
作者&投稿:僪脉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear friend,
How\'s life treating you recently? Great I guess. Why not come here to visit?The scenery here is very good,and everybody is enthusiastic.Before i came here ,i;m afraid of adjusting here.Utill i get here ,i really fall in love with it.I make many friends,and get along well with them.when you come here ,I will introduce them to you.Do you interest in my Australia life?
Hope to hear from you soon. Bring good news.
best wishes

Dear xx,
You said you want to come to Beijing in the last letter, so I will tell you something about the city.

As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china.I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold . The warm wind will make you fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for it's beautiful sence and cultural inheritance .
If you want to have a enjoyable journey ,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place.When you feel tired after one day's journey ,you can taste the "Zha Jiang Mian",a kind of traditional food in Beijing.
There are many other things you can do in Beijing,as shopping in the big shopping mall,visit the different kinds park ,visit the"Si He Yuan"and so on.
I hope you can have a happy time in Beijing.


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英文:Hello, my dear Peter. I am Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School. That you want to China learning chinese. I would like to recommend a good teacher for you. He is my school outstanding Chinese teacher and my teacher, Lin Tao. He this year 30 years old. Character cheerful, humorous. His teaching method is given priority to with humorous language to transmit information. We all respect him very much. Meet not often ask him. He always teaches us patience. I hope you consider.

Thank you for your letter. My favourite musician is LiuFang. She is a Chinese musician. She was born in 1974. When she was 6 years old, she began to learn how to play the pipa, one of the Chinese traditional musical instrument. 5 years later, when she was 11 years old, she gave concerts. When she was 15, she went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music to study pipa and guzheng. She thought the most challenge in the pipa playing is respect the traditions and add her own style. Her music is very unique and special. Listeners can feel the power and the beauty from her music. She hopes to compose her own music and introducethe Chinese traditional pipa and guzheng music to every corner in the world.

亲 要不我先打一句 你觉得行了我再全部打呗 好累的

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