robin hood是什么意思?

作者&投稿:徵竖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. "Robin Hood" refers to the legendary outlaw and hero figure in English folklore.
2. The pronunciation of "Robin Hood" is /ˈrɒbɪn hʊd/. "Robin" is pronounced /ˈrɒbɪn/, and "Hood" is pronounced /hʊd/.
3. The origins and history of Robin Hood: He first appeared in English folklore and literature. Robin Hood was a legendary hero who, according to tales, lived in Sherwood Forest with a group of followers during the medieval era when hunting laws and unfair taxation burdened the poor.
4. Robin Hood's story emerged in English folk songs and ballads in the 14th century and has been widely disseminated and adapted in subsequent literary works, plays, films, and television series.
5. The legend of Robin Hood has become a symbol of resistance against injustice and support for the poor, leaving a profound impact on Western culture.
6. Although the historical existence of Robin Hood has not been confirmed, his story and the values it represents continue to be cherished and respected.
7. The tale of Robin Hood originated in the Middle Ages, with the earliest records dating back to the late 15th century. He was depicted as a brave and upright revolutionary who, along with his Merry Men, operated in Nottinghamshire's Sherwood Forest.
8. Robin Hood was said to support the oppressed, robbing the rich and plundering churches to help the poor. His story enjoys widespread recognition in the UK and globally, becoming a common character in literature, drama, film, and other art forms, symbolizing the spirit of resistance against injustice and oppression.
9. The historical accuracy of Robin Hood remains a subject of debate. Some believe he was a real historical figure, while others argue he is merely a legendary character who represents the folklonging for social justice.
10. Regardless, the story of Robin Hood plays a significant role in British culture and has influenced the imaginations and values of countless people.
11. Usage of Robin Hood:
- Robin Hood spirit: Used to describe the concern for poverty and injustice, focusing on social fairness and helping the vulnerable. Example: He showed a true Robin Hood spirit by donating a large portion of his wealth selflessly.
- Robin Hood Foundation: A US-based charity organization aimed at reducing poverty and improving education, health, housing, and other social issues.
- Robinhood stock trading app: An American stock trading app that allows users to trade stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies commission-free.

梅县18440863966: Robinhood是什么意思 -
闾荆文亭:[答案] robinhood:罗宾汉 ;侠盗罗宾汉 ;街道地址 chellonese robinhood:楚留喷鼻新传宇之公共版 Chinese Robinhood:楚留香新传宇之大众版 ;楚留香新传宇之公共版

梅县18440863966: 求篇英文的Robin Hood主要内容,顺带中文翻译.救命之用.跪.求. -
闾荆文亭:[答案] 英文单词:robin hood 翻译中文意思|用法|音标| robin hood:[ rɔbin'hud ] n.罗宾汉

梅县18440863966: 罗宾汉是什么意思 -
闾荆文亭: 罗宾汉(英语:Robin Hood)是英国民间传说中的英雄人物,人称汉丁顿伯爵.他武艺出众、机智勇敢,仇视官吏和教士,是一位劫富济贫、行侠仗义的绿林英雄.传说他住在诺丁汉舍伍德森林(Sherwood Forest). 从12世纪中叶起,关于罗宾汉的传说开始在民间流传.14世纪,有关罗宾汉的故事首次作为文学作品问世.此后,不断有作家以此为素材,写出了众多脍炙人口的作品.《侠盗罗宾汉》就是法国文豪亚历山大·仲马在前人基础上创作的作品.

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闾荆文亭: robinhood.中文名字是罗宾汉,一方面罗宾汉是神射手,另一方面robinhood是射箭的一个专业技术名词.意思就是第二支箭把箭靶上第一支箭从后面劈开.说明你的射击功力高啊! Double A,也是射击的专业名词,就是在靶心中,两个弹孔紧密并列,形成个“8”字形,也是只有射击高手做的出高难度动作.

梅县18440863966: robin这个英文名字有什麽特别的意思吗? -
闾荆文亭: 楼上说的对,是知更鸟,关于知更鸟有很多传说. 知更鸟也可以说blue bird,代表了爱情. 也有传说它与圣婴出世有关,又被称为“上帝之鸟” 还有一个是关于它的:“谁杀死了知更鸟” 这首童谣很出名.参考 robin也是英国的著名传说中的主人公,是一个劫富济贫的侠盗.他武艺高强,箭法精准,直到现在,射箭比赛中仍有一个术语叫做“Robin Hood”,意思是“射中另一支已射中靶心的箭,并且将箭身一分为二”,估计这也是当年罗宾汉出神入化的箭术的写照吧. 一般是男生用的,但是你比较有个性的话要用也行~

梅县18440863966: 一个英语什么意思 -
闾荆文亭: 人名

梅县18440863966: 《宝贝计划》的英文是什么? -
闾荆文亭: 成龙电影《宝贝计划》译名:《Rob-B-Hood》 这个译名很有意思,取自英国民间绿林好汉罗宾汉之名Robin Hood,电影名中间的“B”是指整部影片围绕的核心人物——被盗走的小“Baby”. 宝贝计划 - 搜狗百科 《宝贝计划》是一部由....

梅县18440863966: 西方人眼中的罗宾汉是个怎样的人?他都有哪些事迹? -
闾荆文亭:[答案] 罗宾汉(Robin Hood)是英国民间传说中的侠盗式的英雄人物,相传他 活跃在1160年至1247年间的英国,人称汉丁顿伯爵.从12世纪中叶起,关于罗宾汉的民谣和传说就开始在民间流传.14世纪,有关罗宾汉的故事首次作为文学作品问世.此后,...

梅县18440863966: Robin hood罗宾汉的hood什么意思?我想知道为什么叫他hood,以及hood本身含义 -
闾荆文亭: Robin Hoodn. 罗宾汉;(罗宾汉式的)绿林好汉hood [hud]n. 头巾;覆盖;兜帽 vt. 罩上;以头巾覆盖

梅县18440863966: robin is in a play,he is robinson crusoe,here is a letter from him,是什么意 -
闾荆文亭: robin is in a play,he is robinson crusoe,here is a letter from him的中文意思是 罗宾在表演.它是鲁滨孙,这里有一封他的信. 重点词汇 letter 英 [ˈletə(r)] 美 [ˈlɛtɚ] n.信;证书,许可证;字母,文字;字面意义 vt.用字母标明;写字母于;加标...

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