
作者&投稿:校露 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用as soon as 怎么造句~

as soon as
读音:[英][æz su:n æz] [美][æz sun æz]
既可以引导时间状语从句,表过去,又可以表示将来。as soon as引导时间状语从句当主句用一般过去时时,从句中用一般过去时或过去完成时。
这个短语用的比较常用,口语和书面语都可以。它的特点是,在句子中的位置比较灵活,而且可以用于各种时态。 过去时前面要加主语 否则用一般现在时表示将来时。
  如:I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back.
  如:I will go with you as soon as I have washed my face.
  如 He took out his English books as soon as he sat down.
  如:As soon as he finishes his classwork, he runs out of the class.他一做完课堂作业,就跑出了教室。
1. As soon as he got inside, the dog shook himself.
2. They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script.
3. As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.
4. As soon as we were inside, the rain began to bucket down.
5. As soon as relations improve they will be allowed to go.

Soon I got interests in computer. 很快我就对电脑产生了兴趣。

1. He got the letter soon.
2. Please go there as soon as possible.
3. Father will come home soon.

Father will come home soon.

Please go there as soon as possible.

He got the letter soon.

用“as soon as”造句
as soon as意思是“一……就……”as soon as possible意思是“尽可能快地……”例句:eg:I will tell him as soon as I see him.我一看到他就会告诉他。eg:I will tell him as soon as possible.我会尽可能快地告诉他。

...moment too soon 是什么意思?最好加个简单的造句
意思是几乎为时以晚 造句的话可以这样:We're off on holiday tomorrow, and not a moment too soon.

as soon as造句急急急急急急急
I will call you as soon as I reach home.He will let you know as soon as he finds out anything.We will leave for Shanghai as soon as we get tickets.I will take him to meet you as soon as he arrives.She will play with you as soon as she finishes her homework.Call ...

AS soon as I got to the bus stop……造句
它的意思是当我到达公共汽车站的时候 造句 AS soon as I got to the bus st op,l can get on the bus(当我到达公共汽车站的时候我就可以上车了)用心回答,希望采纳

I will call you as soon as I finish my work.解释:as soon as是一个常用的时间状语从句连词,表示“一…就…”。这个连词连接的是两个动作或事件,其中一个动作发生之后紧接着另一个动作就会发生。在造句时,通常将“as soon as”置于主句之前,表示从某个时间节点开始,接下来的动作会立即...

as soon as什么意思
这个短语用的比较常用,口语和书面语都可以。它的特点是,在句子中的位置比较灵活,而且可以用于各种时态。过去时前面要加主语否则用一般现在时表示将来时。读音:[英][æz su:n æz]、[美][æz sun æz]as soon as造句 1、I hope you write letter to us as soon as...

用As soon as 造句
As soon as I got to the bus stop, the bus started.As soon as he sat down,he took out his English books .As soon as I went in, Amy cried out with pleasure.

用unless,as soon as,so…that造句
You cannot imagine how crazy they are unless you see them with your own eyes.如果你不是亲眼所见,你就不能想像他们有多疯狂。I will call you as soon as I finish my homework.我一完成作业就打电话给你。The child is so little that he cannot go to the school by himself.这孩子...

请用as soon as造句
I will tell him your coming as soon as he comes back.

能用“as soon as ”造句吗?
1 I will go and see you as soon as my work is over.2 As soon as she heard the news, she came and told us.3 As soon as Tom has got enough money, he will buy himself a new sports bike.4 Mike bought himself a new sports bike as soon as he got enough money.5 We...

河东区17354678312: 用Soon怎么造句?急急急!!! -
姜帖仁青: Soon I got interests in computer. 很快我就对电脑产生了兴趣.

河东区17354678312: soon 意思 并造句 -
姜帖仁青:[答案] soon 很快 He soon go to school.很快,他就去学校了.

河东区17354678312: 用soon造句 -
姜帖仁青:[答案] He will come soon .

河东区17354678312: 关于英文soon是什么时态?怎么造句? -
姜帖仁青:[答案] soon 是副词 立刻,不久,快,早,宁愿的意思 I will come as soon as possible. 我会尽快过来的.

河东区17354678312: 用soon造句怎么造啊 -
姜帖仁青: We must go to school as soon as possible,we're late!

河东区17354678312: soon的用法及意思 -
姜帖仁青: soon的具体用法: 1、soon用作副词,意思是“不久”,可指“将来”,表示“预期的时刻不久就会到来”,用以谈论不久将来的事或在过去某时间以后不久所发生的事,强调两个时间的接续关系. 2、soon还可作“宁可”“宁愿”解,通常与...

河东区17354678312: she is a conductor of a train.用soon 改写句子.she 什么 a conductor of a train soon. -
姜帖仁青:[答案] will be

河东区17354678312: soon的用法 -
姜帖仁青: adv. 立刻, 马上, 一会儿, 不久 快; 早 [用sooner 形, 常和would, should, had 等连用]宁可, 宁愿...也不, 与其...不如 She will be back soon. 她马上就回来. You spoke too soon. 你说得太急[早]了. S-got, soon gone [spent]. [谚]来得容易去得...

河东区17354678312: 现在句型转换不会啊.谁来帮帮我谢谢了. -
姜帖仁青: 1 He cooks the meal (用soon改句子)He will cook the meal soon.soon表示不久之后,表将来的动作,所以用一般将来时.2 They took a plane to shanghai (改同义)They went to Shanghai by plane.take a/an + 交通工具,表示出行乘---交通工...

河东区17354678312: she is eating lunch now 用soon改写句子 -
姜帖仁青: She will be eating lunch soon.soon是「快要」的意思,也就是还没 所以就要加「will」也就是「会去会做」等意思.She will be eating lunch soon. 她等一会就会去吃午餐了.

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