
作者&投稿:云呼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

新概念英语,我空间上有链接哈~ 什么版本都有,你看需要下就好了

里面有个 练习详解PDF 的链接,就是答案来的哈~ 4册全齐

A arrived at Sydney couldn't account for the fact occurred to one was astonished at what was so surprised at being had been confined to the wooden box pay 3500pounds for the cost
B with to...for with for to at to to for to...at at with with to...for for for with for at with to with at to with...to to...with for to...to for to for to to...with for to to at at with for
a c d d a c b c a d c a

When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods. He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours. The man was ordered to pay $3,500 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a ticket is $2,000!

New words and expressions 生词和短语

unload v. 卸(货)
wooden adj. 木制的
extremely adv. 非常,极其
occur v. 发生
astonish v. 使惊讶
pile n. 堆
woollen n. 羊毛的
goods n. (常用复数)货物,商品
discover v. 发现
admit v. 承认
confine v. 关在(一个狭小的空间里)
normal adj. 正常的,通常的


1、He can cope ______ different situations successfully.
2、Can you help him ______ his broken bicycle?
3、He only asks ______ a cup of tea.
4、Who's knocking ______ the door?
5、Don't interfere______ other's things.
6、He was charged ten yuan ______ the repair.
7、Please listen ______ me carefully.
8、He's accustomed ______ living in the mouth.
9、They are looking ______ the lost boy.
10、You have to apologize.
(1)_________________ (2) ___________ (3)___________

某人突然想起...... 惊讶于...... 在......顶部

(4)_________________ (5) ___________ (6) ____________

逃跑 命令某人做 承认做过......




1、When ______ he______ ?
A.did;arrest B.was;arrest C.was;arrested D.did;arrested
2、He was very surprised______.
A.for discovereing B.at discovering C.at bing discover
D.at being discovered
新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 46
1. a
根据课文的情节,只有a. a worker opened the box 能说明这个人被发现的原因,而其他3个选择都不是直接原因,所以选a.
2. c
根据课文内容可以判断,只有c. to avoid paying the fare from London to Sydney (为了逃避付伦敦至悉尼的路费)最符合课文暗示的情形,说明了这个人藏进箱子里的目的。其他3个选择都不能说明这个目的,所以选c.
3. d
只有选d. unloading 最符合语法,因为本句的谓语动词began 是及物动词,后面需要带宾语,它的宾语可以是名词,动词不定式或动名词。 a. unload 前面缺少to,不正确;b. to unloading 动名词前面不应该有to; c. unloaded 是过去式,不能做宾语;只有d. unloading 是动名词,可以做began 的宾语,所以选d.
4. d
本句是对名词的定语提问的,疑问词是Which boxes…? 需要选出正确的回答。a. The wooden (木制的)不够完整,后面应该有名词或代词;b. The wood (木头)不合乎逻辑,不能回答Which boxes 的提问;c. The woody ones 词意思不对,因为woody 是“树木茂密的”,而不是木制的,不能修饰boxes; 只有d. The wooden ones (木制的箱子)意思完整,词义正确。Ones 替代boxes ,可以回答Which boxes…? 的提问,因此选d.
5. a
b. to open, c. to have opened, d. opening 都不合乎习惯用法,因为本句的谓语动词thought后面不应该直接跟动词不定式或名词\动名词,而应该同介词of 或about 引导的短语连用,think of/about 表示考虑,想到,只有a. of opening 符合习惯用法,所以选a.
6. c
a. did he find 是疑问句语序不合乎语法,本句需要的是what 引导的名词性从句;
b. he did find 是强调句的形式,而句中不需要强调,应该直接用find 的过去式;
d. he has found 是完成时,同本句的谓语动词时态不一致;
只有c. he found 最符合时态和语序,所以选c.
7. b
本句是对飞机票的价格提问的,回答是“$ 2,000”.
a. how many is 不是对钱提问的。
c. how much has 动词不对;
d. how much costs 不合乎语法,应该是how much does sth. cost?
只有b. How much is 最合乎语法和题目意思,所以选b.
8. c
本句需要选出与前一句的clothing(衣服)意义相同的词.a. cloths(衣料,布料,常用做不可数名词),b. cloth(布料),d. dresses(连衣裙,礼服)这三个词都与clothing 含义不太一样.只有c. clothes(衣服)同clothing 的含义相同.所以选c.
9. a
本题目选a.是因为只有explain同前一句的account for(解释,说明)的含义相同,可以互换.
而interpret(口译),estimate(估计,评定),describe(描写,描述)都不能和account for 互换.
10. d
a. carpet(地毯), b. column(圆柱),c. bag (包,背包) 和d. heap (堆,堆集)4个选择中只有d. heap 是表示“量”的,相当于一个量词,最符合题目意思,所以选d.
11. c
a. announced(宣布,通知),b. described(描写),c. confessed(承认,坦白),d. declared(宣告,声称)4个选择中只有c. confessed同前一句中的谓语动词admitted(承认)意思相近。所以选c.
12. a
前一句中的confined to the box 是“关在箱子里”的意思,只有a. couldn't move(不能动)能同它构成因果关系。
b. could move(能活动)不符合逻辑;
c. couldn't sleep(不能睡觉)跟前一句不够成因果关系;
d. couldn't run away(不能逃跑)不如a.正确,因为被关在箱子里,首先是不能活动,当然也就不能逃跑,所以a.是最佳答案。


Key to Pre-unit Test 3 Key structures A 1.He read the book and returned it to the library.2.The boy climbed the tree and picked some apples.3.I opened the door and he came into the hall.4.He looked for his pen but (he) could not find it.5.She called to him but ...

由于竞赛,急需新概念英语第二册的课文1~10课请速提供原文!麻烦大家把原文打一下,方便我背诵!请不要为我提供去书店买这本书的建议!请大家快一点!拜托啦!我希望有整篇文章的译文... 由于竞赛,急需新概念英语第二册的课文1~10课请速提供原文!麻烦大家把原文打一下,方便我背诵!请不要为我提供去书店买这本...

【 #新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统。适合各个阶层的人群学习参考。相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“大神”级别的人物!还在等什么?快来加入学习吧! 我与您一起学习进步!课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.A clear conscience, (标题)问心无愧。

4.能写作一段简单给命题的作文; 5.清楚个人书信的格式,能写作给命题书信。 语言方面: 1.语法: 对所有初级和中级语法有认知能力,还需要强化训练。 2.习语: 熟悉一定数量的习语,以及少量的成语。《新概念英语》第四册与考研高频词汇 新概念四的语言是新概念系列教材中最难的。这一方面是文章所选的文章题...

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第三册◎培养技能(DEVELOPING SKILLS)读者对象:(1)已经学完《新概念英语》第二册或任何一本中级以下水平综合英语教材的学习者 (2)已经具备了一定英语基础的高中二、三年级学生或大学一、二年级学生 (3)不满足于只是应付英语水平考试,想全面提高自己英语水平的学习者 (4)在校的大中学生,打算在...



第一册802;第二册778;第三册888;第四册636,一共2823,是每单元课后单词的量。另外也有这个统计的:1. 900;2. 861;3. 1052;4. 788。但是总词汇量应该在4500 左右。建议学习在线外教培训班,有专业的外教指导学英语效果好,或者先领取免费试听课看看外教是怎样上课的。免费试听课:【免费领取...

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