
作者&投稿:捷乐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Primary cognizance and overseas customer telephone and mail exchange, the overseas customer aids reception work.
07 year in February - in October works by the company external assignment to the Saudi Arabian Dubai,
causes oneself English to hear the read-write ability had the very big enhancement

Manner honest genial, bears hardships and stands hard work, has the strong collective and discipline consciousness, is willing to start from the most basic unit.Has the confidence to own English ability.Skilled uses office softwares and so on the Word, Excel, has the interest to the computer.

1. 你女儿个子高,身体好,又漂亮,将来可以当舞蹈家。
Your daughter is tall, fit and pretty. She can be a dancer in the future.

2. 为了掩盖他的罪行,他编了一个故事。
In order to cover his crime, he made up a story.

3. 别放弃!继续试下去。
Don't give up! Keep trying.

4. 他说的太快,要跟上他实在困难。
He speaks too fast for others to catch him.

5. 你还没有完全复原,不要过度劳累。
Don't make yourself too tired because you haven't recovered yet.

6. 咱们等他考完试之后再把这坏消息告诉他吧!
Don't tell him the bad news until he finished the exam.

7. 他说了个笑话使大伙都笑了起来。
We all laughed by his joke.

8. 我不明白他为什么不嫌麻烦要亲自把信送去。
I don't understand why he sent the letter himself with patience.

Which kind of sandwich do you need?
Which kind of bread do you need? We have Italian white bread, cheese, bread and honey oaten bread wheat bread and garlic bread.
You don't need any vegetables sandwich?
What kind of dressing do you want?
Do you need some cookies or cake or chips?
Do you need something to drink?
do you need a sandwich into a package? Only need to pay 8 yuan.


Will need that paragraph sandwich?
You need to kind of bread? We have Italian white bread, fragrant cheese bread, whole wheat bread, honey oat bread and garlic bread.
What are your sandwiches do not need vegetables?
Which sauce do you want?
You need to point cookies or cake, or potato chips do?
Do you need to drink?
You will need to do the sandwich into a package? Just again to pay 8 yuan.

Need that sandwich excuse me ? Do you require that which grows bread? We have Italy white bread , incense cheese bread , whole-wheat bread , honey oat bread and garlic Chengdu bread. Does your sandwich have the vegetable what does not need? Which kind of sauce woollen cloth do you want? You need to have Quqi cake or does cake or the yam slice? Do you need to have drink? Does that you need with sandwich become a set meal? Need to pay 8 yuan of money again.

That fund sandwich that could you tell me to cost? Which kind of bread do you need? We have Italian white bread, the bread of fragrant cheese, whole-wheat bread, oat bread of honey and mashed garlic bread. Does your sandwich have any vegetables not needed? Which kind of sauce do you want? Do you need to like some cookie, cake or chips? Do you need to like some beverages? Do you need to change the sandwich into the set menu? Only need to pay 8 yuan again.


麻烦英语达人帮忙翻译 谢谢!

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你好,你来自哪个国家? Hello, what country are you from?你很漂亮,我可以和你一起拍照吗。 You are very beautiful, can I take a photo with you.谢谢。可以留个手机号码吗? Thank you.You can leave a mobile phone number?我英文只会这么多,希望可以和学习。My English will...

it when travelling. Using it to record many beautiful memories for aftertaste when i am old.It's the end of my lecture, thank you for listening!翻译完了,你的演讲稿,让我想起了我的学生时代,一边翻译,当时的一些想法就忽隐忽现地冒出来,感觉很好。 谢谢你,希望你的梦想成真。

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我不能说百分百正确、但至少百分之80是正确的 Who are all inert, the longer sufficient, the more comfortable life, the more exposure to the inert nature of doubt. It was sober, not slaves to foreign objects, take the initiative for their own pressure, achievement. It was status ...

请问哪位英语达人可以帮忙把以下歌词《萤火虫》翻译成英文?我们英语剧 ...
燃烧小小的身影在夜晚 burning its small body in the night 为夜路的旅人照亮方向 for the passers shining 短暂的生命努力的发光 burning burning burning 让黑暗的世界充满希望 fill the dark with hoping 萤火虫萤火虫慢慢飞 firefly firefly slowly 我的心我的心还在追 my heart is following 城市的...

HI How are you in this two days?I am so sorry but I have to go back to Shanghai ealier because of urgent things.It is a pity,I am looking forward to meet you in Shanghai.Hope you have a wonderful memory in LiJiang,and have a good stay!Yours Faithfully ...

Medium the small business enterprise is an important strength in the national economy development, being promoting the economic growth reach agreement the labor force employment definitely have already emphasized to want a function, but our country in small business enterprise's exposing a ...

武陵区15713898385: 麻烦哪位英语达人帮我汉译英几个句子.请问需要那款三明治?您需要哪种面包?我们有意大利白面包,香奶酪面包,全麦面包,蜂蜜燕麦面包和蒜蓉面包.您... -
羊显贝科:[答案] Which kind of sandwich do you need?Which kind of bread do you need?We have Italian white bread,cheese,bread and honey oaten bread wheat bread and garlic bread.You don't need any vegetables sandwich?Wh...

武陵区15713898385: 英语翻译麻烦哪位好心人士把以下汉语句子给我翻译成英语.1.当我遇到困难时,他总能送我帮助.2.你可以把书放到书包里.3.我们这里的农民种很多的蔬菜.4.... -
羊显贝科:[答案] 1 When I'm in trouble, he always give me a hand.2 You can put the book into the bag.3 The farmers here plant many vegetables.4 The olds often tell the children stories about heros.5 As long as you don...

武陵区15713898385: 求英语达人解答!急!汉译英 很简单 几个句子
羊显贝科: 1the tall building stands in numbers like tree in a forest road wide our 2Newly-built a lot of squares water was so clear that we could see the bottom of the lake .fish the plays in the water.4 bank and neighbourhood

武陵区15713898385: 麻烦帮忙翻译几个英语句子~(汉译英) -
羊显贝科: 展开全部1 Even without higher education, you can be the same person as the movie star Jackie Chan, or the successful businessmen like Bill Gates2 Although in some degree, the University contributes to the success, but not the decisive factors of ...

武陵区15713898385: 请英语达人翻译几个句子,(中译英)谢谢了,要人工的哦! -
羊显贝科: The first song i heard of him is called <The 7th Park>, i like this song a lot, because there are many good sentences in it. Hope everyone go and hear it once you have time, i believe you will like him. I hope he will make more better songs in the future!

武陵区15713898385: 求助英语翻译麻烦大家帮我翻译成英文句子,初中水平 1.他们感到高兴 2.我们知见他正在河里游泳 3.他问了我一个问题 4.那个男孩死了 5.学生们每天打扫教... -
羊显贝科:[答案] 1.They feel happy. 2.We see he is swimming in the river. 3.He asked me a question. 4.That boy is dead. 5.The students clean the classroom everyday.

武陵区15713898385: 麻烦哪位英语好的帮我翻译以下中文句子
羊显贝科: Q Since then on, plus the rest of my trumpet Ifanyone has anything at all! Thank you for your cooperation!

武陵区15713898385: 麻烦帮我翻译几个句子.汉译英.紧急... -
羊显贝科: 1.读书可以增长我各方面的知识、同时也可以提高我的生活能力、培养我的责任心等等 Reading can increases my knowledge in various aspects, raise my life capability, grow my responsiblity and such.2.所以说,希望大家都能与书做好朋友,我相信这一定会对你有帮助的. Thus, (I) Wish books can be the best friend for everyone. I believe they will be helpful to you.

武陵区15713898385: 英语翻译麻烦英语高手帮我翻译以下句子.1.永远不放弃这段友谊.2.我会尽力挽留这段(我真的在乎的)友谊第二句希望用定语从句形式翻译,括号里的就是定... -
羊显贝科:[答案] 1.永远不放弃这段友谊 I will never forget this friendship between us. . 2.我会尽力挽留这段(我真的在乎的)友谊 I will try my best to keep this friendship that I really care about .

武陵区15713898385: 请英语达人 帮忙翻译几个句子 -
羊显贝科: 1.Freeze! Put your hands up!2.I'm only going to say this once3.Where did you put the drughe is the man 如果是字面的意思, 就是 他是个男的口语我猜是 他是头(掌管这里的人)

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