
作者&投稿:阿萧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





  My grandmother's garden

  My grandmother's garden is behind our house.It is a bit small but vary beautiful.

  In my grandma's garden,there are many vegetables、fruits、and flowers,such as potatos,carrots,cabbages,tomatos,watermelons,oranges,guavas and so on.Because there have so many vegetables and fruits,my family needn't go to the street to buy them.when the spring is coming,the garden full of all kinds of flowers,that is very beautiful.My grandmother go to the garden every morning to fertilize the plants and remove weeds,and I often help her,I think that is very intresting.

  I like my grandmother's garden.







  My friend

  My friend is WuFa.He is 10 years old.He is a good boy.He has(因为he是第三人称单数,所以have改为has) good grades(成绩) .He likes reading books and playing baskerball(篮球),so he usually plays basketball with me.His favorite subject is math.He likes dog,beacuse he thinks it's very lovable(可爱) and beautiful.

  This is my friend.How about you?(你呢?)





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