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英语的故事梗概:The girl was given a red cup by her mother,and she liked the cap very much. So people called her Little Red-Cup. One day her mom asked her to send some food to her ill grandma. However, on the way to her grandma’s home, a wolf strike up a conversation with her and wanted to eat her, but the girl didn’t know this. Finally a hunter saved her grandma and her.

1. 化学秘密读后感
Chemical secret book review
In this winner holidays, I read the "Chemical Secret" in “shuchong”,Although not quite like to watch the English novel, but I watched this addiction!
For me this novel is a timid man "thriller". The novel is about Mr. Duncan's Paint career: from an impoverished unemployed people to find a wealthy and rich career, to return to live in a small apartment in a dirty unemployed people. Unconventional and downs throughout the story, it is a good thing can be instantly transformed into a negative factor, is "a blessing in disguise, bad thing.".
Duncan is both sympathetic and people who hate people. He is a competent biologist, found that the toxicity of the paint factory, but the boss is under coercion self-deception to think no one will hurt, but to the community to conceal the truth. Sadly, his pregnant daughter, to uncover the truth, unfortunately, in the survey fall into the river, was filling with venom of this river. At the end of his walk in the way to the hospital, mental uneasy thought: fetal malformation ... This makes the novel even more tragic and suspense.
I do not like this inside the paint David's boss, David is a person who only seek their own interests, he ignored the safety of others, just know that money is really selfish shameful act! Be clearly seen in his company and drink contaminated water to seal poisoning, but he said the paint quickly into the sea, we never drink, it was only 200 million dollars a purification equipment costs.
We all know the importance of environmental protection, but in the interests of the face, which one would you choose?
Teeth and claws book review

In this winner holidays, I read the "Teeth and claws" in “shuchong”, Teeth and claws"Book" teeth and claws "This book is the story of a few short and pithy:" Lay Denis. Washi Ta "," storytelling "and" Gabriel Ernest. ""Tuobo Maury," "wolf," consisting of. The length of each story is not long, but it is Sylvia wonderful. Author hecla Hugh Munro was a correspondent, also a writer.Good with a clear and concise language to tell a wonderful story of one vivid. He wrote wonderful short stories known. He was born 1870, died in 1916.
Each book is a kind of hero story aggressive animals. Bizarre fantasy story, but brilliant. May be surprising is that the authors and do not let these animals appear in the forest steppe, but these animals appear in the elegant room, the king's garden or a beautiful mansion. These animals will suddenly appear, people by surprise. These animals with their own animal, injury or swallowing. But they always tear up the human camouflage, exposing the depths of human nature to most.

The following book review in the Moon
The sun is burning a huge fireball. Without light and heat from the sun, we can not survive on the planet Earth. The ozone layer around the planet to protect us from the fire of the sun damage. However, if the ozone layer break, be like?
Read the story below in the moon, I have a more deep sentiment: to protect the earth, we must first protect the ozone layer is not destroyed, reducing CFC emissions.
All life on Earth would be no life left the sunlight and the sun light is visible light, ultraviolet, infrared, three parts. Sunlight into the atmosphere (including UV), 55% of light through the atmosphere to the earth and sea, of which 40% of visible light, which is the driving force for photosynthesis, green plants; 5% 100 ~ 400 nm wavelength ultraviolet light, and ultraviolet divided into long wave, medium wave, short wave ultraviolet light, UVA can sterilization. But the wavelength of 200 ~ 315 nm short-wave ultraviolet radiation on the human body and biological harmful. When it passes through the stratosphere, the most absorbed by the ozone layer.
However, in the fast advancement of human technology, a large discharge of sewage and toxic gases, heavy use of products containing CFCs, the ozone layer destruction. Imagine, if the "ozone layer" that destroyed the umbrella of the Earth, the Earth will happen?
How should we do to protect the ozone layer? We can drive less, use less products containing CFCs, no radiation of appliances to buy ......
To our planet, please protect the ozone layer. Hope that through our efforts, not to expand empty, and even to restore the original appearance of the earth more beautiful, more human health and longevity!
Mary Queen of Scots book review
Highlights of biographical literature, is that person's life can be condensed in the hundreds of book pages. Years in the past few decades, the proud, frustrated, wonderful, hardship, and all of life, the only change made a point of looking down to watch, it becomes a few simple screen theater. A person's fate, on the stage of history, how small, and time is the best explanation of who, decades or centuries after the spectator, through the biographies of the fire, you can see all the ups and downs of fate minor context to say that this is a wonderful thing. About Scotland, in addition to bagpipes, plaid skirt, the really is not much known, that the island is located in the north of England, leaving the impression is bleak and tragic, this impression and bagpipes, but also on the Ministry and that the "brave heart "of film-related. • do not say that Mary Stuart and Elizabeth scores between, the book has been written very clearly. • About Mary Stuart, book reading, there is a personal taste of the image. She seems to be a beautiful winged butterfly with Fenghua, in her youth before the age of 25 years, she was free, lush, elegant and lucky. She lightly flying around, happy, beautiful, popular everywhere, people adore. But her rash and impulsive, she such a temperament, if it is a normal woman, the only sacrifice of love or marriage, but she was crowned Queen of the head, being in the center of the vortex of politics, so not far from the tragedy in waiting her. • After 25 years of age Mary Stuart is still lush, elegant, but she has lost the most precious freedom, happiness is no longer blessing to her, she is still beautiful but the trembling of the wings has been unable to fly day and night thinking she broke free, But the shackles of the body become increasingly tight, until she brought no return. • in Mary Stuart's fate, the protagonist Elizabeth can not be ignored, two women, a struggle of several decades of war, and then two completely different fate. The work style of the novel is between statements and between historical facts, but has a longer length on women's psychological description, Zweig's language because they know and love, so read it is quite calm.
5. 逆戟鲸 读后感

Killer whale book review
I recently read a book, the name is "killer whale." Animals and people, with feelings and emotions, the feelings of people in almost all animals found; human animals can also be inspired. We should protect animals, not kill animals, or animals will also be retaliation, only people and animals live in harmony, the world was more beautiful and more exciting.
Animals need to learn many things, and what help each other ah, ah, and so pay attention to instrumentation, and even in some respects we do not like animals do. Animals and people should live in harmony. "Orcas" to tell a man to kill the mother whale, when the male whale in a sea fell to his death at the tip of the man had done. The article tells us that the brutal cruelty to animals, nature will inevitably be punished. Animal protection is everyone's responsibility, we must not only protect animals, but also to protect their living environment is not destroyed, so that people and animals to mutual benefit.
I read this book a great harvest, you read it, I believe you will understand the truth of many

作品简介是 Product(可省 )Introduction,
故事内容是Story synopsis(内容提要)里面可以分chapter contents(章节,目录(也可以连用~))details(细节)等
读后感是Impression啦,对XX的读后感就是my impression to XX is:...啦~

Introduction “作品介绍”
story outline "故事简介"
personal reflection "我的读后感"
XXXX's post-reading comments 某某书的读后感

work introduction;story outline ;post-reading comments

Work is introduced Story description My feeling after reading



曹文轩最经典的七个作品 曹文轩十大经典作品介绍

莫言作品简介 作品介绍
1、《透明的红萝卜》讲述的是一个顶脑袋的黑孩 ,从小受虐待, 因为沉默,经常对着事物发呆 ,并对大自然有着超强的触觉 、听觉等奇异功能的故事。2、《 红高粱家族》以抗日战争及二十世纪三四十年代高密东北乡的民间生活为背景,主要通过我的奶奶戴凤莲以及我的爷爷余占鳌两个人之间的故事,讲述发生在...


童年作品简介 童年作品介绍





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邲审长春: 书,人类智慧的源泉.我有一本好书:曹文轩的《山羊不吃天堂草》. 这是一本易读不易懂的、耐人寻味的小说.故事主要讲了明子、黑罐和三和尚受外界压力和生活所迫千里迢迢来到19世纪末的上海打工谋生.三和尚曾为一个假发 抢过商店...

长清区15619185511: “作品介绍”,“故事简介”,“我的读后感”分别用英语怎么说?对了,还有,“某某书的读后感”(或者某某书的读书报告)用英文怎么说呢? -
邲审长春:[答案] work introduction;story outline ;post-reading comments

长清区15619185511: 请用简洁的语言概述《丑小鸭》的故事,并写下你阅读这一童话后的一点感悟.作品简介:_______________________________感悟:_______________... -
邲审长春:[答案] 作品简介:《丑小鸭》讲述了一只又大又丑的小鸭子,一出生就伴随着别人的嘲弄和歧视,但是经历过种种挫折和打击之后,他终于变成了一只美丽的天鹅. 感悟:人只要有梦想,那么困难就不再是困难了.(意对即可)

长清区15619185511: 小说人物介绍(简介)给自己看的,怎么写?玄幻类的 -
邲审长春: 如果书名是一本书的脸,那么你的简介会造就读者对你的书的第一印象,而且很长一段时间内不会改变.简介的作用是什么呢?最重要的一个就是吸引读者点击你的正文. 我就我看书的经验浅谈一下简介的5种写法. 同时用同一个例子来分别说...

长清区15619185511: 王树增的《长征》都讲了什么?它的主要内容?王树增的《长征》主要内容,作者介绍,故事梗概之类的.我有急用,知道的麻烦火速回答,PS.答的好会提高... -
邲审长春:[答案] 王树增,男,中国著名的军旅作家.1952年2月生于北京,1970年入伍.现供职于武警部队政治部创作室.全军艺术委员会委员,中国作家协会全国委员会委员.1972年开始发表作品.1992年加入中国作家协会. 大校军衔,国家一级作家,政府特殊津贴享...

长清区15619185511: 玄幻小说的内容简介怎么写? -
邲审长春: 他精通各种古今中外武学却仅仅十八岁. 他厌恶麻烦整个世界却围绕他在旋转.好吧我不是作者..知识也一般..就想到这两句... 简介说白了就是要能引起别人看的兴趣... 你如果在简介直接说他会统治黑道..或者成为神界之王...那别人看个头... 简介就是要说的多姿多彩..但又要给别人留下遐想的空间...让别人心痒痒.. 具体尺度你就自己把握把.

长清区15619185511: 《庆余年》小说简介是怎样的?
邲审长春: 《庆余年》小说讲述了叫范闲的年轻人的成长路程,庆国几十年起伏的画卷慢慢地呈... 具体到原著的故事,《庆余年》其实是一部穿越、架空历史小说,但“穿越”又只是...

长清区15619185511: 介绍安徒生的一部作品:作品名:故事梗概:主要形象:故事的意义: -
邲审长春:[答案] 作品名:《卖火柴的小女孩》故事梗概: 平安夜,小女孩被爸爸逼迫出来卖火柴.街道上充满了节日的气氛,但没人买火柴.她走了很长时间,又冷又饿,她在墙角蹲下来.小女孩划了火柴想取暖,她在火柴的微光中,她看到了火炉 食...

长清区15619185511: 都市类的小说作品简介怎么写 -
邲审长春: 用一些带有伤感的话,但必须与你的小说相符.比如:夜晚的一场雨,侵蚀了我的泪滴,侵蚀了我的心…就像我们…(这几句话是我现想的.)

长清区15619185511: 三毛作品的介绍 -
邲审长春: 《胆小鬼》是三毛专门为《幼狮少年》的读者写的一篇散文.文长三千五百字,描述她小时候偷钱的故事.全文大概可以分为四部分.第一部分是介绍偷钱的背景.文章一开始,三毛卖了个关子,并没有直说偷钱,只是在叙述“这件事情,说...

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