
作者&投稿:兆昆申 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

can可以替换成be able to (do sth. ),be capable of (doing sth.)。

be able to
能够; (因具有品质或技能)能做到...…的;(因有足够的自由、权力、时间、财力等而)可以...…的
I doubt they'll be able to help but it's worth a try.

be able to的时态
一般现在时:am/is/are able to
一般过去时:was/were able to
一般将来时:will be able to
现在完成时:have/has been able to

be capable to,be able to,have the ability t o do

be able to, be capable of

【1】 occur to 发生在;被想起[到]
1. …发生在
I hope no accident has occurred to him.
2. 被想起〔到〕
No better plan occurred to them.
It occurred to my mind.
Didn't it occur to you to close the window?
It occurred to him to tell the colonel ofthe problem.
It never occurred to me that I had seen herbefore somewhere.
It occurred to me that I had left the doorunlocked.
It never occurred to me for a moment youmeant that.
1. 被想到,被想起
on occasion 有时,不时
occur to 被想到,被想起
at odor(with) (与)…不一致,差异,争执
2. 被想到
occur to 被想到
3. 想起
occupy 占
occur to 想起
occur 发生
4. 想出
6. (affect) 打击
7. (occur to) 想出
8. (knock) 击
1. Didn't it occur to you to close thewindow? 难道你没有想到去关窗户吗?
2. Disease and coincident dissemination ofvirus may occur to produce an epidemic.
3. It didn't occur to him that she wouldrefuse his invitation.
4. Did it occur to you to close the window?你有没有想到关窗户?
5. Did it ever occur to you to be betrayedby your best friend?
6. Did it ever occur to you that we mighttake a new step forward?
7. It did not occur to me to mention it. 我没有想到提及这件事。
8. They are not being mean:It'simply does not occur to them.
9. Didn't it occur to you to shut thewindow?
10. The irony, however, did not seem to occurto those contestants.
11. Dose it ever occur to you that amsometimes thinking?
12. Thisname just did not occur to my memory.
13. Thatview of the case did not occur to me before.
14. It didn't occur to me to offer to splitthe bill.
15. His name did not occur to my memory.
16. We have reinforced ourpackaging so as to minimize damage which may occur to the goods. 我方已加固了包装以使货物可能遭受的损失降到最低限度。
17. It didn't occur to me that there could be households inthis remote mountain.
18. Illness, injury,love, brilliant achievements, and sheer stupidity all occur to testlimits ofyour soul.
19.It occur to her that she may as well talk it over with xiao Liu.
20.Changes: Changes that must occur to a packet to implement a backlog item.

【2】 think of考虑;想起;有…想法;对…有意见
1. 想起, 记起; 想念
Will you think of me after I've left?
我离开之后, 你还会记得我吗?
You're very quiet; what are you thinkingof?
你很沉默, 在想什么呢?
2. 有…想法, 有…看法
She couldn't think of such a thing.
We are thinking of going to Spain for ourholiday this year.
They all thought of her as a nice girl.
Dick thinks of himself as a genius inliterature.
We think of him as representing modernwriters.
I cannot think of youliving alone any longer.
3. 对…有意见
He was highly thought of by his employer.
4. 考虑
She thinks of no one but herself.
When I said that, I was not thinking of herfeelings.
我说那话时, 没考虑到她的感情。
He's thinking of studying abroad.

1. Think of a numberand multiply it by two. 想出一个数,然后乘以二。
2. Ask yourself what the folks in Peoriawill think of it. 想一想皮奥里亚的人会如何看待这件事。
3. They had to think of a trick to get pastthe guards. 他们只好想出个计谋骗过岗哨。
4. He's too selfish to think of lending mehis car. 他是一个自私的人,不想把汽车借给我。
5. I cannot think of you living alone anylonger. 我认为你不会再一个人住多久了。
6. I can think of no greater expression ofdefeatism. 我想,这是我听到的最悲观的失败主义论调了。
7. I don't reallythink of myself as a businesswoman. 我并没有真的认为自己是商界女性。
8. They could think of no way to head offthe inflation. 他们想不出避免通货膨胀的办法。
9. They could think of no way to save thesituation. 他们想不出什么办法来挽救局势。
10. We'll have tothink of a way to solve the problem. 我们得想个法子解决这个问题。
11.When you drink the water, think of those who dug the well. 饮水不忘掘井人。
12.What do you think of this novel? -- Not too bad. 这本小说怎么样 --还凑合。
13.Can you think of a good place for the holidays? 你能想出度假的好地方吗?

14. I can't think ofhis name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。
15. I can't think of anything offhand. 我即时想不出什么来。
16. Oh, I can't bear to think of it! 啊,我简直不忍心去想它。
17. Think of prayer asa two-way conversation. 把祈祷想成一种双向的交谈。
18.She couldn't think of such a thing. 她简直不能想象这样的事。
19. Itremble to think of the consequences. 我为可能产生的后果而担心。
20.Try to think of unusual and ingenious solutions. 尽量想想不同寻常的、巧妙的解决方法

【3】break into打断;闯入;突然做;把…分成
(1)(短语动词) 强行进入;闯入 If someone breaks into a building, they get into it by force.
There was no one nearby who might see himtrying to break into the house...
In this country a house is broken into every24 seconds.

(2)(短语动词)突然开始做(某事) If someone breaks into something they suddenly start doing it. Forexample if someone breaks into a run they suddenly start running, and if theybreak into song they suddenly start singing
The moment she was out of sight she brokeinto a run...
Then, breaking into a smile, he said, 'Ibrought you something.'

(3)(短语动词)成功打入,顺利进入(某行业,尤指很难取得成功的领域) Ifyou break into a profession or area of business, especially one that isdifficult to succeed in, you manage to have some success in it.

She finally broke into films after anacclaimed stage career. 她在取得舞台生涯的成功后,最终进入电影界发展。

1. How could anyone break into the palaceundetected?
2. A thief can break into a car in underten seconds.
3. I felt frisky,as ifI might break into a dance.
4. Myaunt's regular visits break into my weekend.
5. Hebecame so pensive that she didn't like to break into his thought.
6. We had to break into the house as we hadlost the key.
7. Spectators break into applause to cheerthe chasers on.
8. to break out into a cold sweat 出了一身冷汗
9. A unity invariably tends to break upinto different parts.
10. Did a burglarbreak into your house last night?
11.Don't break into their conversation.
12. Which flat did they break into?
13. The two gangsbreak into a dance that eventually turns into a street fight.
14.It takes some effort to break into flow after someone has achieved it.
15.You break into my van and you're accusing me of stealing.
16.You want to break into a hotel room and steal a bag?
17.Last month, we figured out how to break into your business.
18.Moreover, he tried to break into the Music field too.
19.Thieves break into the office and steal the petty cash.
20. Then It'started to break into pieces.These pieces started to move apart.

【4】devote vt. 把…奉献(给),把…专用(于);奉献
(1) 献(身);奉献,投入(时间、精力等) If youdevote yourself, your time, or your energy to something, you spend all or mostof your time or energy on it
He decided to devote the restof his life to scientific investigation...
Considerable resources havebeen devoted to proving him a liar...
She gladly gave up herpart-time job to devote herself entirely to her art.
He devoted his life toliterature.
He has devoted his whole lifeto benefiting mankind.
We should devote ourselvesassiduously and faithfully to the duties of our profession.
He devoted a great sum ofmoney to books.

(2) 将(文章或讲话的某一部分)专用(于)
Ifyou devote a particular proportion of a piece of writing or a speech to aparticular subject, you deal with the subject in that amount of space or time.

He devoted a major section of his massivereport to an analysis of US aircraft design...
Page upon page is devoted to the chain ofevents leading to the Prime Minister's resignation.

1. She forsook her worldly possessions todevote herself to the church.
2. After her marriage, she couldn't devoteherself totally to her music.
3. He is determined to devote his life tosicence.
4. I will devote all my life to the causeof education. 我愿把毕生献给教育事业。
5. I devote myself to helping the poor. 我致力于帮助穷人。
6. We should devote everything we have. 我们应该奉献我们的一切。
7. We should devote ourselves assiduouslyand faithfully to the duties of our profession.
8. 'Monseigneur, I am flattered to devotemyself to your orders.'
9. He wanted to be a physicist and devotehimself to research.
10. He decided to devote the rest of hislife to scientific investigation.
11. I began to devote more of my time toanimal welfare work.
12. He seemed to have unlimited time todevote to us. 他似乎有无限时间专来陪同我们。
13. After he graduated he continued todevote himself to research.
14. I don't think we should devote any moretime to this question.
15. We will devote most of our attention tothe ground electron state.
16. Caroline began to devote more care toher work.
17. They are willing to wholly devotethemselves to the task.
18. You must devote your attention to yourwork. 你必须专心于工作。
19. Don't devote too much time to games. 不要浪费太多的时间玩游戏。
20. From these considerations, I shalldevote the first chapter of this abstract to variation under domestication. 根据上述理由,我把摘要的第一章用来专门讨论在家养状态下的变异。
vt.& vi. 用钱,花钱
vt. 花费;消耗;花(时间);度过
n. (为某目的或某段时间内的)花销,花费,开销
1. 花(钱);用(钱) When you spend money, you pay money for things that you want
By the end of the holiday I had spent allmy money...
Businessmen spend enormous amountsadvertising their products...
Juventus have spent £23m on new players...
尤文图斯队已经在新球员身上花了 2,300 万英镑。
The survey may cost at least £100 but ismoney well spent.
该调查可能要花费至少 100英镑,但这钱花得值。

2. 花费(时间或精力)
If you spend time or energy doingsomething, you use your time or effort doing it.


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骆南复方: be capable of doing 应该也可以.

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骆南复方:[答案] 一、~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (... 例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松. 十四、On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝...

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骆南复方: 其实所谓的高级词汇,就是用你高中学的一些比较重要的单词,意思与词性相同,只不过单词不一样而已! 比如说as far as I can see 与as far as I am concerned,虽然两者表示的都是“在我看来的”意思,但是concerned是高中学的,see这个单词就是很简单的,所以用后者比用前者好!

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骆南复方: 1高考英语高级句型 在写高考英语作文时,如果能在文章中使用高级句型,就会为作文加分,所以掌握高级句型,我们就会比其他人更有优势.下面的几组高级句型,能在高考中熟练运用,从而写出高分作文. 倒装: Not only di he speak ...

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