
作者&投稿:照李 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1、女人固然是脆弱的,母亲却是坚强的。

of father, the mothers.


Those fathers and mothers bined.


The virtues of parents are the greatest us is gracious, but in three lives the reward is slight.


White-headed old lady crows at the door and keeps the sleeves of her broken shirt.


Mothers and mothers are uneasy when they have not seen the hardships of their children.


Mother's heart is her daughter's paradise.


Mourning parents, giving birth to me.


How strongly, selfishly and fanatically maternal love occupies our whole soul.


The prodigal does not feel cold when his mother is there.



1、Give everyone his due.

2、Never judge by appearances.

3、A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.

4、A common danger causes common action.

5、One e ises too much means nothing.

40、Desire has no rest.

41、Meet plot e is the best.

48、Never hit a man es makes all things easy.

60、No fire e thing is learned every time a book is opened.

68、Do not teach fish to s home is a priceless treasure.

72、Bread is the stall of life.

73、poverty is stranger to industry.

74、If you are not inside a house, you don not know about its leaking.

75、The heart is seen in wine.

76、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

77、Virtue never grows old.



It's not just love, it's life.


Even God helps the honest and brave.


Consistency is strong, and disputes are easy to conquer.


All e from hard times, but young people don't ask for easy things.


Justice to others is giving to oneself.


Responsibility is as important as pass.


seldom go hand in hand.


Genius is like natural floermined person will find his way.


Successful people will never give up, and those who give up will never succeed.


A brave man risks his life, not his conscience.


Believe in noble qualities, not oaths.

名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《父母爱孩子的英文名言》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 英文名句唯美简短 专题。

父母之爱的名言英语精选 女人固然是脆弱的,母亲却是坚强的。A woman is fragile, the mother is strong。再没有什么能比人的母亲更为伟大。Nothing is more great than a man's mother。在孩子的嘴上和心中,母亲就是上帝。In the child's mouth and mind, mother is god。父恩比山高,母恩比...

(但丁)8Mama where are you, where is the happiest place ( UK)妈妈你在哪儿,哪儿就是最快乐的地方(英国)有关母爱的英语谚语相关 文章 :1. 关于母爱的英语名言 2. 关于母爱的英文名言警句 3. 有关亲情的英语谚语 4. 有关母爱的英文句子 5. 关于母爱的英语句子欣赏 ...

M-O-T-H-E-R “M”is for the million things she gave me,“M”代表她奉献给我们无数的东西 “O”means only that she`s growing old,“O”仅代表她在慢慢老去 “T”is for the tears she shed to save me,“T”代表她为我流下的眼泪 “H”is for her heart of Purest gold,“...

17、在孩子的嘴上和心中,母亲就是上帝。In the child's mouth and heart, the mother is God.18、母爱是多么强烈、自私、狂热地占据我们整个心灵的感情。How strongly, selfishly and fanatically maternal love occupies our whole soul.19、记忆中的母亲啊!最心爱的恋人啊,您是我所有的欢乐,...

赞美母爱的名言 无论我现在怎么样,还是希望以后会怎么样,都应当归功于我天使一般的母亲。我记得母亲的那些祷告,它们一直伴随着我,而且已经陪伴了我一生。(亚伯拉罕·林肯)·我的母亲是我见过的最漂亮的女人。我所有的一切都归功于我的母亲。我一生中所有的成就都归功于我从她那儿得到的德、智、...

成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。听说女人如衣服,兄弟如手足。回想起来,我竟然七手八脚的裸奔了这么些年. —— 坏孩子 it matters more what’s in woman’s face than what’s on it.———claudette colbert女人的内秀比外貌更重要。——c.考尔白 母爱是...

有关于教育的英文名言 1、兴趣是最好的老师。 Interest is the best teacher.2、喜欢孩子,善待孩子。Like children, treat children.3、学高为师,身正为范。High school teacher, munication is better than knoe the great journey.46、博学耐心宽容,是教师最基本的素质。Learned patience and ...

5.关于母亲的名言名句英语 关于母爱的名言世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。 (高尔基)母爱是一种巨大的火焰。(罗曼·罗兰)世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。 (但丁)慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜?(雨果)人的嘴唇所能发出的最甜美的字眼,就是母亲,最美好的呼唤,就是“妈妈”。

8、就算我的孩子存在感再低,他还是我的孩子。Even if my child is feeling low again, he is still my child.9、从卖气球的人那里,每个孩子牵走一个心愿。From selling balloons, every child held a wish.10、母爱不仅仅是指母亲对孩子的爱,也应包含孩子对母亲的爱。A mother's love is ...

9、没有无私的、自我牺牲的母爱的帮助,孩子的心灵将是一片荒漠。——狄更斯 Without the help of selfless and self-sacrificing mother's love, the child's heart will be a desert.10、母亲的低语总是甜蜜的。——英国 Mother's whisper is always sweet.11、父母的美德是一笔巨大的财富。—...

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