
作者&投稿:饶刷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

文头: Ask for Sick/Business leave (请病假/事假条)
批准机构或人:(比如)To XXt office (XX办公室)
称呼: Dear Sir / Dear XX
正文: (见下例)
落款: Yours faithfully XX
日期: Sep,X, 2009

I am awfuully sorry that I can not come to the office today. Enclosed please find a certificate form the doctore who said I must keep0 the bed. It may possible be a few days before I am able to resume my duty.
I trust my abesence will not cause you any serious inconvenience.
Yours faithfully
Sep,X, 2009
I beg to apply for some days' leave of absence from (某日) to (某日) instant, in order to (办某事).
To support my application, I herewith submit a (某证明).
I should be very much obliged if you will grant my application. As regards the (工作或学习事务) to be miss during my abxence, I will do my best to make them up as soon as I get back from leave.
Yours faithfully
Sep,X, 2009

(老师,我今天身体略有不适。上午去看医生,医生嘱咐我要休息两天。并需按时服药,放松,因此我希望请2天假修养身子,对于功课我会尽快赶上的.)Teacher, I physically slight discomfort. Morning to see a doctor, the doctor asked me to rest for two days. And take medication on time, relax, so I wish to invite the two days leave cultivation body, for homework as soon as possible, I will catch up with the.~

Dear ***,

I am writing to request you a leave of absence from the speech exercise this Thursday for the reason given in this letter.I am going to return home on Wednesday because it is difficult to buy tickets during the holiday season. Hence I request you to grant me a leave. I will make up the exercise after the vacation.

Thanking you.

Best regards,


Dear Teacher ***,
Hello,teacher ***,I am your students Edison,I wonder if I can ask for a causal leave in advance for I will come home on Wednesday and the tickets are hard to buy,so I have to be absent of the lecture on Thursday.I hope that I can get your agreement.Thanks a lot.
Yours sincerely


To whom it may concern:

I am your student Edison XX (写上你的姓). Because I was unable to purchase the train ticket in the holidays, I will be going home on Wednesday which means that I would more than likely to miss my persentation on Thursday. I will do my persentation in class at the beginning of next term. I hope you would consent to that.

Thank you very much.


Edison XX

个人认为与其用Dear Teacher,不如用to whom it may concern(意思是:敬启者)更好~



dear teacher:
because it is hard to get the ticket during the vacation,I am going to go home on Wednesday so that I will be absent for the lecture that will be held on Thursday .But I will make up for it after the vacation.
I will appreciate it if you can allow it.
yours sincerely


Dear Mr/Mrs xxx

I am Edison, one of the students in your xxx lecture. Because it is so hard to get the train ticket in this period, I will be back on Wednesday. I may not be able to give my presentation on Thursday. Can I present it in your lectures after the term starting? Sorry about the inconvenient. Thank you very much.

Best wishes.

Teacher Hello, I am a student Edison. Because of holidays, not buy tickets, I will go home Wednesday. This may miss Thursday's speech courses. I am going to class after school to supplement lectures. Hope to get your students. thank a teacher.


用语要得当 请假条 “请假条”相当于公文中的“请示”,但比请示简便、灵活,格式可以不固定,也可以固定。一般最常用的.格式如下:标题(居中):请假条 上款(顶格写部门的名称或领导人的名字):正文(请假缘由、起止日期及天数)如:因...需要请假,请假时间自2006年x月x日至2006年x月x日共xx天,...

请假5天,请予批准!此致敬礼!您的学生:XXX 2015年7月16日请假条,是请求领导或老师或其它,准假不参加某项工作、学习、活动等的文书。 请假条写法: 1.居中写标题“请假条”。 2.请假对象的称呼。 3.请假原由。 4.请假起止时间。 5.祝颂语。 6.请假人签名。 7.请假时间。



请假条 王老师:您好!因为学校核对助学金发放表,要有居民身份证才能办理银行卡,而我的身份证在家里需要马上回家去取,向你请假半天。今天下午的紧急疏散演习就不能参加了,见谅!请假时间下午1点至五点,请您准假。谢谢!此致 敬礼 您的学生:李华 2014年4月21日 ...



请假条 学生怎么写
2、称谓:向人请假的那个人,学生的话一般就是“某某老师”“某某主任”,所以要尊称格式上要另起一行顶格写起。  3、请假原因和期限:这里可以先加上个“您好”缓冲一下;然后说说为何请假,理由写得具体而又简洁才好,最后在说明请假期限。4、礼貌语:写完之后加上“此致”、“敬礼”以...


哈密市17676999269: 英语中请假条的格式~ -
璩差盖诺: 一、假条的上方应该按照正式的格式写上如下信息:To:假条是递给谁的From:请假人Date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期)Subject:写上请假字样例如:To: Peter Stone,From: Lynn Chen, Financial DepartmentDate: April 2nd...

哈密市17676999269: 请人帮忙写一个英文请假条 要求是70 - 100字,因为什么事不限制,最好是病假,考试用,谢谢,在线等 -
璩差盖诺: 那就说下请病假 首先开头都是这样啦 Dear Mr/Miss.Zhang 内容就说我生病了想请 两天假今天到星期二 希望老师您批准 Dear Mr/Miss.ZhangI am wirting to ask for a sick leave of two days (如果你想说你已经卧病在床了就这样写I am still lying in ...

哈密市17676999269: 请高手批改一下我写的英文请假单刚刚写了一份请假单,想请一周假去复习,但不知道自己写得如何,请高手指正一下我写得不好或语法用得不好的地方.... -
璩差盖诺:[答案] Dear XXX, I would like to request a five-day leave using my annual vacation days,starting 200x-xx-xx till 200x-xx-xx. Attached ... ---------------------- 你原来的问题是太繁琐了.如果你的老板是外国人,那你这样写是绝对中式的英文,外国人是会不知你所云.请...

哈密市17676999269: 用英语写请假条 -
璩差盖诺: (老师,我今天身体略有不适.上午去看医生,医生嘱咐我要休息两天.并需按时服药,放松,因此我希望请2天假修养身子,对于功课我会尽快赶上的.)Teacher, I physically slight discomfort. Morning to see a doctor, the doctor asked me to rest ...

哈密市17676999269: 英语式请假条 -
璩差盖诺: 学生请假条范文 Dear Mr/Ms XXX; Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've got cold last night with carlessness. This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be ...

哈密市17676999269: 英语请假条怎么写 -
璩差盖诺: Dear Mr/Ms XXX; Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've got cold last night with carlessness. This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school,...

哈密市17676999269: 英语请假条格式 -
璩差盖诺: 英语请假条的格式 请假条 (written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假 (leave of absence). 请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因...

哈密市17676999269: 用英文写一个请假条(事假) -
璩差盖诺: 可先联系我下,我再告诉你更多一些内容……,我的qq已经发至你的消息里面了. 请假条(事假) To: John Smith, Supervisor From: George Chen, Accounting Department Date: March 11, 2001 Subject: Casual Leave of AbsenceJohn, I would ...

哈密市17676999269: 英文请假条怎么写 -
璩差盖诺: May.31th.2012 Dear Rolando , I am sorry that I should take a day off tomorrow,in order to test the driving license.I'll come back the day after tomorrow,Would you mind?Can you give me this presumptuous request it?Thanks!yours respectfully,Bowen

哈密市17676999269: 帮写英文请假条 -
璩差盖诺: Dear Mr.Huang, Because I got a gastrectasia last night and had a bad rest,I want to ask off for one morning. 署名

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