
作者&投稿:苏琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Time is money, but money is not time". Time is more precious than gold! As a student, it should be a good time to cherish the hard study.
I always do not concentrate on learning, and sometimes write while I sit up and walk always make excuses. "Thirsty", "hungry.""...... Are all my common excuses, hard by my mother to the desk. Not for a while, the bottom is like a needle like, and can not sit. Sometimes homework dawdling, and for a while to finish homework, my hand to write a few hours is often the mother was hopping mad; sometimes looked at the book straight hair distracted brain a piece of blank. It's just like this, but I don't finish my homework.
Time for everyone is fair, but I do not know how to cherish, so that the time is so in the fingers quietly slipped away! ...


时间对每个人都是公平的,可我却不懂得珍惜,让时间就这样在指尖悄悄的溜走拉啦! ...

I seem to be born timid, cowardly, before the people did not dare to speak, not to speak in class. Once the teacher let me read the text, I'm nervous trembling, voice changes. Make the students laugh. After class, I suddenly realized timid is fragile, I must overcome and defeat it. Since then, my lessons before class preparation, take the initiative to read the text, raise their hands to speak, and not fear, expression and reading ability is also improved a lot, teachers praised me.
I have a little vanity. The classics do not live of elders publicly criticized. An aunt to my house, my cousin at table in the school announced the composition contest prize, Dad immediately pointed at my nose and said: "you see people younger sister!" A word I said blushed, hate not into a hole. Just after a meal, to hide his own room secretly crying. Cried, the teacher's words in my ears: the personality of the biggest drawback is ... ... Well, it is. Look down on others, not just to motivate yourself up, motivated? Cousin, was more a learning object? It seems the vanity is fragile, must be overcome and defeat it. From then on I pragmatic, diligence, and finally in the composition competition won the two prize. I remind parents not make public, because overcome the vulnerability is my main harvest.
In fact, in the process of practice, I also had to shake. Read a lot of books, watched a lot, wrote an article, is not seen progress, then lost the confidence. Then my notebook, which line sight: vulnerability is a stumbling block on the road of success. I felt a vibration, it has to pick up the pen. In the teacher, parents, classmates' help, I the composition finally up, oh, shake is a weakness, I conquered it, thereby succeed.

我还有点虚荣心。最经不住长辈当众批评。一次姑姑到我家来,我在饭桌上宣布表妹在学校作文竞赛中得了奖,爸爸当即指着我鼻子说:“你瞧瞧人家妹妹!”一句话把我说得满脸通红,恨不得有个地缝钻进去。胡乱吃完饭,就躲到自己屋里偷偷哭起来。哭着哭着,老师的话又在我耳边响起:人格的最大缺陷是……咳,真是的 。别人瞧不起,不正好激励自己争气、上进?表妹好,不正多了个学习对象?看来虚荣也是脆弱,必须克服和战胜它。从此我求真务实,苦练作文,终于在市作文竞赛中获得了二等奖。我提醒爸妈不必张扬,因为战胜脆弱才是我主要的收获。

Walking along the Beach

  I really like the sea. Seeing it makes me relaxed and peaceful. My home is near the sea and I love walking on the beach. Often, after dinner, I like going to the beach with my parents or friends. After sunset, the sea becomes so different from daytime. The sea breeze makes me comfortable. Walking without shoes feels great, because the sand is so soft. Sometimes, we will play games on the beach or make some sand sculptures. It's really funny. Besides, there are many people on the beach, and we often talk to them or play with them. Therefore, it's a good chance to make new friends there.

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仲孙虽莫乐: $str = "eee-uuu-eee-ddd-sss"; $arr = explode('-',$str); echo implode('<br>',$arr);

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