父亲节的由来英文版 5句话

作者&投稿:史秆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

对给一点悬赏分吧,找了很长时间呢~In 1909, living in the United States, Washington Spokane (Spokane) of Ms. Du De (Mrs. Dodd, Sonora Louise Smart Dodd), when she was attending the main church on Mother's Day, held weeks later, Ms. Du De mind a the deep feelings, and she thought about: "Why in this world do not have a festival to commemorate his father do?"
Ms. Du De's mother died when she was 13-year-old year, left six children; Ms. Du De's, Mr. William Smart (Mr. William Smart), in the United States, a country in eastern Washington state farms, alone, the father and mother raising six children grown up level. Mr. Smart participated in the American Civil War, feats advertised, after the death of his wife, determined to no longer Xu Xian and devote herself brought up six children.
Ms. Du De eldest, is the only girl at home. Characteristics of women carefully, so that she could better understand the father's hard work; Mr. Smart to work hard during the day, go home at night but also take care of home with each child's lives. After decades of hard work has finally grown up sons and daughters, when their children look forward to a good old age make the occasion, Mr. Smart, Mr. Smart, but because of the long years of over-exertion and the sick died.
1909 That year, exactly, Mr. Smarr's death, when Ms. Du De attending church, Mother's Day Thanksgiving weeks later, she missed particular father; Until then, Du Defu people understand that her father in the upbringing of children during the pay love and efforts, and no less than any one of the mother's hard work.
Ms. Du De her feelings to tell the Church Rasmus (Rev. Rasmus), she hoped to have a special day, to pay tribute to the great, Mr. Smart, and can the whole world to commemorate the great father.
Rasmus, after listening to the story, Mr. Smart, Mr. Smart deeply touched by the spirit and the love that he praised and supported Ms. Du De would like to promote the "Father's Day" efforts. So Ms. Du De spring in 1910 began promoting the establishment of Father's Day campaign, and soon received the support of various church organizations; She then wrote a letter to the mayor and the state government to express their ideas and proposed that the combined efforts of Ms. Du De, the Spokane mayor and governor of Washington state in favor of the public, so the U.S. will be in Washington June 19, 1910, held the world's first Father's Day gathering.
In 1924, the United States Calvin Coolidge (Calvin Coolidge) support for Father's Day become a holiday throughout the United States; in 1966, President Johnson (Lyndon Johnson) announced in June that year the first three Sundays, that is, Mr. Smart's birthday month Father's Day for the United States; 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon (Richard Nixon) signed the official documents, will be the third Sunday in June each year, set for Father's Day throughout the United States and become a permanent state-designated the anniversary of the United States.
In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson (Lyndon Johnson) signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third year in June as Father's Day Sunday. Father's Day has become not only his father, as well as words and deeds, such as the father of all men - including the stepfather, uncle, uncle, Peter, uncle, grandfather, grandfather and adult male friends - by the glory of the festival's official section of Father's Day flower is white roses or red roses. Haddad's wife suggested that people in his father's Day, to honor the father of the deceased to wear a white rose, for the glory of his father alive, wearing red roses.

Father's Day in our country is set on August 8th every year, also known as "Eighth Festival". This is because "eight eight" is similar to father, and the word "eight eight" is linked together like a "father", so father's day is specially set for August 8.
As early as 1945, when the Anti-Japanese War was raging, some Shanghai patriots, in order to celebrate and commemorate the fathers who died for their country in the war, initiated the "Father's Day" of August 8 for China every year.
After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, party elders and celebrities from all walks of life in Shanghai, such as Wu Zhihui, Li Shizeng, Pan Gongzhan, Du Yuesheng and others, felt that the establishment of Father's Day was of great significance and needed to be specially promoted.
They jointly petitioned the government to approve the establishment of the 8th of August as Father's Day every year and ordered the whole country to observe it. Later, the petition was approved and officially became Father's Day in China on August 8.


The world's first Father's Day, born in 1910 in the United  States, was advocated by Mrs. Brusdord, who lives in Spokane,  Washington, USA. Mrs. Dodd's mother died of dystocia when she gave birth  to her sixth child. After her wife died, Mrs. Dodd's father took on the  responsibility of raising and educating six children alone on a rural  farm in eastern Washington.

Mr.  Smart worked hard during the day and went home at night to take care of  the housework and the life of every child. After decades of hard work,  the children finally grew up. While the children hoped to make Mr. Smart  enjoy his old age, Mr. Smart died in 1909 because of years of overwork.  


世界上的第一个父亲节,1910年诞生在美国,是由住在美国华盛顿州斯波坎的布鲁斯多德夫人倡导的,多德夫人的母亲在生育第六个孩 子时,因难产而死,多德夫人的父亲在妻子过世后,独自一人在华盛顿州东部的一个乡下农场,承担起抚养、教育六个孩子的重任。












1.列句:Father's Day is a day for everyone to thank their fathers.


2.列句:Originated in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century, it has been widely spread all over the world.


3.列句:On the third Sunday of June, Father's Day is celebrated in many parts of the world.


4.列句:There are various ways of celebrating the festival. Many people give presents to their fathers on this day.


5.列句:In 1972, President Nixon signed a document that designated the third Sunday of June as Father's Day throughout the United States and became a permanent anniversary of the United States.



The first father's day in the world was born in 1910 in the United States. It was initiated by Mr.. Bruce Dodd, who lives in Spokane, Washington state. Mrs. Dodd's mother has a sixth child When she was a child, she died of childbirth. 

Mr. William Smart, the father of Mrs. Dodd, had participated in the civil war. After his wife died, he was alone on a rural farm in the east of Washington state. He shouldered the responsibility of raising and educating six children. Mrs. Dodd was the second in the family, and the only girl in the family. 

The careful nature of women made her more aware of her father's Xin Lao, Mr. smart worked hard during the day, and at night he went home to take care of the housework and every child's life. After decades of hard work, his children finally grew up. When they hoped to make Mr. smart enjoy his old age, Mr. smart died in 1909 due to years of overwork.

When Mr. smart died in 1909, when Mrs. Dodd attended the church's mother's Day Thanksgiving service, she missed her father very much. Mrs. Dodd understood that her father's love and hardship in the process of raising children was no less than that of any mother. 

The Dodd people told her feelings to the pastor reimas of the church, hoping to have a special day to commemorate The great father of the whole world, her idea was praised by the pastor and supported by various church organizations. 

Mrs. Dodd immediately wrote to the mayor and the state government to express her ideas, and suggested that her father's birthday, June 5, should be taken as father's day every year. The mayor of Spokane and the governor of Washington state publicly agreed. 

The state government adopted this proposal At the same time, the festival was changed to the third Sunday in June.

  Mrs. John B Dodd, of Washington, first proposed the idea of a “father’s day” in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father William, whose wife died while giving birth to their sixth child.The first Father’s Day was observed on June 19,1910 in Washington. And it was in 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson officially declared the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day. Father’s Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Father’s Day.

his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned

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毋李贝西: Father's day is the third Sunday in June.There are two theories about the origin of father's day.909, Washington, a lady named Bruce dodd, in celebration of mother's day when suddenly had an idea: since there is a mother's day, why can't have a ...

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毋李贝西: 世界上的第一个父亲节,1910 年诞生在美国. 据说第一个提出这种建议的是华盛顿的约翰·布鲁斯·多德夫人.多德夫人的母亲早亡,其父独自一人承担起抚养教育孩子的重任,把他们全部培养成人.1909年,多德夫人感念父亲养育之恩,准...

克什克腾旗13115966678: 父亲节的来历
毋李贝西: 父亲节是由约翰·布鲁斯·多德夫人倡仪成立的.多德夫人的母亲早亡,其父独自一人承担起抚养教育孩子的重任,把他们全部培养成人.1909年,多德夫人感念父亲养育之恩,准备为他举行庆祝活动,同时,想到所有的父亲对家庭和社会的贡献,于是给当地一家教士协会写信,建议把6 月的第三个星期日定为父亲节.该协会将建议提交会员讨论,获得了通过.

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毋李贝西: 父亲节的由来 Father's Day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday in order to help greeting card manufacturers sell more cards. In fact when a “father's day” was first proposed there were no Father's Day cards...

克什克腾旗13115966678: 父亲节的由来
毋李贝西:世界上的第一个父亲节,1910年诞生在美国. 1909年,华盛顿一位叫布鲁斯-多德的夫人,在庆贺母亲节的时候突然产生了一个念头:既然有母亲节,为什么不能有父亲节呢? 多德夫人和她的5个弟弟早年丧母,他们由慈爱的父亲一手养大的.姐弟6人时常回想起父亲含辛茹苦养家的情景.于是,她提笔给州政府写了一封措辞恳切的信,呼吁建立父亲节.州政府采纳了她的建议,将父亲节定为6月第3个星期日.翌年,多德夫人所在的斯波堪市正式庆祝这一节日. 1972年,尼克松总统正式签署了建立父亲节的议会决议.这个节日终于以法律的形式确定了下来,并一直沿用至今.

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克什克腾旗13115966678: 父亲节的由来是怎么回事? -
毋李贝西: 父亲节是由美国人约翰·布鲁斯·多德夫人倡议建立的.多德夫人早年丧母,她有5个弟弟,姐弟6人的生活负担全落到了父亲身上.父亲每天起早贪黑,无微不至地关心着孩子们的成长,既当父亲又当母亲,自己则过着节衣缩食的节俭日子....

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