
作者&投稿:佘肤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I will by/be your side

歌名:《I'll Be by Your Side》
所属专辑:《I Love You Perfect》
I'll be by your side - stevie b

When you look inside Just after we'll discover

Ae'll learn to appreciate the only one
Who truly cares for you
Soon you'll see a life as you get older
We'll learn to understand wbout the only one
Who truly died for you
And you knoa ahen we go through these changes
Nothing can separate our love
When you feel that we are being strangers
Knoa this is coming from my heart
And i'll be by your side baby
When you need shares from the start
You need someone to keep you aarm
Cause i'll be by your side
And i'll be by your side baby
When you feel that no one cares for you
With all my love and shining dea
Cause i'll be there for you

When i look back on the aay
We grea as lovers your gentle touch
I love so much to see you alaays been that aay my
Oh my us friends we grea as lovers

If you should ever doubt
What i'm all about these aords
I say to you and you knoa
When ae go through these changes nothing
Can separate our love
When you feel that we are being strangers
Knoa this is coming from my heart
And i'll be by your side baby
When you need shares from the start
You need someone to keep you aarm
Cause i'll be by your side
And i'll be by your side baby
When you feel that no one cares for you
Aith all my love and shining dea
Cause i'll be there
When you feel that no one cares
For you and you need someone to pull you through
When feel that life to much to bare
I want you to know i'll be there
And i'll be by your side baby
When you need shares from the start
You need someone to keep you aarm
Cause i'll be by your side
And i'll be by your side baby
When you feel that no one cares for you
Aith all my love and shining dea
Cause i'll be there
And i'll be by your side baby
When you need shares from the start
You need someone to keep you aarm
Cause i'll be by your side
And i'll be by your side baby
When you feel that no one cares for you
Aith all my love and shining dea
Cause i'll be there
And i'll be by your side baby ahen you

i will be by you side
I want you to know I will always be around you, by your side.


一般将来时,句子结构be going to 或者 will +动词原形,对应的未来的时间 I am going to Beijing next week. 我下周将要去北京 She will be your classmate next year. 她明年将会是你的同班同学 They are going to go fishing tomorrow. 他们明天将要去钓鱼 希望能帮到你~...

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诗枯巴沙: 友谊的小船说翻就翻出自英文友谊一词 “friendship”,friend是“朋友”的意思,ship是“船”的意思,而说翻就翻的说法来自微博上曾经流行的一张恶搞配图“让我们荡起双桨,小船儿说翻就翻.”friendship读起来就像翻的ship.这个梗的意...

喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县19725966689: 谁能给个汉语能翻译维语句子的手机软件. -
诗枯巴沙: 维汉学习通(百度助手上可以下) 云灵维汉友谊桥(豌豆荚可以下,并且可以翻译整句汉语) 教你学维语(对于初学者是款很好用的软件)

喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县19725966689: “酒逢知己千杯少”日语怎么翻啊? -
诗枯巴沙: 「酒逢知己千杯少 话不投机半句多」とは、 「友人と会って酒を饮むときは千杯の酒でも饮み足りないが、话の合わない人と话すときは一言话すだけでも多いと感じる」という意味です.逢 ・・・ ~と会う 知己 ・・・ 友人 话不投机 ・・・ 话が合わない

喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县19725966689: 翻译两句话,中翻英 -
诗枯巴沙: 杨志取路,不数日,来到东京; Yang Zhi traveled several days and got to Dongjing. 入的城来,寻个客店,安歇下. He went in town, found a guest house, and rested there. 庄客交还担儿,予了些银两,自回去了. The owner gave his package back, provided him with some money, and left along.我古文不好,不知道庄客是什么意思,暂且翻为主人?你要是知道庄客是啥意思把owner一词替换了就好

喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县19725966689: 0.01翻30翻后是多少 -
诗枯巴沙: 0.01*30=0.3

喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县19725966689: 五年级下册英语第四单元第48页翻译 -
诗枯巴沙: P48 Read and write参考译文 约翰:你好. 张鹏:你好,约翰.我是张鹏.你在干什么? 约翰:我在跟你讲话哦. 张鹏:来吧,约翰.你在干什么? 约翰:我在洗碗碟..你在干什么? 张鹏:我在看书. 约翰:你想去儿童活动中心吗? 张鹏:当然了.什么时候去? 约翰:十点半. 张鹏:好吧.待会见. 约翰:再见. 回答问题. 1. 张鹏在干什么? He's reading a book. 2. 约翰在干什么? He's doing the dishes.

喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县19725966689: will it be windy翻译成中文是什么意思? -
诗枯巴沙: 将会起风吗? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~希望对你有所帮助,望采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县19725966689: 八年级下册英语书第18页2b短文读翻译 -
诗枯巴沙: 走进老家的小院子,似乎一切世故与杂念都被阻挡在外面,我熟悉这里的每一寸土地,熟悉这里的每一个人…… ——题记 夕阳西斜,我默默的站在窗户旁,眺望着远方,只有那一成不变的水泥楼房,似乎永远也看不到尽头,来往的行人都在...

喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县19725966689: 麻将一块翻八十八翻是多少钱 -
诗枯巴沙: 88番的,你应该是要国际麻将,一般国际麻将有8底分,88番是你胡牌分,即基本分,底金1元,如果荣胡,点炮者出8+88=96元,其他两家出8元;如果自摸,三家都出8+88=96元.也有的时候没有底分

喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县19725966689: 我想去旅游翻译成英语怎么说 -
诗枯巴沙:[答案] I want to travel. I would like to have a vacation. I wanna travel.

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