
作者&投稿:善育 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



heart[英][hɑ:t] [美][hɑrt]作名词,可以翻译为 心,心脏;感情;要点;胸部;作动词,可以翻译为鼓励;激励。

英语发展史可以追溯到公元前500年左右。在大不列颠岛(Great Britain)上史料记载的最早的语言是公元前500年左右的凯尔特语(Celtic)。公元前55年,罗马人入侵大不列颠,并一直占领了大约500多年,拉丁语进入了该地区,并成为官方语言,凯尔特语的地位下降。约公元449年,居住于丹麦与德国北部的3个日耳曼人部族趁罗马帝国衰落入侵到大不列颠岛上。他们分别是盎格鲁人(Angles,入侵日德兰半岛中部)、萨克逊人(Saxons,入侵日德兰半岛南部)和朱特人(Jutes,入侵日德兰半岛北部)。


heart [hɑːt]

n. 心脏;感情;勇气;心形;要点

vt. 鼓励;铭记

vi. 结心

n. (Heart)人名;(英)哈特


心脏 心形的 红心

heart[英][hɑ:t] [美][hɑrt]
作名词,可以翻译为 心,心脏;感情;要点;胸部



如果是在音标上加撇号,那自然是代表重读,可是如果撇号是加在单词本身上面,就不是重读的问题了,而是很可能表示缩写。比如哈利波特第三册上面骑士公交车上的类似于售票员之类的人,他就特别喜欢这种用法:"…my 'eart's goin' that fast…","'Ear about that 'Arry Potter?Blew up 'is aunt!...

it is important to protect the eart英语作文
It Is Important to Protect the Earth As time goes by,man is making the earth sick.People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere.Factories let out their waste without doing anying to it .This has cause some serious problems.Such as the land is sandy,the river is ...

以What should we do to prtect our eart? 的英语作文
The population of the earth is increasing very fast. Humans must make the earth support the increasing population.This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop rapidly. Such a rapid development produces more and more waste, which goes into the water, the soil and...

1、微信英语名字:英文的微信昵称有什么? Favorite(宠爱的)、Sink(淹没)、Cloud(云)、Dessert(甜点)、Pessimism(悲观)、LieToMe对我撒谎、Teacher(先生)、LineUp排队、SnowWhite白雪公主、WesternStyle洋气、Centigrade(摄氏度)、Joker(小丑)、Dinner(晚餐)、eartTired心累了、Excitement(兴奋)、ete(删除...

...月26日我在少年宫参加了主题为“Protect Our Eart
On December 26, 2015, I participated in the theme in the children's palace to "Protect Our Earth" in the English speech contest. I am in library and the Internet information, for the game to prepare speeches. But when it was my turn, I was very nervous. I try to make ...

以What should we do to prtect our eart? 的英语作文
It is everyone’s civil responsibility to protect our mother Earth. Everyone responsible to keep Earth a sustainable place for living. Many years ago, the principle of the 3 R’s was introduced to the society: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reuse means to use again after reclaiming ...

他用古英语写过诗?没有吧?用的只是英语而已吧?这才是古英语:Fæder úre, þú þe eart on heofonum,sí þín nama gehálgod.Tó-becume þín ríce;geweorðe þín willa on eorðan swá swá on heofonum.Úrne dæ...

ure 和 urum 都是 our, 用哪一个就要看被修饰的名词是什么属性.不如拿主祷文的古英语版来看 'Fæder ure þuþe eart on heofonum si þin nama gehalgod tobecume þin rice gewurþe þin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofonum urne...

'Owever ,it would seem Zat'e as'ad an alteration of ze'eart on ze matter.不过,看起来在这件事情上他的心已有所改变 But I digest,er,digress...但是,我了解了,恩,好像离题了。As members of CELL, ze word of ze Warden is absolute.作为监狱的囚犯,要绝对服从狱长的命令 Even...

“to be”动词及其演变说明
eart”   演变成了   “are.” 而 *wes-, “ 居住, 保有”   在古英语中 ——不定式  “wesan,”  具有词尾变换格式  “wæs, wǣre”—— 演变成了现代英语的格式“was, were.”它是现代英语中最不规则但又最为常用的动词...

夷陵区17388916657: heart翻译成中文是什么意思 -

夷陵区17388916657: 心的英文单词怎么写 -
计振五味: heart 英 [hɑ:t] 美 [hɑ:rt] n.心,2113心脏5261;感情;要点;胸部4102 vt.鼓励;激励 vi.结心 例句1653: The heart of the problem is supply and demand 问题的版核心是供权求关系.

夷陵区17388916657: heart这个单词是什么意思?
计振五味: 心的 意思 ,还有心脏的意思

夷陵区17388916657: 心英文是什么意思啊 -
计振五味: 回答亲的问题:心的英文是:heart 不懂的简单单词建议可以百度翻译哦

夷陵区17388916657: 心的英语翻译 -
计振五味:心的英语翻译 = heart, mind,如: 你在我心中....you are in my heart,你在我心上....you are on my mind.请采纳谢谢

夷陵区17388916657: 心用英语单词怎么说? -
计振五味: 心 xin 1.the heart 2.feeling; mood; emotion 3.intention 4.mind 5.the center; a core

夷陵区17388916657: 心的英语单词怎么写
计振五味: heart 别的没有常用的了

夷陵区17388916657: 王俊凯唱的heart翻译成中文是 -
计振五味: heart翻译成中文是心 歌词的话 Yeah... TFBOYS come to show you love Listen to my heart...(Let'sgo!)(Listen to my heart oh oh oh oh Listen to my heart oh oh oh oh) Listen to my heart! heart! Show me love Baby是的…TFBOYS来给你爱听我的心跳(走吧!)(听我的心哦哦哦哦听我的心哦哦哦哦)听我的心!的心!给我爱的宝贝

夷陵区17388916657: The heart 文字翻译是什么意思? -
计振五味: 你好.The heart,翻译成中文是:心.——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳.

夷陵区17388916657: tfboys - heart翻译英语的意思 -
计振五味: TFBOYS 意思是【加油少年】heart 意思是【爱】望采纳!

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