描写锦州的,以我的家乡为题,英语作文100词左右 PS:最好是关于七里河的。 谢谢啦~~

作者&投稿:良削 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My hometown
In the cool autumn autumn grandfather in Maple
spill a lot of wine.But the red maple leaf is like drinking not drunk
wine Han,depriving the autumn grandfather sprinkle spill light,they are
still not drunk.Go in Maple tread Maple paved path,like the step on the
red carpet rustling voices can be comfortable.
grandmother blowing waves of biting wind.Small snowflake fluttering in
the sky,dancing a beautiful dance,beautiful!Children out of the house to
come here,with thick gloves,wearing colorful cotton happily in the
snow,snowmen,snowball fights!
This is my home,all year round so beautiful.

My hometown
I have a beautiful hometown!
It is in Jiangsu Suzhou. Suzhou is a beautiful city in Jiangsu. Here mountains, beautiful water, people more beautiful(这里山美,水美,人更美)So It Is a good place to live.
In Spring,people usually Group outings(组队外出踏青)
In Summer,Mosquitoes do not too much(蚊子不太多)So people often go swimming in the lake
In ....(自己大概写写吧。。。我也在写语文。。。)
I love my hongtown。
我居然花了十分钟写这个- - 晕。。 内个春夏秋冬我写的不好 你可以自己修改一下 上面的还不错

给你两篇,供参考。第一篇My hometown is Jinzhou. I was born there. Jinzhou is such a beautiful city that many people visit there. The whole city is clean and tidy. I lived in downtown. There are many distinctive buildings and paths there. You may get lost in so many paths, but you don’t have to worry. And every path has its own beautiful scenery. I love my beautiful hometown.
第二篇These years, my hometown has vitnessed great changes. It isn't what it used to be.
Many forests have been cut down without planting any young trees, that is to say, beautiful hills have been changed into a deserted land. Due to the plants decreased quckly, so the river is also narrower and narrower. Without enough water, the crops can't be great.
In a word, my hometown is not as beautiful as it was before. Now, what should we do in order to change the situation now? I think it needs our efforts. Let's join hands together to make a contribution to my hometown.

小学时,我们沿着河沿走着上学,河沿旁的垂柳在季春里摇曳着婀娜的身姿,不知谁家的鸭子也在这宁静的河水里欢快地游,时而惊起层层细波,调皮的我们摘下柳枝,裁剪成一个个柳哨,响亮的哨声就回响在我童时放学的路上,偶尔,拾起一两块小石片仍向水中,受惊的鸭子扑哧着翅膀,飞快地游远了。 每年的清明节我都从遥远的...

在过年的时候人们都忙的不亦乐乎,而我的家也不例外我的阿姨对我说:快起来了我们和你弟弟吃完饭出去逛一下,我说好等等我马上起来,阿姨说那你快点我说好好好马上后来我起来刷牙洗脸,吃了早饭我说可以去了吗阿姨说:可以了,我们在门口老弟说:走吧!后来我们刚出门,阿姨说:儿子别抱到娃娃出去。老弟说:哦! 我们...

我的家在东北锦州港上啊 这里是文明古城历史辉煌 这是辽西的经济中心 也是东北的交通要道 还是新兴的海港城市 美名远扬啊!哎...哟!锦州市全体市民人人素质好 小伙子长得精神姑娘也都漂亮 家乡特产苹果鸭梨 锦州小菜尝一尝 喝着道光吃顿烧烤 终身难忘啊!哎...哟!锦州的城市建设那叫漂亮啊 一座座...



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