
作者&投稿:乐正飞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen from staying in the nest.

2、It wants to mate but it's also afraid and wants to run away.

3、Like males of most other vertebrate species, these animals take more than one mate if they can.

4、"Yep," said the first guard, and his mate nodded in agreement.

5、The hyena carrying this head and spine was giggling likemad as its clan mate chased it around.

6、The queen bee is likely to mate with two or three drones.

7、They may also drown your wife while attempting to steal her away and mate with her.

8、mate with, of male birds.

9、Difficulties with your mate may lead to isolation.

10、having more than one mate at a time; used of relationships and individuals

Although it is morning outside, I seem dark and cold inside the house.I did not open my umbrella although it was raining.I still go to school although I caught a cold yesterday night.My illness gets worse although I ate medicine.I am still hungry although I ate three buns ...

求文档: pep小学英语六年级下册unit4partA教案
I ate good food, too. What else did I do there? Guess. 5.教师放课前准备的歌曲录音,放完一遍后,问学生:Do you like it? Would you like to sing along? 教师和学生一起跟着录音哼唱歌曲。教师问学生:What did we do just now? 引导学生回答:We sang a song. 教师板书sang和sing,带领学生进行...

英语的八大时态里 用被动 和主动 造句 前边写上时态后边写上例句 求...
1、主动 2、被动 一、一般现在时 1. She opens the door at 8:00 every day 2. The door is opened by her at 8:00 every day.二、一般过去时 1. He drove the car back to the company at 18:00 yesterday.2.The car was sent back to the company at. 18:00 yesterday.三、...

as usual As well as well as词组造句。。
[词典释义]1. 照例;像往常一样 [网络释义]1.像平常一样,照例 2.与往常一样 3.通常,平常地 例句:I will go swimming as usual.我会像平常一样去游泳。As well 1.同样,也,还 2.as除……之外(也),既……又 3.也,一样 4.也,此外 例句:I ate some bread and a sandwich as ...

• It is pointless, therefore, to envy others.因此,嫉妒别人是没有意义的。• Both sexes, therefore, have reason to show off.因此,两性都有理由炫耀自己的魅力。• Therefore he gave away all his money to charities.因此,他把所有钱财都捐给了慈善机构。• The...

eat(吃) ate eaten lay laid laid 放置 fall(落下) fell fallen lie lied lied 撒谎 give(给) gave given lie lay lain 躺 rise(升高) rose risen see saw seen shake shook shaken steal stole stolen can---could ...

最好的办法就是操练,即用所学语文点进行造句。如果可行的话,可以写短文,将所学的语言点串联其中,这种短文若能得到老师的批改,则收益定会颇丰。这种随学随用的方法有助于对于所学知识的透彻理解和扎实牢固的掌握。 3.广泛阅读,加强语感 大量阅读可以提高阅读速度,扩大词汇量。另一方面,它还可以加强英语语感,对...

还有几种方法: 1:音形义结合(把难记的词分开,找出自己熟悉的旧词,和其意义联系起来联想) fortunate--- for tun ate为了吃一顿tun是幸愿的,restaurant ---rest aur ant---饭馆AUR 里吃蚂蚁, appreciate---app reci ate---欣赏吃收到 receive的半个苹果app-le, flyover--fly 飞over 在...上---立交桥...

might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies.如果你是好吃甜食的人,你可能会想到苹果派或巧克力片饼干。4、I altered the default chart type to display a pie chart.我修改了默认的图表类型,以便显示饼图。5、And he ate up all the good pie crust.他吃掉了所有好的酥皮派。

用little 和a little 造句?
very much. 我非常喜欢这个小小的咖啡桌。② We had little rain all summer. 我们这儿一夏天几乎没下雨。③ Could you give a little more attention to spelling? 你稍微多注意一下拼写好吗? ④ There was a lot of food but I only ate a little. 食物很多, 但我只吃了一点儿。

定兴县17855793264: mate 中文翻译一下 -
东方君利必: mate [英]meɪt [美]met n. (工人间的)伙伴,同事,老兄,老弟〔工人,水手间的亲密称呼〕;... vt. vi. (使)成为配偶;(使)交配;(一对动物或鸟)交配;交尾(~ with sth) [例句]Kissing helps you pick the best mate.接吻可以帮助你选择最佳的伴侣.

定兴县17855793264: 他和我是伙伴英语翻译用teammate造句 -
东方君利必: 你好!He and I are teammates.如有疑问,请追问.

定兴县17855793264: classmate造句2句 -
东方君利必: classmate n. 同班同学1. His brother is my classmate . 他是我的同班同学.2. This is David, my classmate. 这是大卫,我的同学,3. He is my former classmate . 他是我从前的同班同学.4. Look at the classmate on your left. 看一看坐在你们左...

定兴县17855793264: mate nam是什么意思
东方君利必:mate 1.伙伴, 同事 Her mates are waiting for her by the gate. 她的同事们在门口等她. 2 配偶, 伴侣 She has been a faithful mate to him. 她一直是他忠实的配偶. 3商船上的)大副 The mate is one rank below the captain. 大副是仅低于船长的头衔. 4 vt. & vi. Birds mate in the spring. 鸟在春天交配. nam ,nim的过去式 nim v. 偷,窃,扒,拿取,夺取 n. 取物游戏(两名参加者从几堆物品中依次逐一取走物品,取走最后一件者为胜者或败者)

定兴县17855793264: mate 中文怎么读 -
东方君利必: mate [英][meɪt][美][met] n.(工人间的)伙伴,同事,老兄,老弟〔工人,水手间的亲密称呼〕; 配偶〔男女任何一方〕,动物之偶(尤指鸟类),(一对中的)一只,配对物; [医学](军医等的)助手; [航海](商船的)大副,驾驶员; vt.& vi.(使)成为配偶; (使)交配; (一对动物或鸟)交配; 交尾(~ with sth); 第三人称单数:mates复数:mates现在进行时:mating过去式:mated

定兴县17855793264: mate and Chinese, on,morning,we,have,Monday连词成句 在线等!!!!! -
东方君利必: We have math and Chinese on Monday morning. 星期一早上我们上数学和语文课.

定兴县17855793264: mate怎么读 -
东方君利必: mate(中文读)(没吃) n. 伙伴,同事;助手;配偶 v. 使 ... 配对,使 ... 一致;交配;把 ... 将死;使...失败

定兴县17855793264: 用soulmate说一句含义深刻的句子 -
东方君利必: 一个灵魂伴侣,就是一个我们感到自身与之深深联系在一起的人,好像彼此的沟通和交流不是出于凡人的刻意努力,而是凭借神的导引.这种关系对于灵魂来说是如此重要,可以说没有什么在生活中比它更为珍贵的了.” Someone we feel ...

定兴县17855793264: mate 这个单词怎么读啊 发语音给我 -
东方君利必: mate [meɪt] 可以使用有道词典 ,来看看音标及其发声.n. 助手,大副;配偶;同事;配对物vt. 使配对;使一致;结伴vi. 交配;成配偶;紧密配合n. (Mate)人名;(日)蛏(姓);(西、意、塞)马特;(波黑)马特;(罗、俄)马泰

定兴县17855793264: mate20pro耳机怎么插
东方君利必: 1、可以直接使用Type-C接口的耳机,例如华为的原装Type-C数字耳机,或者是借助原装的Type-C转3.5mm耳机转接线,一头用Type-C连接手机一头用3.5mm连接耳机,实现使用3.5mm耳机.2、Mate20Pro没有了3.5mm的耳机孔,而是采用的Type-C接口同时支持充电和插耳机线,支持Type-C模拟和数字耳机,在华为Mate20新系列中,只有华为Mate20和华为Mate20X有3.5mm耳机孔,而华为Mate20Pro和华为Mate20RS是没有耳机孔的,采用的则是Type-C接口,同时支持充电和插耳机线.

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