
作者&投稿:尹虹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请用钢笔写 用英语写~

write with

with a pen ,with pen, in ink.这三个都对
"用铅笔写"就只能说:with a pencil, with pencil了

Where is my pen?

Where is my pen?

where's my pen


我的钢笔在哪里 WHERE ARE MY PEN ; where is my pen 双语例句 这两支钢笔在哪里?Where are the two pens?我的钢笔在哪里?Where is my pen?钢笔在哪里呀? - - -钢笔在书的前面。Where is the pen? The pen is in front of the book.钢笔在哪里呀? - - -钢笔在书的前面。Where i...

我的钢笔在书包里。这是一句简单的中文句子,但是要用英语来表达它可能没那么容易。在英语中,我们可以这样说:my pen is in my backpack。其中,pen 是指钢笔,backpack 是指书包。另外,由于英语是一门主谓宾语语言,所以用了 is 表示“在”的意思。这句话的重点在于表达出物品的位置关...


Where is my pen?

钢笔在哪里的英文翻译应是Where is the pen.本句话用到的英文句法是特殊疑问句。特殊疑问句是英语中以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子(以特殊疑问词(组)开头的以寻求信息为目的的疑问句)。常用的疑问词有(特殊疑问词):what 、who 、whose 、which 、when 、where 、how 、why等。...

Maybe the pen stays in my pencilbox.He is meeting a visitor comes from the TV station.He often surfers on the net sfter school.

I wonder where your pen is.I want to know where your pen is.

铅笔:Where is the pencil? 2.where are the pens?钢笔:1.Where is the pen? 2.where are the pencils?

the Eiffel Tower.‘你看见我的钢笔在哪吗?’Did you see my pen anywhere? (比较口语化)或者 Have you seen my pen?‘我见过,但忘了在哪了?’Yeah, I have seen it, but I forgot where it is now.或者 I have seen it, but I forgot where I saw it.希望对你有帮助~天上~...

回答:My pen is on the desk.Is your pen on the desk.yes,it is.\/No ,it isn'twhere is your penIt is on the desk

岗巴县18626463832: 英语翻译1.(1)我的钢笔在哪儿?(2)它在桌子上面.2.(1)我的书在哪儿?(2)它们在双肩背包里. -
占邦伊诺:[答案] (1)Where is my pen? (2)It is on the tabel (3)Where are my books? (4)They are in the backpack.

岗巴县18626463832: “我的钢笔在哪里”怎么用英语翻译? -
占邦伊诺: where's my pen

岗巴县18626463832: 教我几句英语'我去过法国,我看见埃菲尔铁塔了.''你看见我的钢笔在哪吗?''我见过,但忘了在哪了?' -
占邦伊诺:[答案] 我去过法国,我看见埃菲尔铁塔了.' I went to France,and I saw the Eiffel Tower. 或者 I have been to France,and I have seen the Eiffel Tower. '你看见我的钢笔在哪吗?' Did you see my pen anywhere?(比较口语化) 或者 Have you seen my pen? ...

岗巴县18626463832: 你想知道你的钢笔在哪,用英语可以说成什么 -
占邦伊诺:[答案] I wonder where your pen is. I want to know where your pen is.

岗巴县18626463832: 英语中,here it is 和 here you are 的区别 -
占邦伊诺: Here you are可以表示“给你”的意思. Here it is表示它就在这儿,或者这就是问题所在. "Here it is."与"Here you are."都可以表示"你(们)要的东西在这儿."或"你(们)找的东西在这里.".在购物、寻物、索要东西等情况时,两者通常可...

岗巴县18626463832: how were the pen ?怎么回答 -
占邦伊诺: 这个问题的意思是 我的钢笔在哪里 你可以比如说是 The pen were on the desk 也可以写其他的

岗巴县18626463832: 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词. 如果你知道我的钢笔在哪里,请告诉我. if you have - --- - ---- - ---- -
占邦伊诺: if you have __the___ __place___ __of__ my pen is, please tell me.如果你有我的钢笔的地方,请告诉我.have the place of ...知道.....的地方

岗巴县18626463832: 我的一支铅笔和一支钢笔在哪里怎么翻成英语 -
占邦伊诺:[答案] Where are my pen and pencil?

岗巴县18626463832: discuvered和find什么区别 -
占邦伊诺: discuvered 应该是 discovered(是discover 的过去式).discover 和 find 都有“发现、找到”的意思,但它们的用法不同.1、discover 指通过有意识地寻找或查询,发现某种已经存在的现象或事物.2 、find 强调“找到”的结果.find 也可用于...

岗巴县18626463832: 那只钢笔在哪里用英语 -
占邦伊诺: 您好,很高兴回答您的问题.where is that pen?望采纳,谢谢

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