
作者&投稿:睢彼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

Two young girls printed on the RMB unit of two jiao are the real!People didn't know about the story behind that RMB scores of years ago until the girl from Tujia minority Huangqiping and the other one from Korea minority Suchunxi come into the vision of people.

After that was reported by the newspaper "New Culture" ,many people want to know the story of two girls and want more to find how they live now.Therefore,Sohu net cooperates with "New
Culture" to search those two familiar strangers nationwidely.

Hunan's girl of Tujia minority Huanqiping
She recalled that in 1979,30th National Day,there was an exhibition of all Chinese nationl performence in Peking Nationl Cultural Palace.Three minority commentators in Hunan were
selected,she was sent to Beijing as the representative of Tujia Minority.In that time a
teacher in cultural palace took many pictures for them.

Jiling's girl of Korea minority Suchunxi
Suchunxi:In that time there are only two girls from Korea minority chosed to Beijing as commentators,I was the only one who required to be took pictures,the I combed my hair elaborately and made downward cravat just because they had told me that my picture would be printed on RMB .
After seeing my picture on RMB ,I told my family this news .They were all glad for me and collected some at the same time.


Version two national minority young girls of two Cape renminbis really have it the person in 1980!Soil household miss in Hunan yellow its 萍 with North Korea the clan miss Su's spring 熙 appear after people of visual field, everyone just can understand several decades ago the story of renminbi back …
After new culture report report way, the many peoples all want to know at that time the story of renminbi top person, even wanted to know these person modern livings how.Search a fox net to unite with new cultural report for this, in looking for renminbi inside national scope acquaint with of stranger.
Soil household miss in Hunan yellow its 萍
She recalls, the great occasion of nation is 30 anniversaries in 1979, race cultural temple in Peking wants to hold a national race work exhibition, choosing 3 national minorities to explain in detail a member in Hunan, she was a soil household to represent to be picked out to go to Peking.At that time race cultural temple the teacher clapped a lot of to be like to them

Jilin of two Cape renminbis North Korea clan miss
Su spring 熙 :At that time we those were chosen to did to explain in detail a member North Korea the clan girl only had 2, being called to take photo of only I 1 was taking photo tell me the head's being like will ascend renminbi, so I combed hair and fastenned very with meticulous care that day with a downward exposure of bow tie.
I see to the back of two Cape renminbis, told this news family, the family all was happy for me, also collecting some.

原文:我们已经收到您的预付款。我们已经开始安排生产您的货物。关于交货期,我想与您沟通一下,现在正是我们最忙的时候,因为我们国家最重要的节日春节即将到来,我们工人也快放假了,假期是1月28日至2月17日,所以我们只能在假期归来再给您发货。希望能得到您的谅解。译文:We have received your ...

上面的一看就是机器翻译的。One day,I went traveling by ship with my friends.But we were caught by a storm half way.The ship was broken and it sank.All the people except me died.I grabbed a piece of wood and struggled in the writhing waves.I found an island in mistiness....

韩语翻译 急!麻烦大家帮个忙 翻译一下这段话 不要用软件谢谢
10월 14일 때 미국 정찰 비행기가 소련 땅에 대 쿠바의 건설 - 대만에서 출시&#...

Understanding Laugh 支持人工!Huihua and Chinese students in China to study Chinese American students traveled to the Queen Mary Bookstore. To the book store to see a young person is under the stairs, rush less hit the last two stairs, fell to the ground. He struggled to stand ...

谢谢! 翻译一下

谢谢 翻译一下~~!!
1 drink coffee in great quantities will produce negative influence to the body, because of containing of the caffeine will act as a poison 2 he would never rise a function in the social activity, because it isn't good at social intercourse 3 should clean poisonous material first ...

日语翻译!求大神帮忙翻一下谢谢! ごめんね、は忘れないであるを叫んで氏だった!采纳哦!谢谢 求懂韩文帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 如果您要在火狐\/Chrome浏览器中开启游戏的话,请安装外挂。 【很高兴可以帮到你忙】O(∩_∩)O~ 【如有问题请追问或hi我 或 求助 ※韩语百科※ 团队 】 【...


5 我想要证明,女孩是像男孩一样重要的。6 我父母总是在我身边鼓励我,但是做事的总是我自己。7 在美国,感恩节是最能体现美国这一民族的节日。8 感恩节的庆典从那天开始举行,一直到今天 9 很多人不管是在工作时,还是在家中,都要忙于做各种各样的事情 10 如果你有一点点胖,你也可以通过多...

Sorry,I am busy now,please call me later.

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙翻译一下英语,谢谢.
栋咸丽珠: 我将会放弃,我想死,杀了我. 我将会放弃,我想死. 希望采纳、3Q

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙翻译一下谢谢
栋咸丽珠: 1 the child behaved badly at the party 2 in his sleep in the shade The 3 visit to the the Imperial Palace is worth 4 they were observed to enter the bank 5, we should respect the dead in the war. 6 boss does not want to hurt her, but that conversation ...

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙用英语翻译一下~谢谢!
栋咸丽珠: 我要和我的同事们好好谈谈i would talk to my colleagues carefully!

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙翻译一下英文,谢谢
栋咸丽珠: 应该是化妆品上面的吧,英文语句都很简单,我的回答是补充进去一些内容的. 1.像液体一样遮盖缺点,完美的修饰缺点. 2.修饰作用使你能够得到无暇妆容. 3.CLIDE实在不知道什么意思,但是大概意思应该是:稳定覆盖面部,让你的妆容一整天都清新自然. 4.你看到的就是你自己,而不是一看就化了妆. 5.不含化学成分,NONPORT-DOGGING也不知道是什么意思,后面的是无香味,无刺激性,防晒指数15.

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 -
栋咸丽珠: 这是我的荣幸. 我想做一个简短的自我介绍.我毕业于…学校,我的专业是XXX. 我在XXX公司在******年位置.我的职责是主要....(谈论你以前的工作). 作为中国打开它的资本市场,更与更多的外国银行有权经营人民币业务.渣打银...

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙翻译一下!~(英文翻译)谢谢 -
栋咸丽珠: Dear,teachers,and student " Hello, everybody! I come from the sophomore classes of students. Stood on this stage today, the honor, the hearts of extreme excitement, and very nervous, I have to thank for giving me this opportunity to the teachers. ...

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙翻译一下谢谢 -
栋咸丽珠: 4年前由于工作关系不能很好的照顾孩子 把孩子送回中国让他的姥姥帮助照顾 最近几年孩子姥姥身体不好 在今年6月末的时候孩子因急性肺炎住院 需要人陪护 孩子姥姥由于身体不好不能去医院照顾 只能我回去照顾孩子 于是向公司请假 时长两个...

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙翻译一下,英文....
栋咸丽珠: It's been seven years. It's the ending but also another beginning. I remember once you said, "if one day you haven't married anyone nor do I have marriage with anyone, then we shall marry each other." It's been four years now. I don't know what is ...

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙翻译一下 谢谢
栋咸丽珠: <因为有你的陪伴> let me be with you 朝(あさ)のときめき<清晨的心动> 梦(ゆめ)のぬくもり<梦中的温暖> 感(かん)じるまま<真实的感受> let me be with you

殷都区17110395323: 帮忙翻译一下.谢谢!
栋咸丽珠: I said to myself, I can do: I swear to you, please believe me.

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