Coach Shane Daily Dictation - DD46~DD60

作者&投稿:乜晨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Coach Shane是一个非常好的教师,特别是学习美音发音,推荐订阅他的Youtube的channel:


Strong: S, N, L
Weak: D, T, TH

For more than 300 years, the power of the French king was absolute. This meant that he had the power to do anything.

What people will do these days for their pets, a wash and a blowdry - that goes without saying. But the demanding dog now wants a limo along with other creature comforts at a pet hotel and day spa.

Buckingham Palace officials are staying mum about the murder case,
and police are keeping many details confidential as they try to identify the victim and figure out exactly what happened to her.

Place official: 连读
mum about:连读
case and police are:连读
confidential: 发作 confe
try to: try d'
figure out: 连读
victim and: 连读
figure out exactly: 连读
what happened to: 连读(相似的音)

1863 all aboard, but mind the gap as the world's first underground passenger railway opens in London

mind the gap: min d the gap
worl d's : worlz
passenger railway: 连读

And why do you wanna go there?
I know it's had a bad press recently but it's the place that's taken my fancy!


There's people running and walking their dogs and having brunch on the patios .

Martin Luther King junior's rise as a civil rights leader
began in 1955 when he spearheaded the drive to desegregate
public buses in Montgomery, Alabama.

Anti-piracy legislation under consideration in Washington has some websites in a tizzy Wikipedia, Boing Boing and Reddit say the'll have none of it and are blacking out their sites on Wednesday.


There are usually about 3 shark attacks on people in and around Australia all year.
In 2012, the country has seen 3 attacks already and January isn't even finished , yet.

tip: anti pronunciation, each is OK:

A Georgia mother says she was arrested for allowing her 10-year-old son to get a tattoo in a memory of his late brother . (late brother means dead brother)
We hoped that they could find something that would sustain them through that loss , but this is not the way.

Seinfeld: 9 seasons
She sold us a hair with a cake around it.


It's surely in the running for one of the most expensive pile-ups in highway history. These crumpled Ferraris were among 8 involved in the crash.
The airbags may have saved those inside from serious injury, but oh~ what damage have been done to bruise the spirits of these unthusiasts attached to their sleek sports cars.

Hey, Lilith, sorry for the holdup, but Frasier should be back from the dentist any minute.
Oh, all right. That'll give us a chance to visit.


The iceberg here, there's outcroppings under the water. And uh, sea ice, iceberg ice is very hard, so it's almost like, it could almost be like a can opener. And when probably the Titanic went by it, it just sliced a hole in it like you would with a manual can opener.

this iceberg: �连读
there's outcroppings under: 连读
and uh: 连读
iceberg ice is: 连读
almost: almos t
probably: proba b ly

winter season in northern hemisphere, sleigh/toboggan

It's snowing and it's beautiful, we're out in the middle of nowhere. I'm freezing! And I'm about to be pulled by 8 dogs in a toboggan, really, it doesn't get much more Vermont than this!

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漳胜按摩: Coach Shane的Daily Dictation 我有全部,但我不会发,闲鱼2元买的,可以去看看

蠡县17164736096: 谁知道帝国之子有什么歌好听 -
漳胜按摩: 一整天 后遗症 分手那天 PHOENIX All Day Long New Star Love Coach Daily Daily Man 2 Man Mazeltov

蠡县17164736096: 美国脱口秀有那些? -
漳胜按摩: 建议你要是刚开始看脱口秀看david letterman(最最最传统,这种形式脱口秀的鼻祖级人物),conan o'brien 和jay leno的,比较传统的脱口秀,其中conan的late night show刚刚结束,在下半年他会取代jay leno主持tonight show.这几个节目基本...

蠡县17164736096: 99年的白色Daily 2.8升,开了17万公里能卖多少钱? -
漳胜按摩: 您好!上海市场上1999年Daily03款NJ6486ECEA30.10EA254 手动挡 市场价格在2.00万左右二手Daily相关信息:

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漳胜按摩: 你好,个人觉得21世纪学生英文报很适合我以前高中时曾经订阅过这种报纸,报纸内容很丰富,既能扩大读者的的知...

蠡县17164736096: SQL存储过程!!! -
漳胜按摩: 你可以用output类型的参数.这里的输出是一个字符串,用“,”分割,你试试IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'P_XXX' )BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[P_XXX] ENDGOCREATE PROCEDURE ...

蠡县17164736096: ·C高手帮忙看下.程序出错原因.. -
漳胜按摩: 我觉得你可以把exit去掉,然后这样 if(daily100||midtest...

蠡县17164736096: Do you have enough to - --your daily expenses? -
漳胜按摩: cover本意是覆盖,这里有满足,够的意思,而offer只是提供,给予的意思,不要和中国的意思混了,因为本句后面是每日开销,不能说是提供每日开销.

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