graduated from...in july.2014.

There are there members in my family. My father ,my mother and I。i'm the only son, we all love our family。 my father have a stone factory,(不知道你这个Stone factory是不是采矿工厂的意思,但是正常应该说:mining factory) and my mother is a housewife, she has to stay at home and deal with the housework everyday(我知道你想表达你妈妈是家庭主妇,总呆在家里,但是stay inside的意思是‘在。。。里面’的意思,没有‘在家里’的意思。stay at home才是).i have a very happy family.
我享受这份工作,而不用再为我要做什么工作而苦恼(what should i working for)而苦恼; 我对即将到来的工作充满了热情。
I will enjoy this job,without worrying about what i should work for。I am full of pasion to embrace it。

Single Game (ConsoleGame), also known as computer games. Means using only one computer or other game platforms can run independently of the electronic game. 2D games to table tennis for example, the game design and development of learning. Billiard game written using JavaScript voice, drawing tools to draw with the background image. This article details the current status of game development, background, and how to use the JavaScript language to implement some of the game's basic features, including: collision detection, sphere rotation, an income test, batter design. Because it can not be connected to the Internet and interactive slightly worse for it, but play against the cancellation, you can really achieve the purpose of leisure.


Abstract: The single player (ConsoleGame), also known as computer games. Means using only one computer or other game platforms can run independently of the electronic game. 2D games to table tennis for example, the game design and development of learning. Billiard game written using JavaScript voice, drawing tools to draw with the background image. This article details the current status of game development, background, and how to use the JavaScript language to implement some of the game's basic functions, including: collision detection, sphere rotation, an income test, batter design. Because it can not be connected to the Internet and interactive slightly worse for it, but play against the cancellation, you can really achieve the purpose of leisure.

外语达人团为您解答~~翻译是This beer is 5.6 degrees··别说5。6你不会读···好吧~如果真的不会··5.6读作five point six 所以翻译是This beer is five point six degrees beer是啤酒嗯,你还可以换其他名词~希望采纳~~ありがとう~~

долгосрочной службы фарфор 俄语 long live china 英语 中国は万歳です 日语 중국의 폐하 韩语 Vive la Chine 法语 banzai صيني. 阿拉伯语 Banzai chinês 葡萄牙语 Vítor j...


如今,我已是四川外语学院HND国际3+1项目大二的一名学生,所学的专业是我喜欢的国际商务。I am currently a second year student at Sichuan Foreign Languages Institute studying International 3+1 Course, the reason of choosing this major is because I like international trade very much.两年的...

place in your heart Anything, everything I will put it beside you I hope you can understand.这是闽南语版的。自己翻的,国语版有点难,改天有空了慢慢翻。顺便说一句:你帖子好像贴错地方了?这个应该贴到外语那边去吧?正好我在百度苏打绿歌词,歪打正着搜到了你的问题,就翻了下。


vivre de pain,d’amour,et d’eau fra?che.
vivre de pain, d'amour, et d'eau fraîche 以面包,爱和新鲜的水来维持生活

所以根据这一背景,我们完全可以将玉女之心经解构为Jade Heart Manual,这也是老外易于接受的翻译版本之一。)6. 葵花宝典:Sunflower Bible(这无需解释,是国外通行的译法,我们中国文化中的宝典也就是相当于老外口中的“圣经”,这个对等是文化对等,这是没问题的。)2.金庸和古龙的英语介绍:楼主你...

英文 antifungal gel 日文 建筑用カビ防止ジェル 不知道防霉胶有没有专有名词,这两个翻译是可以的。我对日文的比较有信心。


江夏区13357192695: 求英语高手帮忙用英语翻译一段话,急,在线等 -
佴闻安博: 例句:li wasn't sure if you know i have a crush on you for many years.我不晓得你是否明白我的想法:我从很早以前就已经喜欢你好几年了 所以吧,个人觉得 文中“我喜欢你很久了”用 have a crush on you 这个词组更地道、恰当,更符合外国人...

江夏区13357192695: 急求英语达人帮我翻译一段文字,本人英文水平有限 -
佴闻安博: Time will dilite everything. I still want to say: Don't be so extreme, no impossibility but giving up. Don't say no to love for sudden impulsion, there are still many who will treat you well. Let all go by nature with a bright mind's eye.what's more, to be more ...

江夏区13357192695: 英语达人帮我翻译下这一段话吧 速求!!! -
佴闻安博: Thirty not confused, this is the beginning of the journey when the portrayal of heart. It seems both men and women are afraid years of baptism, the same hope in this wonderful world, meet the right people to do the right thing. Probably don't want to ...

江夏区13357192695: 求英语达人翻译一下以下这段话~ -
佴闻安博: First of all, question time, who can tell me what the map is? (Map of the world) then this one? (Map)and here? Map of Xiamen City, well, here is what we call hometown .(Xiamen City, beautiful scenery Figure) beautiful! Okay, now let us return to the ...

江夏区13357192695: 求英语高手翻译一句话!!!急急急!!!!!! -
佴闻安博: Even if we meet in the right time, I will try my best to know your past.Whatever kind of person you are,I would like to know.I already have missed what happened for you,I don't want to be absent at your future.

江夏区13357192695: 求英语达人一段话中文翻译成英文 谢谢 -
佴闻安博: I am very lucky and happy to know you, but as I am busy studying, tomorrow I will go back school.We are boarding school and every 6 days have a half day off as holiday.Hope to talk with you on holiday next week.

江夏区13357192695: 求英语达人把下面一段话翻译成中文:我每天早上都会读半个小时的英语课文,在课余时间里我会背些单词.放假在家的时候,我经常看英文电影听英文歌曲.... -
佴闻安博:[答案] 我每天早上都会读半个小时的英语课文,在课余时间里我会背些单词Every morning I will read English text for half an hour, in the spare time I'll back some words放假在家的时候,我经常看英文电影听英文歌曲Durin...

江夏区13357192695: 求英语达人英文翻译下面一段话,越准确越好,非常感谢! -
佴闻安博: 社会是由人组成的大集体,家庭则是由人组成的小团体,社会的安定和谐需要家庭的和睦友好来支撑. The society is a large group consisted by people, and a family is a small group consisted by people, so stability and harmonization of the ...

江夏区13357192695: 求英语达人 帮翻译一句话 -
佴闻安博: 心痛 heartbroken 一般是说心碎了 你的所作所为 我很心痛 it breaks my heart to think about every wound you have left on me 大意是 想到你留在我身上的每一处伤痕 我心都碎了

江夏区13357192695: 【悬赏求助】急!求英文达人翻译一下这段话【不知不觉中,2008北京奥运会过去4年了,4年一届的奥运会这次将会在2012年于英国伦敦举行.奥运会将于... -
佴闻安博:[答案] Time flies!while we are immersed in the Beijing Olympic Games which were held four years ago,the London Olympic Games is on the way,which will be held on 27th,July,2012 and ended on 12th,August,2012.There will be a variety of sports such as ...

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