请问8英里里面阿姆骂PAPA DOC那首叫什么歌?

作者&投稿:仪岚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
《8英里》 阿姆和最后的Papa doc 的那场比赛中 DJ放的那首背景音乐谁知道?~

Lose Yourself```
去听听吧 可能是这首



8 Mile Freestyle vs Lickty Spilt Lyrics
[Lickty Spilt]
This guy\'s a choke artist
Ya catch a bad one
Your better off shootin yourself
With Papa Doc\'s handgun
Climbin up this mountain your weak
Ill leave you lost without a paddle
Floatin shits creek

You ain\'t Detroit, Im the D
Your the new kid on the block
Bout to get smacked back to the boonedocks
Fuckin Nazi, this crowd ain\'t your type
Take some real advice and form a group with Vanilla Ice
And what I tell you, you better use it
This guy\'s a hillbilly, this ain\'t Willie Nelson music

Trailor trash, Ill choke you to your last breath
And have you lookin foolish
Like Cheddar Bob when he shot himself
Silly Rabbit, I know why they call you that
Cause you follow Future like you got carrots up his asscrack
And when you actin up thats when you got jacked up
And left stupid like Tina Turner when she got smacked up

Ill crack your shoulder blade
Youll get dropped so hard
Elvis will start turnin in his grave
I dont know why they let you out in the dark
You need to take your white ass back across 8 mile
To the trailor park


This guy raps like his parents jerked him
He sounds like Eric Sermon, the generic version
This whole crowd looks suspicious
Its all dudes in here, except for these bitches
So Im a German, Eh
Thats ok, you look like a fuckin worm with braids
These Leaders of the Free World rookies
Lookie, how can 6 dicks be pussies

Talkin bout shits creek
Bitch, you could be up piss creek
With paddles this deep
Your still gonna sink
Your a disgrace
Yeah, they call me Rabbit
This is a turtle race

He can\'t get with me spittin this shit
Wickedly lickety shot
Spickety spickety split lickety
So Im gonna turn around with a great smile
And walk my white ass back across 8 mile!

8 Mile Freestyle Pt.II vs "Lotto" Lyrics

Yo, it\'s ime toget rid of this coward once and for all.
I\'m sick of the motha fucka! Check this shit out!
I\'ll spit a racial slur, honky, sue me!
This shit is a horror flick,
but the black guy doesn\'t die in this movie!
Fuckin\' wit Lotto, dawg, you gotta be kiddin!
That makes me believe you really don\'t have an interest in livin!
You think these niggas gonna feel the shit you say?
I got a betta chance with joining the KKK.
On some real shit, though, I like you
That\'s why I didn\'t wanna have to be the one you commit sucide to
Fuck \'Lotto,\'call me your leader
I feel bad I gotta murder that dude from "Leave It To Beaver"
I used to like that show, now you got me to "fight back" mode
But oh well, if you gotta go, then you gotta go!
I hate to do this, I would love for this shit to last
So I\'ll take pictures of my rear end so you won\'t forget my ass
And all\'s well that ends well, ok?
So I\'ll end this shit with a "FUCK you, but have a nice day!"

Ward, I think you were a little hard on the Beaver
So was Eddie Haskal, Wally, and Ms. Cleaver
This guy keeps screamin\', he\'s paranoid!
Quick, someone get his ass another steroid!


2 哈哈~终于找到8mile里freestyle的歌词了,连对手的都有,进来啊

"Blahbity bloo blah blah blahbity blooh blah!"
I ain\'t hear a wordyou said, "hipidy hooblah!"
Is that a tank top, or a new bra?
Look Snoop Dogg just got a fuckin\' boob job!
Didn\'t you listen to the last round, meat head?
Pay attention you saying the same shit that he said!
Matter fact, dog here\'s a pencil
Go home, write some shit, make it suspenseful,
And don\'t come back until something dope hits you
Fuck it! You can take the mic hme with you!
Lookin like Cyclone hit you,
Tank top screamin\', "Lotto, I don\'t fit you!"
You see how far those white jokes get you?
Boys like how Vanilla Ice gonna diss you?"
My motto: Fuck Lotto!
I get the 7 digits from your mother for a dolla tommorow

8 Mile Freestyle Pt.III vs Papa Doc

Now everybody from the 313
Put your mothefucking hands and follow me
Everybody from the 313
Put your mothefucking hands up
Look Look

Now while he stands tough
Notice that this man did not had his hands up
This free world got you gased up
Now who\'s afraid of the big bad wolf

1, 2, 3 and to the 4
1 pac , 2 pac, 3 pac, 4
4 pac, 3 pac, 2 pac, 1
You\'re pac, he\'s pac, no pacs, none

This guy aint no mother-fuckin MC,
I know everything he\'s got to say against me,
I am white, I am a fuckin bum, I do live in a trailer with my mom,
My boy Future is an Uncle Tom.
I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob who shoots
himself in the leg with his own gun,
I did get jumped by all 6 of you chumps
And Wink did fuck my girl,
I\'m still standin here screamin "FUCK THE FREE WORLD!"
Don\'t ever try to judge me dude
You don\'t know what the fuck i\'ve been through

But i know something about you
You went to Crankbook, that\'s a private school
What\'s the matter dawg? You embarrased?
This is guy\'s a gangster, he\'s real name\'s Clarence

And Clarence lives at home with both parents
And Clarence\'s parents have a real good marriage
This guy don\'t wanna battle, He\'s shook
\'Cause there no such things as half-way crooks
He\'s scared to death
He\'s scared to look in his fuckin yearbook, fuck Crankbook

Fuck the beat, i go acapella
Fuck a papa doc, fuck a clock, fuck a trailer, fuck everybody
Fuck y\'all if you doubt me
I\'m a piece of fucking white trash, i say it proudly
And fuck this battle, I don\'t wanna win, I\'m outty,
Here, tell this people something they dont know about me

不过最后和papa doc对决的那一段eminem真的超帅的!

Mobb Deep - Shook Ones Part.2 酷狗里有

分享Joey Mizers/Papa Doc的单曲《8 Mile (Final Battle)》: http://music.163.com/song/441437021/?userid=1320190756 (来自@网易云音乐)

2001年2月21日,埃米纳姆凭借专辑《The Marshall Mathers LP》获得第43届格莱美最佳Rap歌手、最佳Rap组合和最佳Rap专辑。2002年,埃米纳姆出演了电影《8英里》,并在影片中演唱了《Lose Yourself》,获得奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖 。2004年2月,埃米纳姆凭借歌曲《Lose Yourself》获得第46届格莱美最佳Rap歌手和最佳...

姓 名:Eminem 艺 名:阿姆 小 名:痞子阿姆 英文名:Eminem 生 日:1972年10月17日 艺人简历:埃米纳姆从小家境贫寒,6岁时父亲便和母亲离婚,他至今不知道父亲是谁,母亲带他奔波于底特律和堪萨斯城,他转过二十多所学校。他从小营养不良,长得比同龄人瘦小,常常成同学欺负、凌辱对象,所以在他幼小...

阿姆说唱是正宗的美国纯说唱 匪帮元素在里面! 你听过阿姆的快歌吗?如果你听了 你就知道周那是耍家家的!嗨兄弟!这个问题你问的就不对,根本就没得比,阿姆是世界性的 是已经超越天王和巨星的神级人物!先说阿姆获得的荣誉 专集十年销量世界第一,也就是这十年的第一人!电影8英里lose yourself...

<8英里>是底特律一条街道名,是贫穷、暴力的代名词,同时也是很多身处“贫民 窟”但怀揣梦想的年轻人聚集的地方,阿姆的这部自传式电影,一是反映了自己 成名的心路历程及一些自己真实的家庭状况,另一方面也反映了美国下层社会的 艰难与辛酸,呵呵,我也收藏这部片很久了,时不时看看,很不错,成本不高...


电影8 mile(痞子阿姆)为什么要起名字为8 mile?


埃米纳姆的《8英里》[1]级 别:A 片 长:118分钟 类 型:剧情\/音乐\/励志 上映日期:2002年11月8日 电影封面 发 行:环球电影公司Universal Pictures 片名8英里取自底特律城的8英里街道之名。此街为底特律城市与郊区的分界线,也即白人与黑人居住区的界线。谈到底特律,就不得不提到它的音乐。无...

8 mile是Eminem的半自传电影。也不是完全真实啦。在基于他真实情况下有改动是当然的~


银川市18017385860: 请问8英里里面阿姆骂PAPA DOC那首叫什么歌?
王竿宜力: 原声带里好像都没有的……这个里面的歌太多啦,一开始的时候不是还有一个黑人的一段吗?搞不好是为了这个电影临时写的,没有具体的名字吧不过最后和papa doc对决的那一段eminem真的超帅的!

银川市18017385860: 求电影8英里里的台词 -
王竿宜力: Now everybody from the 313 Put your mothefucking hands up and follow me Everybody from the 313 Put your mothefucking hands up Look Look Now while he stands tough Notice that this man did not have his hands up This free world got you ...

银川市18017385860: 请问eminem的lighters MV里讲述的是什么内容,是什么意思,lighters这首歌又讲述的是什么 -
王竿宜力: 首先这首歌曲的mv并不是个单独的故事,主要想表达的是阿姆和59两个人的生活历程 首先是阿姆,曲子开始是slim shady时期,也就是8年前阿姆在自己家中的情形,为此阿姆还刻意染回了金发,穿上自己8年前纽约演唱会的服装,还原了自己...

银川市18017385860: eminem在8mile里对papa doc唱的叫什么?哪里有下的?
王竿宜力: 应该没有那个音乐,8Mile音乐原声带里也没有.

银川市18017385860: 八英里中papa doc第一段说唱 -
王竿宜力: 我也不知道是什么歌 影片中则包括《Lose Yourself》等3首艾米纳姆的新歌,还有来自Jay-Z, Nas, Rakim, 50 Cent, Xzibit, D12等的最新音乐.艾米纳姆与德瑞博士合作完成了影片的音乐与电影原声大碟.(这是我在百度百科找得) 你有看八英里...

银川市18017385860: 求eminem在8 mile中最后一段battle的原版歌词 -
王竿宜力: 楼上不对 楼主要的是电影里那段battle 是rabbit vs papa docNow everybody from the 3-1-3 Put ya muthafuckin hands up and follow me Everybody from the 3-1-3 Put ya muthafuckin hands up Look lookNow while he stands tough Notice that this ...

银川市18017385860: 请问美国著名饶舌歌手Eminem主演的第一部电影叫什么? -
王竿宜力: 《8 Mile》 这是电影详细资料.http://baike.baidu.com/view/1082833.html?wtp=tt

银川市18017385860: 求eminem在8 mile中最后一段battle的原版歌词 -
王竿宜力: 8 Mile (from The 8 Mile Soundtrack)专辑:8英里演唱:EminemSometimes I just feel like, quittin' I still mightWhy do I put up this fight, why do I still writeSometimes it's hard enough just dealin' with real lifeSometimes I wanna jump on stage and just ...

银川市18017385860: Eminem在8mile中最后的对决的词(英文) -
王竿宜力: 8 mile 会战决赛=====8 Mile Freestyle Pt.III vs "Papa Doc" Lyrics======== Now everybody from the 313 Put your mothefucking hands up and follow me Everybody from the 313 Put your mothefucking hands up Look Look Now while he stands ...

银川市18017385860: eminem在8英里中与papa doc对决的mp3谁有?
王竿宜力: http://qc1147.cdn.hz-02.92idc.com.cn http://www.2dj.cn/index.html http://www.198dj.com/index.html http://www.dj-jot.com/ www.dmc-dmc.com 全部免费下载.天天更新!! 希望对你有帮助..

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