
作者&投稿:康疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  San Francisco is located in the western United States, a population of about 800,000, an area of about 120 square kilometers. San Francisco is a modern industrialized city, the traffic is very convenient; mild climate, beautiful scenery all year for tourism; famous tourist attractions are: Golden Gate Bridge, Bay Bridge, and Chinatown, etc.

  This article is about the place in California. For other uses, see San Francisco (disambiguation).
  City and County of San Francisco
  — City-county —

  San Francisco from the Marin Headlands, with the Golden Gate Bridge in the foreground


  Nickname(s): The City by the Bay
  Frisco (deprecated)[1][2][3]
  The City That Knows How (antiquated)[4]
  Baghdad by the Bay[5]
  The Paris of the West[6]
  Motto: Oro en Paz, Fierro en Guerra
  (Spanish for "Gold in Peace, Iron in War")

  Location of San Francisco, California

  City and County of San FranciscoLocation in the United States
  Coordinates: 37°46′45.48〃N 122°25′9.12〃W / 37.7793°N 122.4192°W / 37.7793; -122.4192Coordinates: 37°46′45.48〃N 122°25′9.12〃W / 37.7793°N 122.4192°W / 37.7793; -122.4192
  Country United States
  State California
  Founded June 29, 1776
  Incorporated April 16, 1850[7]
  Founder Lieutenant José Joaquin Moraga and Father Francisco Palóu
  Named for Saint Francis of Assisi
  - Type Mayor-Council
  - Mayor Gavin Newsom (D)
  - Board of Supervisors Supervisors[show]
  Eric Mar
  Michela Alioto-Pier
  David Chiu
  Carmen Chu
  Ross Mirkarimi
  Chris Daly
  Sean Elsbernd
  Bevan Dufty
  David Campos
  Sophie Maxwell
  John Avalos
  - State Assembly Fiona Ma (D)
  Tom Ammiano (D)
  - State Senate Mark Leno (D)
  Leland Yee (D)
  - U.S. House Nancy Pelosi (D)
  Jackie Speier (D)
  - City-county 231.92 sq mi (600.7 km2)
  - Land 46.7 sq mi (121 km2)
  - Water 185.2 sq mi (479.7 km2) 79.8%
  - Metro 3,524.4 sq mi (9,128.2 km2)
  Elevation 52 ft (16 m)
  Highest elevation 925 ft (282 m)
  Lowest elevation 0 ft (0 m)
  Population (2008)[8][9][10]
  - City-county 808,977
  - Density 17,323/sq mi (6,688.4/km2)
  - Urban 3,228,605
  - Metro 4,203,898
  - Demonym San Franciscan
  Time zone Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8)
  - Summer (DST) Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7)
  ZIP Code 94101–94112, 94114–94147, 94150–94170, 94172, 94175, 94177
  Area code(s) 415
  Website www.sfgov.org
  The City and County of San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the 12th most populous city in the United States, with a 2008 estimated population of 808,977.[9] The only consolidated city-county in California,[11] it encompasses a land area of 46.7 square miles (121 km2)[12] on the northern end of the San Francisco Peninsula, making it the second-most densely populated large city (greater than 200,000 population) in the United States.[13] San Francisco is also the financial, cultural, and transportation center of the larger San Francisco Bay Area, a region of 7.4 million people.[14]

  In 1776, the Spanish established a fort at the Golden Gate and a mission named for Francis of Assisi on the site.[15] The California Gold Rush in 1848 propelled the city into a period of rapid growth, increasing the population in one year from 1,000 to 25,000,[16] and thus transforming it into the largest city on the West Coast at the time. After three-quarters of the city was destroyed by the 1906 earthquake and fire,[17] San Francisco was quickly rebuilt, hosting the Panama-Pacific International Exposition nine years later. During World War II, San Francisco was the port of embarkation for service members shipping out to the Pacific Theater.[18] After the war, the confluence of returning servicemen, massive immigration, liberalizing attitudes, and other factors led to the Summer of Love and the gay rights movement, cementing San Francisco as a center of liberal activism in the United States.

  Today, San Francisco is a popular international tourist destination,[19] renowned for its chilly summer fog, steep rolling hills, eclectic mix of Victorian and modern architecture and its famous landmarks, including the Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars, and Chinatown. The city is also a principal banking and finance center, and the home of over 30 international financial institutions,[20] helping to make San Francisco eighteenth place in the world's top producing cities, ninth in the United States, and is fifteenth place in the top twenty Global Financial Centers.

按英文缩写排列: AL Alabama 亚拉巴马州 蒙哥马利 AK Alaska 阿拉斯加州 朱诺 AZ Arizona 亚利桑那州 凤凰城 AR Arkansas 阿肯色州 小石城 CA California 加利福尼亚州 沙加缅度 CO Colorado 科罗拉多州 丹佛 CT Connecticut 康涅狄格州 哈特福德 DE Delaware 特拉华州 多佛 FL Florida 佛罗里达州 塔拉哈西 GA Georgia 佐治亚州 亚特兰大 HI Hawaii 夏威夷州 檀香山 ID Idaho 爱达荷州 博伊西 IL Illinois 伊利诺州 斯普林菲尔德 IN Indiana 印地安那州 印地安那波利斯 IA Iowa 艾奥瓦州 得梅因 KS Kansas 堪萨斯州 托皮卡 KY Kentucky 肯塔基州 法兰克福 LA Lousiana 路易斯安那州 巴吞鲁日 ME Maine 缅因州 奥古斯塔 MD Maryland 马里兰州 安那波利斯 MA Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州 波士顿 MI Michigan 密歇根州 兰辛 MN Minnesota 明尼苏达州 圣保罗 MS Mississippi 密西西比州 杰克逊 MO Missouri 密苏里州 杰弗逊市 MT Montana 蒙大拿州 海伦那 NE Nebraska 内布拉斯加州 林肯 NV Nevada 内华达州 卡森市 NH New Hampshire 新罕布什尔州 康科德 NJ New Jersey 新泽西州 特伦顿 NM New Mexico 新墨西哥州 圣大非 NY New York 纽约州 奥尔巴尼 NC North Carolina 北卡罗来纳州 罗利 ND North Dakota 北达科他州 俾斯麦 OH Ohio 俄亥俄州 哥伦布 OK Oklahoma 俄克拉何马州 奥克拉荷马市 OR Oregon 俄勒冈州 塞勒姆 PA Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州 哈里斯堡 RI Rhode Island 罗得岛州 普罗维登斯 SC South Carolina 南卡罗莱那州 哥伦比亚 SD South Dakota 南达科他州 皮尔 TN Tennessee 田纳西州 纳什维尔 TX Texas 得克萨斯州 奥斯汀 UT Utah 犹他州 盐湖城 VT Vermont 佛蒙特州 蒙比利埃 VA Virginia 弗吉尼亚州 里士满 WA Washington 华盛顿州 奥林匹亚 WV West Virginia 西弗吉尼亚州 查尔斯顿 WI Wisconsin 威斯康星州 麦迪逊 WY Wyoming 怀俄明州 夏延 另外还有一个直接由国会领导,独立于各州的的地区是哥伦比亚特区。这里也是国家的首都华盛顿的所在地。 除去美国的夏威夷和阿拉斯加两个州,其余的48个州和哥伦比亚特区被称为美国本土或美国大陆。 每一个州被分为更小的的行政区域,在大多数州被称为县或郡(英文county,但路易斯安那州的郡是parish)。一个县可能包括了几个城市和市镇,但有时候只包含城市的一部分。 一些位于太平洋或者加勒比海的美国属地包括了: 美属萨摩亚 贝克岛(无人居住) 关岛 豪兰岛(无人居住) 贾维斯岛(Jarvis Island,无人居住) 约翰斯顿岛(Johnston Atoll,无人居住) 金曼礁(Kingman Reef,无人居住) 中途岛 纳弗沙岛(Navassa Island,无人居住) 北马里亚纳群岛 帕迈拉环礁(Palmyra Atoll,无人居住) 波多黎各 美属维京岛 威克岛(无人居住)

  旧金山介绍英文版San Francisco

  San Francisco, open your Golden Gate, sang the girl in the theatre. She never finished her song. The date was 18th April, 1906. The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided, buildings crashed to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California. But today the streets of San Francisco stretch over more than forty steep hills, rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.

  The best way to see this splendid city, where Spanish people were the first to make their homes, is to take one of the old cable cars which run along the nine main avenues. Fares are cheap; they have not risen, I'm told, for almost a hundred years.

  You leave the palm trees in Union Square --- the heart of San Francisco --- and from the shop signs and the faces around you, you will notice that in the city live people from many nations --- Austrians, Italians,Chinese and others --- giving each part a special character. More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China. Here, with Chinese restaurants, Chinese post-boxes, and even odd telephone-boxes that look like pagodas, it is easy to feel you are in China itself.

  Fisherman's Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see, is at the end of the ride. You get out, pause perhaps to help the other travellers to swing the cable car on its turntable (a city custom), and then set out to find a table in one of the gay little restaurants beside the harbour. As you enjoy the fresh Pacific sea food you can admire the bright red paint of the Golden Gate Bridge in the harbour and watch the traffic crossing beneath the tall towers on its way to the pretty village of Tiberon. When you've finished your meal, you may decide to take aboat-trip around the bay to look at the sights. You can stare, for example, at the famous, now empty, prison of Alcatraz. Then why not go to the fishing village of Sansalito --- a little like London's Chelsea or New York's Greenwich Village --- to see people painting and to look at their pictures. You will be able to enjoy a view of the city from the sea and take pleasure in the soft red and blue Spanish-type houses shining in the bright Pacific light. If you have time you might like to go by bus to Carmel, a hundred miles south of San Francisco, where you will discover a wild and wonderful coast with high cliffs.

  Although the people of San Francisco prefer riding to walking, you may like to climb up the steep streets. Handrails are provided so that you can pull yourself up. You can enjoy the splendid shops, the view from Telegraph Hill, the houses with fountains and garden: You can also look at the Stage Coach, a familiar sight from Western films, which is in the window of the Wells Fargo Bank in Montgomery Street, near the business centre of the city.

  I expect you'll notice that all over the city the cars are left with their wheels turned towards the side walk so that they can't roll away. Wherever you walk you'll find it hard to lose yourself. At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets (Lombard Street; Ohio Street; Market Street; and so on)cut into the stone of the sidewalk so that you can look down and see where you are.

  After so much walking you may feel tired and sticky and ready for a swim. There is often a thick morning mist from the sea in summer, but the weather can be very hot. Yet nobody swims in the Pacific. It is too risky. There are miles and miles of smooth hard sand, empty because of sharks --- those dreadful big man-eating fish --- and the high and dangerous waves of the sea. So take a street car from the city centre to the wonderful swimming pool on the edge of the ocean. Afterwards you can go to the neighbouring zoo.Later, while you wait to catch a street car returning to your hotel, you may even see the sign “Doggy Diner” --- a restaurant for dogs!

  But what about meals for people? As in most of the big cities, the restaurants offer delicious food from almost every country. You could have dinner in Chinatown and then, on the way back to your hotel, catch the last cable car after midnight: it's not unusual for passengers who arrive late to have to hang on to the sides of the last car for the whole journey.

  On Sundays parents often take their children to look at the strange trees in the pretty Japanese Tea Garden in the huge spaces of Golden Gate Park.

  With its hot sun and gay night life, San Francisco is a fine place to live in or to visit. It is the most European of all American cities and you'll be sure to grow fond of it instantly. So tell yourself in the words of a song from the last century, “San Francisco, here I come!”











The City and County of San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the 13th most populous city in the United States, with a 2008 estimated population of 808,976 The second most densely populated major city in the U.S it is the financial, cultural, and transportation center of the larger San Francisco Bay Area, a region of more than 7 million people The city is located at the northern end of the San Francisco Peninsula, with the Pacific Ocean to the west and San Francisco Bay to the north and east.



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元通冠心:[答案] San Francisco,officially the City and County of San Francisco,is the fourth most populous city in California and the 13th most populous city in the United States,with a 2010 estimated population of 805,235.The only consolidated city-county in California,...

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元通冠心: San Francisco is America's most distinctive cities, urban centers to the street was lattice-like things that stretch north and south. Residential housing density is high. Market inn the street for the most prosperous commercial street, stretch from the city...

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元通冠心:[答案] Room One:San Francisco in the New Century The dawn of the twentieth century was a time of great hope and prosperity in Northern California.Everyone was looking forward to the new century that would surely be the greatest in the American West's ...

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元通冠心: The City and County of San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the fourteenth-most populous in the United States, with a 2005 population of 739,426. It is located on the tip of the San Francisco Peninsula and is the focal ...

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元通冠心: San Francisco is America's most distinctive cities, urban centers to the street was lattice-like things that stretch north and south. Residential housing density is high. Market inn the street for the most prosperous commercial street, stretch from the city...

迁安市15086293414: 用英文介绍旧金山的一个小地方,两分多钟的样子,不是愚人码头那些比较出名的.口语老师要我们介绍旧金山的一个地方 可以是偏僻一点的地方,因为出名... -
元通冠心:[答案] The City and County of San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the fourteenth-most populous in the United States, with a 2005 population of 739,426. It is located on the tip of the San Francisco Peninsula and is the focal point of ...

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元通冠心: 孩子--- 你得看地图 --- 没地图谁知道旧金山啥样啊 ---主要用到:go along this road turn left/right on the third corner then ...... finelly you will see it ...

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