小学六年级第七单元英语作文Unit 7 International

作者&投稿:雀储 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  ( ) 1. The boy ________ big eyes is Tom’s brother.
  A. in B. with C. for ( ) 2. Mr Green ________ a play last Sunday.
  A. see B. sees C. saw ( ) 3. Mike is very fat. He is _________ than Liu Tao.
  A. older B. heavier C. younger ( ) 4. Jim _________ to do more exercise at the weekends.
  A. wants B. want C. is wanting ( ) 5. A: What are the students doing?
  B: They ________ an English lesson.
  A. had B. has C. are having ( ) 6. A: Who would like to read the new works?
  B: Let Helen read them. She reads ________ than all of us. A. better B good C well ( ) 7. _______ is the post office from our school?
  A. How long B. How many C. How far ( ) 8. We’re going to play table tennis. Will you _______ us? A. join B. take part in C come ( ) 9. _______ do you want to ________?
  A. Whose; write B. Who; write to C. Who; write
  ( ) 10. Yesterday Yang Ling ________ an American boy in the street.
  She_________ him the way to the shopping centre.
  A. meet; show B. meets; shows C. met; showed
  1. We often buy books in the ________.
  2. Lanlan, please post the _________ for me.
  3. Mr Black is from the UK. He’s living in a _______ in Nanjing. 4. —Can I have the stamp on the ________?
  —Yes, here you are.
  5. It’s a _______ day today. _______ go to the countryside to pick apples. 6. It’s ______ in Changchun most of the time in January. You ______to buy some warm clothes.
  八、将下列句子重新排列,组合成对话,将序号填在所给的横线上 1. A. Does Jim jump as high as Mike?
  Need, postcard, bookshop, cold, warm, Let’s, hotel, envelope

  B. Really? But Jim is taller than Mike.
  C. No, Mike jumps higher than Jim.
  D. Yes, Mike jumps higher than all his classmates.
  __________ ___________ ___________ __________ 2. A. Yes, I’d love to.
  B. I’m going to play cards with my friends. C. What are you going to do this afternoon?
  D. Would you like to go with us?
  __________ ___________ __________ __________- 3. A. I usually go to the farm to pick oranges. What about you? B. What’s the weather like in autumn?
  C. It’s cool and cloudy. It’s sometimes rainy. D. I usually go rowing.
  E. What do you usually do in the season?
  __________ __________ __________ ___________ ____________ 4. A. How about this blue one?
  B. Yes, I’d like a coat for my daughter. C. Can I help you? D. It’s very nice. I‘ll take it. E. It’s pretty, but it’s too big.
  F. How about this yellow one? It’s smaller than the blue one.
  G. Do you have any smaller ones?
  _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ 九、阅读短文,根据短文内容,完成下列句子
  Dear Helen,
  I’m on the farm in America now. Every day it’s sunny and warm. There are a lot of children on the farm. I work and play games with them. Now I’m writing the letter in the house. Jack is learning to swim. Terry is lying (躺) in the sun. John is reading a newspaper and some children are playing football near the house. We are going to milk cows tomorrow, so we have to get up earlier tomorrow morning. We enjoy (享受) the holiday very much. See you soon. Love, Janet
  1. ___________ is in America now.
  2. It’s __________ and _________ there every day.
  3. She ___________ __________ a letter in the ___________. 4. The children are on the__________ on the _________.

  5. They are going to ___________ __________ tomorrow. So they should get up_______.
  6. They are ____________ a good time there.
  一、根据所听内容在相应的图下括号内标出序号 1. A: Hello, Nancy. Is that tall girl your sister ?
  B: Yes. She is two years younger than me. She’s 5 centimetres shorter than me . 2. A: What are the girls doing ? B: They’re having a running race . A: Who runs faster, Nancy or Yang Ling ? B: Yang Ling .
  3. A: Dad, can I have that glue ? B: What for ?
  A: I want to make a model house . B: Sure, here you are .
  4 .A: Where are you going this weekend ? B: I’m going to a farm .
  A: What are you going to do there ? B: I’m going to pick grapes .
  5. A: Excuse me, where is the museum ? B: It’s on Zhongshan Road . A: How can I get there ?
  B: Go along this street ant turn right at the second crossing. You’ll see the museum on your right .
  6. A: Gao Shan, when did you finish your homework yesterday evening ? B: I finished it at half past nine. How about you ? A: I finished my homework at 11 o’clock . 7. A: It’s a fine day, isn’t it ? B: Yes. What are you going to do ? A: Let’s go fishing, OK ? B: That’s a good idea .
  8. A: Mum, where’s my red skirt ? B: It’s in the box, under the bed .
  A: Look! Mum, the skirt is too short. I need a longer one . B: Let’s go and buy one tomorrow .
  Keys:8 2 1 7 5 4 6 3

  1. A: What’s your brother going to do this evening, Mike ? B: He is going to play the piano at the concert. 2. A: Hi, Nancy. Do you like spring ?
  B: Yes, but it’s too short. I like autumn best.
  3. A: Mum, I’m late for school. I have no time for breakfast. B: Don’t worry, David. Take some bread with you.
  4. A: What are you doing , Helen ?
  B: I’m looking for my camera. I’m going to take photos with my friends in the park. 5. A: Where are you going, Yang Lin ?
  B: I’m going to the shopping center. I want to buy some presents for my mother. It’s her birthday tomorrow.
  6. A: Hello, Peter. What’s the weather like in London in summer ?
  B: It’s not very hot. It’s usually sunny. I often go swimming with my brother and sister .
  Keys:1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 三、根据所听内容,选择正确答案 1. A: Does Jim jump farther than Ben ? B: Yes, he does.
  Q: Who jumps farther , Jim or Ben ?
  2. A: Did you go on an outing last Sunday, Lin Tao ? B: No, I didn’t. I went to see a Beijing opera show. Q: What did Lin Tao do last Sunday? 3. A: Excuse me , is the zoo far from here ?
  B: Yes, you can take bus No.3 there and get off at the fifth stop. Q: How can the man go to the zoo ?
  4. A: Hi, Lisa. Do you have any writing paper ? B: What for, Mike ?
  A: I want to write a letter to my grandpa. B: Oh, here are some for you. Q: What does Mike want ?
  5. A: There is a football match this afternoon. Are you going to watch it, Wang Bing ?
  B: Of course.
  Q: What’s Wang Bing going to do this afternoon ?
  6. A: Yesterday Su Yang read about an American girl, Lily. Lily wanted a penfriend in China .
  B: Oh, I see. Lily wanted to know something about this country.

  Q: Where is Lily from ?
  7. A: Li Hong is Li Ling’s twin sister. Do you know ? B: But she is taller than Li Ling. Q: Is Li Ling as tall as Li Hong ?
  8. A: Can I have your fax number, David ?
  B: Sorry. I don’t have a fax machine. I can tell you my mobile phone number . Q: Does David have a mobile phone ?
  Keys:1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. C 四、根据所听短文内容答题
  It is Saturday evening. Jane and her parents are sitting in the sitting room. They’re talking about their plans for tomorrow. They are going to the Blue Hill Park. Jane is excited. Jane’s cousin Tom is going to go with them. He is going to fly kites with Jane. They will meet at half past seven at the park gate. A: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T
  B: 1. They are going to the Blue Hill Park . 2. Four .
  Keys:1. good 2. number 3. summer 4. bus stop 5. Spring
  Keys:1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6 .A 7.C 8. A 9. B 10. C 七、根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的词填空
  Keys:1. bookshop 2. postcard 3. hotel 4. envelope 5. warm
  6. Let’s 7. cold 8. need 八、将下列句子重新排列,组合成对话,将序号填在所给的横线上 Keys:1. ACBD 2. CBDA 3. BCEAD 4. CBAEGFD 九、阅读短文,根据短文内容,完成下列句子
  Keys: 1. Janet 2. sunny, warm 3. is writing, house 4. holiday, farm 5. milk cows, earlier 6. having

After school activities in the UK
This is an essay for The International Student Awards 2004 which is run by the British Council.
It's an award scheme for those international students who are making the most of their time in the UK.

To get a rough impression of my extracurricular activities, please start from the 4th paragraphs.

Please do not worry about me; I am healthy and happy here. We have just had a party last Wednesday organized by the college, nice meals and nice karaoke songs, great fun.

I finally received an offer from Imperial College London. I am so happy that because my hard work has been paid off. I still remember the day when I first told you that I wanted to go to UK to continue my study then go to Imperial College. You, father and I had a long argument, now everything seems to be clear, even father will agree, we made a right decision.

I missed the tough competition of the University Entrance Exams in our country, but I entered a brand new one in UK which is not only solving hard questions. I have to work hard on my studies, keep my room tidy, cook for myself etc as I am away from you. You chose a state college for me because you want me to be more independent, I think now I am proud to tell you that I am now indeed






A International city
Shanghai is an international city in China.
It is also an international city in the world.
It is in the east of China.
There are a lot of interesting places in Shanghai.
Many people go sightseeing in Shanghai.
There are a lot of shopping centres in Shanghai.
Many people go shopping there.

还有( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!



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