
作者&投稿:余致 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jack (and )Mark are cousins.

Our teacher is (a) university student.

(Does) your pen pal ( live) in Ningbo?

there aren't (any) balloons in the sky.

tom (visited) his friends in the park yesterday.

your 改为you

Me.Ren is the boys's teacher boys'
That bus is the men. men's
My teacher of car isn't old teacher's 应该是要去掉of吧
This is a China of map map of China
Her's skirt is yellow Her
This dress is Mary Mary's
The boy name is Wang Ke boy's
These apples are ours' ours
This is I friend's picture my
This is Tom teacher Tom's
呵呵 手打的呀~~ 第3个 第4个貌似不是只改一处就可以的吧 这些题都是考察名词所有格吧

1、Me.Ren is the boys' teacher.
2、That bus is the man's.
3.My teacher's car isn't old.
4.This is a map of China.
5.Her skirt is yellow.
6.This dress is Mary's.
7.The boy's name is Wang Ke.
8.These apples are ours.
9.This is my friend's picture.
10.This is teacher Tom.

【答案】:C C项“伤病刚刚恢复”逻辑错误,“恢复”的主语是“他”,不是“伤病”。应该说他“刚刚从伤病中恢复”。

选出下列各句中错误的一项,并改正。Are there some tall buildings?_百...

1把tere改成has或had,我不确定那一个是对的但总有一个是对的。嘿嘿 2句中 and连接两个形容词,应是warm and sunny。不能前面是形容词后面是名词。所以sun是错的 3应该把Do换成be动词are,现在进行时的构成是:主语+be动词+动词的ing形式。4把what改成how,How's it going.译为最近怎么样,...

1. This's a jeep.改正:This is a jeep.2. Is this your bags?改正:Is this your bag?3. Are those apple?改正:Are those apples?4. Are your teacher here?改正:Is your teacher here?5. That's a English bike.改正:That's an English bike....

【答案】:B 【分析】本题考查学生正确使用成语的能力。解答此题,我们平时要积累大量的成语,还要结合句意表述,从词性、词义轻重、感情色彩、习惯用法等多方面考虑。成语运用的常见错误有以下几种:望文生义、褒贬不当、搭配不当、用错对象、语境不符等。【解答】ACD.正确;B.有误,目空一切:...

英语改错题。下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正。 各位高手帮帮忙撒...
Please pass me the box,the one under the table (注:这句有两种改正方法).9.Little of them have been to America.误:(Little )正:(None)None of them have been to America.他们中谁也没有去过美国。10.There are too much mistakes in your diary.误:(much)正:( many )Th...

选出下列各句中字形错误的一项:()A .披蓑戴笠 震聋发聩 独当一面 杯...
A 振聋发聩

下列各句中均有一处错误,找出并改正。 能说出为什么吗?谢谢!
steel plant has thousands of workers. 把‘a’去掉,句子的意思就变成了‘好几千名员工’。thousands of workers. 6.Hundreds of people attended the meeting last night. Hundreds of people = 好几百人,如果一百人是'One hundred people'. 7.people lived a hard life in the forties....

下列各句中.加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是( )。
【答案】:B 错误的是B项,因为“汗牛充栋”是形容书籍众多,适用对象有误。A项,“洋洋自得”:形 容得意时神气十足的样子。C项,“少不更事”:年纪轻,没有经历过什么事情。指经验不多。D项,“讳莫如深”:原 指事情重大,讳而不言。后指把事情隐瞒得很深。

从下面各句中,选出标点符号使用错误的一项( )(3分) A.然后他呆在那儿...
B 试题分析:B项中的“秦始皇帝”前一连串的修饰语都是修饰秦始皇帝的,所以它们之间要用顿号。点评:常用的点号有顿号、逗号、分号、句号、问号、冒号、叹号;常用的标号有引号、省略号、破折号、书名号、括号等。对于标点符号的考查有选择题 加标点题 修改题.所以平时的学习中,我们要用心体会标点...

富民县18410375851: 找出各句中错误的一项,并改正过来1.Me.Ren is the boys's teacher.2.That bus is the men.3.My teacher of car isn't old.4.This is a China of map.5.Her's skirt is ... -
主京芙苓:[答案] Me.Ren is the boys's teacher boys'That bus is the men.men'sMy teacher of car isn't old teacher's 应该是要去掉of吧This is a China of map map of ChinaHer's skirt is yellow HerThis dress is Mary Mary'sTh...

富民县18410375851: 找出下列句子存在的毛病并改正过来1、一个孩子问妈妈:“妈妈,你在干什么?”妈妈回答他:“我在冰箱里找东西.”2、一个老太太对一个年轻人说:“... -
主京芙苓:[答案] 2.一个老太太对一个年轻人说:“我呀,看着你从小长大.” 3、“你家在哪儿?”“我的家在月亮湾小区.” 一个孩子问妈妈:“妈妈,你在干什么?”妈妈回答他说:“我在冰箱里找东西.”

富民县18410375851: 下列各句中均有一处错误,请找出来并改正1、I play my guitar last morning.2、My father reading anewspaper now.3、Tom studyed for the English test last ... -
主京芙苓:[答案] 1.played 2.在reading 前加 is 3.去掉for 4.time后加for 5.go改为goes 6.watch 7.enjoy改为like 因为enjoy doing型 8.去掉can 9.going

富民县18410375851: 找出句子中的一处错误并改正.1)How much pens are there in your pencil - box?____________ - 2)What are these?They are fishs._________________ - 3)There... -
主京芙苓:[答案] 1 much -> many 2 fishs -> fishes 3 a -> an 4 small -> smaller 5 go-> went 加油!不明白再问!

富民县18410375851: 英语题:找出下列各句中错误的一项并改正. -
主京芙苓: 你好,这道题的正确答案是: B错了,把is改为 be 因为will后面要跟动词原形,is的原形是be 翻译为:下周将有一个派对.*************************************************** ^__^祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问,如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************

富民县18410375851: 找出下列各句中的错误并改正1.Everyone played very hardly2.Here are some another snacks.3.Did you have fun watch the game4We yelled for Bob team.4.... -
主京芙苓:[答案] 1. hardly 改为 hard 2.another 改为 other 3.watch 改为 watching 4.Bob 改为 Bob's 5.bought 改为 buy 祝你好运(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

富民县18410375851: 找出并改正下列各句中的一处错误.1.Does your siste likes bananas?( )---- - ----- - ----- - ------------A B C D2.He likes bananas ,and he doesn't like pears.( )----- - ------... -
主京芙苓:[答案] 1.Does your sister likes bananas?C错 错误:likes应该改成like(Does后面还原型) 2.He likes bananas ,and he doesn't like pears.C错 错误:and改成but(此处表转折用但是.but) 3.Do you like to drink oranges?D错 错误:oranges改成orange(这里...

富民县18410375851: 一.找出下列各句中的错误,并改正.1.Here's your trousers.Put them on,please.( )_____________---- - ------- - --- - --A B C D2.Are everyon in the classroom now.... -
主京芙苓:[答案] 1.Here's your trousers.Put them on,please.(A)Here are ----- -------- ---- -- A B C D 2.Are everyon in the classroom now.(A)Is --- ---------------- A B 3.Grandma waters flowers just now. (B)watered ------- ------ ------- --------- A B C D 4.l don't think the rubber on the...

富民县18410375851: 找出句中的错误,并改正在横线上1`Did they sang an English song at the party?2`We had a volleyball match in the school's hall3`What holiday does comes after... -
主京芙苓:[答案] 1、sang→sing 2、in the school's hall→in the hall of the school 3、does comes→will come 4、Put on it→Put it on 5、is→was 6、visit→visited

富民县18410375851: 找出句中的错误,并改正:1therearebluecurtain.2howisyourroomlke?3rememberp -
主京芙苓:[答案] 1 curtain--curtains 2 How--- What 3 不全 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳, 如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

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