
作者&投稿:赤码 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语 一般疑问句 否定句~

1.He cleans his room every day
Does he clean his room every day?No,he doesn't。
2.She was sad last night
Was she sad last night?No,she wasn't

3、There be结构
谓语是句子中表示动作或状态的动词,分为实义动词(如work, write)和系动词(如:am, is , were...),如果从及物性来分,为为及物动词(如:do, write, see)和不及物动词(如:go, work)。宾语是句子中表示动作的承受者的一个名词或代词。如:I found him句子中,I是主语,
found是谓语,him是宾语。助动词用在谓语动词前面,用来构成时态或语态。有be, have 情态动词三类。如:
He is working now. 谓语是is working,其中的is为助动词,用来和后面的working一起构成现在进行时态。
句子的否定式:在谓语中的助动词后加上not构成。如:He is not working now.
句子的一般疑问句:把句子里的be动词或助动词提前到句子的最前面。如:Is he working now?
He has finished the task. Has he finished the task?
特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词加上一般疑问句构成。如:He is working now.针对句子里的is working来进行提问:What is he doing now

1、I‘m your teacher。

Are you my teacher?
Yes,I am.
No,I'm not.

I'm not your teacher.

2、She’s my firend。

Is she your friend?
Yes,she is.
No,she isn't.

She isn't my friend.

3、He‘s from Shanghai。
Is he from Shanghai?
Yes,he is,
No,he isn't.

He isn't from Shanghai.

4、My name is Li Daming。
Is your name Li Daming?
Yes,I am.
No,I amn't.

My name is not Li Daming.

5、Her English name is Lucy。

Is her English name Lucy?
Yes,she is.
No,she isn't.

Her English name is not Lucy。

6、His English name is Henry。

Is his English name Henry?
Yes,he is.
No,he isn't.

His English name is not Henry.



  1. Am I your teacher? Yes, I am. No, I am not. I'm not your teacher.

  2. Is she my friend? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. She isn't my firend.

  3. Is he from Shanghai? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. He isn't from Shanghai.

  4. Is my name Li Daming? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. My name is not Li Daming.

  5. Is her English name Lucy? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Her English name isn't Lucy.

  6. Is his English name Henry? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. His English name isn't Henry.

(1)1、Are you my teacher?肯:Yes,I am . 否:No,I'm not.
2、Is she your friend? 肯:Yes,she is. 否:No,she isn't.
3、Is he in Shanghai?肯:Yes,he is. 否:No,he isn't.
4、Are your name Li Daming?肯:Yes,I am. 否:No,I'm not.
5、Is her English name Lucy?肯:Yes,she is.否:No,she isn't.
6、Is his English name Henry?肯:Yes,He is.否:No,he isn't.
(2)1、I'm not your teacher.
2、She isn't my teacher.
3、He isn't from Shanghai.
4、My name is not Li Daming.
5、Her English name is not Lucy.
6、His English name is not Henry.

例三:Lucy likes playing with me.改为一般疑问句,根据 likes判断出句子是一般现在时,并且主语是第三人称单数,所以一般疑问句助动词 does 提前,第一人称 me要变成第二人称 you,此时动词 likes 需要还原为 like即 Does Lucy like playing with you ?(句意:露西喜欢和你玩吗?

1. 将句子的谓语动词“like”移至句首,并变为“do like”的形式。其中“do”为助动词,起辅助疑问作用。“like”为原形动词。2. 句子的主语“They”不变,移至助动词“do”后面。3. 句子的宾语“the dog”也不变。4. 句末需要添加疑问标点“?”来表示疑问语气。5. 助动词“do”需要与句子...

陈述句改成一般疑问句时,要把助动词(do,will,have,be等)、情态动词(can,should,may,need,must等)、be动词(系动词,也可以作助动词)、have动词(表示“有”,也可以作助动词)放在主语的前面。一般疑问句句子结构如下:助动词、情态动词、be动词、have(有) + 主语 + 谓语 +其他。例如:1. ...

英语句子改为一般疑问句的方法 1、含有be动词的句子,把be动词提前。(be动词是:is\\am\\are)例:This is a teacher’s desk.改为:Is this a teacher’s desk?2、含有助动词have、has或者had的句子,把have、has或者had提前。如:I have got some oranges.改为:Have you got any oranges?3、...

将一般陈述句转换成一般疑问句的一般规则是:将主语和助动词调换位置,如果原句中没有助动词,则需要加上适当的助动词。对于一般现在时,助动词是 do\/does,对于一般过去时,助动词是 did。同时,需要在句末加上问号。They need to make the kite fly more easily,其中主语是 They,动词是 need,...

【陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项】陈述句变成一般疑问句除了遵循以上规则外,还应注意:1、如果陈述句中有第一人称,变问句时最好要变为第二人称。例:Iam Lily.(我是莉莉。)→Are you Lily?(你是莉莉吗?)My name is Tom.(我的名字是汤姆。)→Is your name Tom?(你的名字是汤姆吗...

1、当陈述句中有is,am,are的时候,需要把他们提前,其中am要变成are。例如:she is a student. 这样主语后面是be动词的陈述句,改为一般疑问句就只用把be动词提前,改为Is she a student?I am Linda. 把am提前,改为Are you linda?2、当陈述句中谓语是动词原形的时候,借助动词do并提前。

1. 原句为肯定的陈述句,主语为Alice, 谓语为has have,宾语为a yellow car。 2. 改为一般疑问句,需要将陈述句的语序进行颠倒,助动词Does提到主语Alice前,构成Does Alice have的疑问结构。 3. 将has have的原形have放在Does和Alice之间,主语Alice和宾语a yellow car保持不变。 4. 变为疑问句后,句子的语气变...

用does,其余人称用do。其句型为:Do\/Does + 主语 + +其它?陈述句:Amy speaks English.一般疑问句:Does Amy speak English?好了,知道了如何问话之后,解一下如何回答一般疑问句。首先要有人称的改变。当主语为名词时,在答语中要改成其相应的代词。另外,答语有两种,肯定的回答(用yes)和否定的回答(...

一、要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤:1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、 are、 was、 were)、助动词(do、does、did、 have、 had)或情态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。例:It was rainy yesterday.→Was it rainy yesterday?Tom's ...

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郴霭康力: 一、含有be动词的一般疑问句,通常把be动词调到句首.例如: 陈述句:They are in the swimming pool. 一般疑问句:Are they in the swimming pool? 注意:一般疑问句句末要用“?”. 二、含有情态动词的一般疑问句(can, may...),把情...

汕尾市13644384542: 英语句子改一般疑问句,否定句.英语句子:1、I'm your teacher.2、She's my firend.3、He's from Shanghai.4、My name is Li Daming.5、Her English ... -
郴霭康力:[答案] 1、I'm your teacher.Are you my teacher?Yes,I am.No,I'm not.I'm not your teacher.2、She's my firend.Is she your friend?Yes,she is.No,she isn't.She isn't my friend.3、He's from Shanghai.Is he from Sh...

汕尾市13644384542: 将英语句子改为一般疑问句和否定句. -
郴霭康力: 1. I don't want to go to the Great Wall. Do you want to go to the Great Wall? 2.They don't like green tea. Do they like green tea? 3.Jane didn't study in a high school. Did Jane study in a high school? 4.He didn't drive a bus. Did he drive a bus?

汕尾市13644384542: 英语句子改成疑问句和否定句. -
郴霭康力: 你好,可分别改为:第一句:I haven`t got a red bag yet,一般疑问句:Have you got a red bag yet? 第二句:I don`t have dinner at 7:00.一般疑问句:Do you have dinner at 7:00? 第三句:They aren`t eating or drinking.一般疑问句:Are they ...

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郴霭康力: 你这问题要回答,还要从英语的基本句子结构说起:英语的五大句型: 1、主谓宾(如果谓语是不及物动词,就是主谓). 2、主系表 3、There be结构 4、主谓宾+宾补 5、主谓+双宾 谓语是句子中表示动作或状态的动词,分为实义动词(如...

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郴霭康力: 1.David works in New York.特殊疑问句.where does David work? 一般疑问句 Does David works in New York.? 否定句 David doesN'T works in New York. 2.Polly likes playing the guitar in a band.特殊疑问句.What does Polly like playing in a ...

汕尾市13644384542: 英语改一般疑问句 、 否定句 的练习 非知勿进!1、I am a student .(①改为一般疑问句 ②改为否定句)2、I can swim.(①改为一般疑问句 ②改为否定句)3、I ... -
郴霭康力:[答案] ①改为一般疑问句 1 Are you a student 2 Can you swim 3 Do you play storts every day.②改为否定句)1 I am not a student 2、I can't swim.3 I don't play storts every day.加油!不明白再问!...

汕尾市13644384542: 求英语句子,能把句子改为一般疑问句,否定句,肯定和否定回答的句子,5句加答案 -
郴霭康力: 1.否定句:I donthave a new bike. 一般疑问句:Do you have a new bike? 肯定:Yes,I do. 否定:No,I dont. 2.否定句:Shedoesnt havea small mouth. 一般疑问句:Does she have a small mouth? 肯定:Yes,she does. 否定:No,she doesnt. 3.否定...

汕尾市13644384542: 英语改一般疑问句和否定句和肯定句 -
郴霭康力: 1 do he and I come from Canada?he and I do not come from Canada.he and I come from Canada.2 do we speak Chinese?we do not speak Chinese.we speak Chinese.3. Does Jane like China?Jane does not like China.Jane likes China....

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