
作者&投稿:曲安 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The British climate is pleasant. Summers are usually not too hot with the highest temperature less
than 30? and rarely rising over 32?. Winters are usually warm because of the warm air that comes from
the Atlantic Ocean. The cold weather is common (普通的), but thetemperature rarely falls under -10?
The difference between summer and winter temperatures in most parts of Britain (including both day and
night temperatures) is only about 12?. In some parts of Russia, such as Siberia, this difference can be as
much as 40?
Different parts of the British Isles receive different rainfall. More rain falls in the west and north, such
as in Scotland, the Lake District and Wales, because there are many hills and mountains. In some parts
of Scotland it can rain or snow as many as 300 days in a year. But in East Anglia, rainfall is much less,
and dry summers can receive very little rainfall. The air from the Atlantic Ocean brings wind and rain, but
usually warm air. For this reason, the climate of the British Isles can change from one day to the next.
1. The word "rarely" means _______.
A. 通常
B. 很少
C. 平均
D. 多数
2. The difference between summer and winter temperatures in Russia is _______.
A. 10
B. 12
C. 32
D. 40
3. It rains or snows in most of the year in parts of _______.
A. Scotland
B. Wales
C. Russia
D. Siberia
4. The air from the Atlantic Ocean ________.
A. makes the summer cool in Britain
B. makes the winter warm in Britain
C. makes the summer cool in Siberia
D. makes the winter warm in Siberia
5. We can infer from the passage _______.
A. it is not too hot in summer nor too cold in winter in Britain
B. the lowest temperature in Britain is 10
C. Britain has less rainfall in a year
D. the weather in Britain is the same as that in East Anglia


英语学霸求助阿!I saw you at the supermarket和
I saw you in the supermarket哪个是对的?
in the supermarket
例句:I always get lost in the supermarket.我总在超市里走丢

1、It is the longest bridge in the country which will be set up in my city next year.

2、He smiled when he knew that he had passed the exam.

3、It was wrote by Herry Jobson?

4、It was a hard work to clean the dropped leaves.

5、Little children usually fall when they begin to go.




——Will you come to the net bars(网吧)with me?

——Sorry. My mother always tells me there.

A. not go

B. go

C. not to go

D. to go

【解析】根据句意可知此题考查动词不定式的否定形式,即tell sb. not to do sth.,故此题应选C。


许多题目中都有这样一些词,它们对于快速而准确地判定答案起着至关重要的作用。我们称这些词为关键词key words。找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口,例:

He hardly hurt himself in the accident, ?

A. didn't he

B. did he

C. does he




——Who's the man at the door?


A. He is a doctor

B. He is a friend of mine

C. He is a famous singer

D. He is twenty




——He isn't a teacher,is he?

——.He works in a hospital.

A. Yes,he is

B. No,he isn't

C. Yes,He isn't

D. No,he is




The girl asked the teacher .

A. what does the museum looks like

B. what did the museum look like

C. what the museum looks like

D. what the museum looked like



The Power of Language(这个是原标题,老师为了你们百度就改了标题吧,我是用谷歌找的)原文有点长希望能帮到你。

The words a leader chooses are just as critical as their actions, writes Thomas Moore.

As a writer and psychotherapist, I have been using words carefully
most of my life. While counselling a husband and wife, I notice that a
single word can stir their emotions and take their conversation to a
dark place they both know is negative.

If, for example, I use a word like ‘neurotic’ or even ‘troubled’ in
talking to a client about his situation, he may feel judged and become
defensive. On the other hand, a few honest words of appreciation can put
a marriage back on track.

Words don’t just convey meaning: they are a force.

We live at a time when people are generally pragmatic. We want to be
effective and we don’t care much about the words we use. We see signs of
this carelessness in advertising, where grammar and spelling are
secondary to perkiness and brevity. People drink lite sodas and are
purchasing new tech (technology) for their business offices, and apps
(applications) for their telephones.

Of course language evolves, but you can usually sense the difference
between evolution and neglect. Smoothing out a word like ‘light’ into
‘lite’, we lose its history and associations. The word ultimately goes
back to leukos in Greek and is related to leukaemia, a problem of white
blood cells. We don’t sound the ‘gh’, but its presence there keeps the
memory of the Greek associations.

In my own writing I try to find a midpoint between pedanticism and
love of language. I know what I’m talking about, because I was once
fired from a teaching position at a university in part because I didn’t
write in acceptable academic style. Apparently, my words didn’t have
sufficient or appropriate gravitas.

A Rumi story tells of a dervish walking past a deep well. He hears a voice:

“Help. I’m a writer and I’m stuck down here.”

The dervish says, “I’ll go find out where a ladder’s at.”

“Your grammar’s atrocious,” the writer shouts up.

“Well, then, you’ll have to wait there until my grammar improves,” the dervish says, and walks on.

I feel like the writer in the well waiting for grammar to improve.
And not just grammar. I understand the Sufi complaint about being too
fussy about rules of speech. I’m waiting, too, for a love of language to
return, an appreciation for the words we use and for style and grace in
expression. Like the writer in the well, I could be in for a long wait.

World leaders often use diplomatic language that hides the real
meaning of the words, creating euphemisms that are outright dangerous.
Describing slaughtered and maimed civilians as “collateral damage” is
the classic example for our times, and it’s cynical in the extreme.
“Enhanced interrogation techniques” for ‘torture’ seems part of the

The bland and bloated language of politics blocks the opportunity for
leaders to truly inspire and educate. Imagine hearing instead a
thoughtful, measured analysis of the world situation from a leader,
accompanied by intelligent, subtle solutions to problems. Instead, we
get the tired and unimaginative language of war and militancy. Wars
begin with words, so we should be careful how we speak, especially to
nations where there is tension. Our words can heal the situation before
the military takes up its weapons.

We could all have a rule that we won’t use words that come to us
unconsciously and out of habit or that are in the common parlance of
public discourse. Fresh words could help us arrive at fresh ideas, for
there is an intimate connection between thought and word. Careful use of
words requires careful thinking.

Sometimes I wonder if the language of progressive movements gets in
the way of the message. I, for one, always stumble at the word
‘sustainability’. When I think about it, I know what it means, but it
doesn’t feel like a friendly word. I’d rather talk about not being
wasteful, or about using resources carefully and wisely.
‘Environmentalism’ isn’t such a friendly word either. Maybe we need a
new, simple word or phrase – ‘care for the world’.

World peace begins with peace in the family. As a therapist, I’ve
heard many adults recite hurtful words they heard decades ago from a
parent or sibling. Care in speaking to children requires a degree of
self-possession, the ability to see past the blind emotion of the moment
to the needs of the child. Good words come from that greater vision.

For example, words of extreme praise can do wonders for the injured
ego of a child or spouse. Sometimes it’s helpful to give words to what
is usually left unspoken. “I appreciate what you did for me. I’m happy
that you’re with me.” Simple, direct and felt words of praise,
appreciation and gratitude often go unsaid, when they could be a handy
means of healing. Words hurt and words heal.

Every day offers opportunities to say words of encouragement and
recognition. No matter how strong or successful we are, we all need such
words. But often they may seem unnecessary. My rule is: if the thought
occurs to me to say something supportive, I say it. You can never speak
too often in praise and appreciation. You can also receive that praise,
when it comes, gracefully – with words. “Thank you for saying that. I
need to hear that.”

A friend of our family, an intelligent, progressive Catholic priest,
always praises our children to the skies. He is extravagant in his
language, and everyone knows he overdoes it with his praise. But we all
love to see him, and we treasure his friendship. We don’t need realism
and moderation from such a friend.

Everywhere today marriage partners and children are in distress. I
have no doubt that one simple solution would be to offer them words of
support. When used with care, language can be therapeutic. Even, and
maybe especially, when a person is being difficult and belligerent,
words of understanding and affirmation, realistic and felt, can often

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高考英语如何得高分 衡水中学学霸分享140分小技巧
学霸分享高考语文140分小技巧 高中的时候,英语一直是我心中的痛,每次成绩发下来,考得最好的一科时有更换,但是英语是我最烂的一科却是定局。那时候我属于听力听不懂,阅读读不完,高考英语完型感觉选项都一样,作文肚里没有货。询问班里的英语学霸学习方法,也只换来了一句——凭语感。所以高一...


这量也太大了吧~累死啦,楼楼,保证准确率,一定要采纳哦,全部完成成拉~五。错错错对对错错对错错 六。A,shoe,buses,do not,I,two,his,let's,long,watches,swimming,B,two bottles of juice,come here,under the tree, twin brothers,work hard,在那边,多少,多谢,照顾,穿上,七。1d2d3...

为你解答。(因为前三小题没有照出图片,所以括号内给的是样例答案。)101、I usually go to school at (seven fifteen \/ half past seven).102、She goes to school (by bike \/ on foot)103、It's (sunny \/ rainy).104、How was your holiday?105、What does she look like?

such as playing basketball , football and table- tennis. I love my school because it's like a big family. The teachers are kind and the students are friendly. I feel proud of my school. I love it.。嗯 还有一件事 几天前帮我指导的ABC夫下口语的教师说过 事实上想征服英语...

怎么这么懒啊! 读几年级了?这么简单的英语都不会! 以后怎么泡洋妞!!!同义句:6, get up early=don't wake too late.7,what other place do you have to go to?= Anywhere else do you have to go?8,peter must go to bed by ten.= perter has to go to bed by ten.9,i washed ...


大通区17129468545: 求英语学霸答题1 他很有钱,可以买一架飞机He is - - - -- - -- - buy a planHe is - - - -- - -- - he can buy a plan2她太小还不能上学She is - - - -- - -- - go to schoolShe is - - - ... -
孛爸盐酸:[答案] rich enough to so rich thattoo young to so young thatWhat HowWhatWhat a How How包对,望采纳

大通区17129468545: 求英语学霸给我解答难题句型转换2 there are two computers on the desk?(就划线部分提问)two是划线部分—— ——computers are there on the desk?3 I ... -
孛爸盐酸:[答案] 1.What do they often 2.how many computers.... 3.how often do you use.... 4.Does Lucy often do her . 5.Do you have a computer at home or at school.

大通区17129468545: 一道难题,求英语学霸解答, -
孛爸盐酸: 1 don't like 2 likes 3 comes 4 do,know 5 does,go 6 plays

大通区17129468545: 求英语学霸把答案解出!谢谢. -
孛爸盐酸: 1. A. chicken2. A. tea 3. C. leaves 4. C. sheep 5. D. boy students, doing 6. A. rules 7. D. Germans, All right 8. B. chance 9. A. glasses of orange

大通区17129468545: 英语翻译英语学霸救救我!翻译:1.在马路上并排骑车是危险的.2.John及时赶到了火车站.3.我将在图书馆等你.4.你应该多注意你的发言.5.她做饭时,他在看电... -
孛爸盐酸:[答案] 1 It 's dangerous to ride a bike on the road.2 John got to the train station in time .3 I am going to wait for you in the library.4 You should pay attention to your pronouncation .5 While she is cooki...

大通区17129468545: 英语题,请学霸解答 -
孛爸盐酸: 参考答案如下:1. be supposed to2. should have gone to3. makes plans to ... plans to4. invites me to have dinner5. it difficult to learn6. make me sad ... soft ... makes her7. would rather join8. To start with ... end with ... ended with9. by the time10. left the book at home(单项选择)1. A2. D 助你愉快学习!

大通区17129468545: 学霸大神早上好,初二上英语题求助,很急的.You can't stop people - ----- - what they think. -
孛爸盐酸: B. stop sb from doing sth : 阻止某人做某事

大通区17129468545: 求英语学霸救急~ 拜托了~速回~ -
孛爸盐酸: We must wear the uniform from Monday to Friday.We must wear sports shoes in P.E class.Don't be late for school,this is very important.Don't fight.Listen to the teac...

大通区17129468545: 英语题,请学霸解答. -
孛爸盐酸: 1. 图 with, going, stops/keeps/prevents, jumped, unable, thought, other, across, How, really2. 图 with, look, everyone, need, in, matter, thirty, worry, on, one 采纳后再帮你

大通区17129468545: 英语问题 学霸求解 -
孛爸盐酸: We must save trees and not buy things made of ivory.************************************************************************* 祝天天开心,学习进步!本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!*************************************************************************

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