
作者&投稿:叔泰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

”far“的意思:adv. 很;遥远地;久远地;到很远的距离;到很深的程度、adj. 远的;久远的、n. 远方
1、读音:英 [fɑː(r)]、美 [fɑːr]
far from 远非 ; 远离 ; 远远不是 ; 阔别
FAR EAST 远东 ; 远东地区 ; 远东航线 ; 远东区域经理
far sight 远视 ; 透视 ; 视界术 ; 远见
Far Eastone 远传电信 ; 台湾远传电信
thus far 迄今 ; 现在为止 ; 到目前为止 ; 迄今为止
far post 远门柱 ; 站远柱 ; 站原柱 ; 发到远门柱
far more 许多 ; 多得多的 ; 附加的 ; 何止
3、例句:She followed the tracks as far as the road.

1、读音:英 [ˈhɔːri] 、 美 [ˈhɔːri]
2、表达意思:adj. 久远的,古老的;灰白的
Hoary Marmot 灰毛土拨鼠 ; 花白旱獭
hoary plantain 车前草 ; 北美车前 ; 中型车前草
hoary lock 灰白的头发
Hoary Hedgeh 白发的刺猬
Hoary Peas 灰白豌豆
Hoary zorro 洼地狐
4、例句:It also shows how the hoary old thesis and antithesis of genetics and upbringing combine in amost intriguing synthesis.



/ fɑː(r); fɑr/ adj
(farther / ˈfɑːðə(r);
ˋfɑrðɚ/ or further / ˈfɜːðə(r); ˋfəðɚ/, farthest / ˈfɑːðɪst; ˋfɑrðɪst/ or
furthest / ˈfɜːðɪst;
ˋfəðɪst/) [attrib 作定语]
(dated or fml 旧或文) distant
远的; 远方的: a far country 远方的国家 * to journey into far regions 到远方去旅行.
more remote 较远的: at the far end of the
street 在街的那一头 * on the far bank of the river
在河的彼岸 * She's on the far right, ie
holds extreme right-wing views. 她持极右观点.
(idm 习语) a far cry from sth/doing sth (infml 口) a very different experience from sth/doing sth
Life on a farm is a far cry from what I've been used to.
# the Far `East China, Japan and other
countries of E and SE Asia 远东(中国﹑ 日本及东亚与东南亚其他国家).
the Far `West
(US) the part of the USA near the Pacific
coast 美国西部太平洋沿岸地区.


/ fɑː(r); fɑr/ adv
(farther / ˈfɑːðə(r);
ˋfɑrðɚ/ or further / ˈfɜːðə(r); ˋfəðɚ/, farthest / ˈfɑːðɪst; ˋfɑrðɪst/ or
furthest / ˈfɜːðɪst;
(usu in questions and negative sentences 通常用於疑问句和否定句) (of
space) at or to a great distance (指空间)远: How far is it to
London from here? 从这里到伦敦有多远? (Cf 参看 London's a
long way from here. 伦敦离这里很远.) * How far have we
walked? 我们走了多远了? (Cf 参看 We've walked only a short
way. 我们只走了一小段路程.) * We didn't go far.
(preceding particles and preps 用於小品词和介词前) (a) (of space) by a great distance
(指空间)远: far above the clouds 远在云层之上 * not far from here 离这里不远 * far beyond
the bridge 远在桥那边 * Call me if you need me; I
won't be far away/off. 需要我时叫我一声, 我不到远处去. (b) (of time) a long
way (指时间)久, 远: far back in history 在历史上久远的 *
as far back as 1902 远在1902年 * events that will happen far in the future 很久以後将发生的事 *
We danced far into the night. 我们跳舞跳到深夜.
(c) (used within idioms 用於成语中) to a great extent 在很大程度上; 远远: to live far beyond one's means 过着远远入不敷出的生活 * He's fallen far behind in his work. 他的工作远远没有做完.
(preceding comparative adjs
and advs 用於形容词或副词的比较级前) considerably;
very much 很; 非常: a far better solution 好得多的解决办法 *
He runs far faster than his brother. 他远比哥哥跑得快.

(idm 习语) as far as to the place mentioned, but no
further 直至所提到之处为止: I've read as far as the third chapter.
我已读到第三章了. * I'll walk with you as far as the post
office. 我陪你走到邮局. * We'll go by train as far as
London, and then take a coach. 我们乘火车到伦敦, 然後换长途汽车. as/so far as
(a) the same distance as 与...的距离相等: We didn't go
so far as the others. 我们走得不如其他人远. (b) to the extent that; as
much as 达到...的程度; 尽...; 就...: So far as I know/As far as I
can see, that is highly unlikely. 就我所知[依我看]那是极不可能的. * His parents supported him as far as they could.
他父母竭尽全力抚养他. (c) (of progress) up to a specified point but not
beyond (指进展)达到某一点为止: We've got as far as collecting our data
but we haven't analysed it yet. 我们已收集了资料, 但尚未分析. as/so far as in
me `lies (fml 文) to the best of my ability;
as much as I can 尽我所能; 尽我的力量. as/so far as it, etc `goes to a limited
extent, usu less than desirable 达到一定程度(通常并未如愿): Your plan is
a good one as far as it goes, but there are several points you've forgotten to
consider. 你的计画目前看来还算不错, 但有几点你忘了考虑进去. as/so far as sb/sth is
concerned in the way, or to the extent, that sb/sth is involved or affected
The rise in interest rates will be disastrous as far as
small firms are concerned. 利率增加对小公司来说是大祸临头. * The
car is fine as far as the engine is concerned but the bodywork needs a lot of
attention. 这辆汽车发动机还不错, 但车身需要大修. * As far as I'm
concerned you can do what you like. 对我个人来说, 你怎麽做都可以. as far as the
eye can `see to the horizon 就视力所能及: The prairies stretch
on all sides as far as the eye can see. 草原向四周伸展, 一望无际. by `far
(following comparative or superlative adjs or
advs, preceding or following comparative or
superlative expressions with the or a 与形容词或副词的比较级或最高级连用时, 置於这类词之後; 若这类词带有冠词the或a时,
则置於这类之前或之後均可) by a great amount ...得多; 显然: It is quicker by
far to go by train. 乘火车要快得多. * She is the best by
far/She is by far the best. 她显然是最好的. carry/take sth too, etc `far
continue (doing) sth beyond reasonable limits 做得过分: Don't be such a prude you can carry modesty too far!
别那麽拘谨--你谦虚得太过分了! * It's time to be serious;
you've carried this joke far enough. 该严肃些了, 这个玩笑你开得差不多了.
far/farther/further afield => afield.
far and a`way (preceding comparative or superlative adjs 用於形容词的比较级或最高级之前) by a very great amount; very much 极;
非常: She's far and away the best actress I've seen.
她是我所见到的最好的演员. far and `near/`wide everywhere; from or to a
large area 到处; 四面八方: They searched far and wide for the
missing child. 他们到处寻找失踪的小孩. * People came from
far and near to hear the famous violinist. 人们从四面八方赶来听这位着名小提琴家的演奏.
far be it from me to do sth (but...) (infml
口) I certainly don't want you to think I would do sth (but...)
我毫无做某事物的意思(但...): Far be it from me to interfere in your
affairs but I would like to give you just one piece of advice.
我决无意干涉你的事, 但我只想给你提个建议. far from doing sth instead of doing sth
(不但)不做某事物(反而...): Far from enjoying dancing, he loathes it.
他岂止不喜欢, 简直讨厌跳舞. far from sth/from doing sth not at all sth;
almost the opposite of sth 毫不; 一点也不; 远非; 几乎与之相反: The problem
is far from easy, ie is in fact very difficult. 这问题绝非易事. * Your account is far from (being) true/is far from the truth.
你所说远非事实. far `from it (infml 口)
certainly not; almost the opposite 当然不; 一点也不; 几乎相反: `Are you
happy here?' `No, far from it; I've never been so miserable in my
life.' ‘你在这里愉快吗?’‘一点也不愉快, 我从来没像现在这样难受过.’ few and far between =>
few. go
as/so far as to do sth/as that, etc be willing to go to extreme limits in
dealing with sth 处理某事物时愿走极端; 甚至做到某地步: I won't go so far as
to say that he is dishonest, ie I won't actually accuse him of
dishonesty, even though I might suspect him of it. 我还不想说他不诚实(纵然我有所怀疑,
也不愿意这样指责他). go `far (a) (of money) buy many goods, etc (指钱)可买许多东西:
A pound doesn't go very far (ie You can't buy
very much for a pound) nowadays. 现今一英镑已买不了多少东西了.
(b) (of food, supplies, etc) be enough for what is needed; last (指食物﹑
供应等)够用, 充足: Four bottles of wine won't go far among twenty
people. 四瓶葡萄酒不够二十人喝. go `far/a long `way (of people) be very
successful (指人)非常成功: Someone as intelligent as you should go
far. 像你这样聪明的人一定很有作为. go far/a long way towards sth/doing sth
help greatly in (achieving) sth 在(促成)某事物方面大有帮助: Their
promises don't go very far towards solving our present problems.
他们的承诺对解决我们当前的问题没多大帮助. go too `far behave in a way that is
beyond reasonable limits 做得过分: He's always been rather rude
but this time he's gone too far. 他总是很粗鲁, 但这次未免太过分了. in so far as
to the extent that 到...的程度; 在...范围内: This is the truth
in so far as I know it. 就我所知, 这是真实情况. not far `off/`out/`wrong
(infml 口) correct or almost correct 正确的;
几乎正确的: Your guess wasn't far out. 你猜得八九不离十了.
`so far until now; up to this/that point, time, etc 迄今为止; 到这[那]点﹑ 时等为止: So far the work has been easy but things may change.
到目前为止, 这工作很容易, 但情况可能有变化. ,so `far (infml
口) only to a limited extent 仅到一定程度; 仅在有限的范围内: I
trust you only so far (and no further). 我对你的信任只到这一程度. ,so far, so
`good (saying 谚) up to now everything has
been successful 到目前为止, 一切都很顺利.

英 [fɑː]
美 [fɑr]

n. 远方
adj. 远的;久远的
adv. 很;遥远地;久远地;到很远的距离;到很深的程度
n. (Far)人名;(德、西、塞)法尔


far 远的,认假率,远远
far from 远非,远离,阔别
Far East 远东,远东地区,远东航线



是增强现实的技术。增强现实(Augmented Reality)技术是一种将虚拟信息与真实世界巧妙融合的技术,广泛运用了多媒体、三维建模、实时跟踪及注册、智能交互、传感等多种技术手段。可以将计算机生成的文字、图像、三维模型、音乐、视频等虚拟信息模拟仿真后,应用到真实世界中,两种信息互为补充,从而实现对真实世...

人工智能中AR AI VR是什么意思?
AR是(Augmented Reality)增强现实;AI是(Artificial Intelligence)人工智能;VR是(Virtual Reality)虚拟现实。1、AR 增强现实技术不仅能够有效体现出真实世界的内容,也能够促使虚拟的信息内容显示出来,这些细腻内容相互补充和叠加。在视觉化的增强现实中,用户需要在头盔显示器的基础上,促使真实世界能够和...


AR的意思是增强现实(Augmented Reality)的缩写。它是一种特殊的技术,可以将虚拟信息和真实场景进行融合,从而创造出一种新的视听体验。AR技术目前已经得到了广泛的应用,并且在未来将会有更加广泛的应用前景。下面,我们将详细解析AR技术的定义、原理、发展以及应用。I.AR技术的定义 AR技术指的是通过...


ar是什么意思 ar的简介
1、AR是增强现实(Augmented Reality)的简称。2、增强现实,是一种实时地计算摄影机影像的位置及角度并加上相应图像的技术,是一种将真实世界信息和虚拟世界信息“无缝”集成的新技术,这种技术的目标是在屏幕上把虚拟世界套在现实世界并进行互动。这种技术最早于1990年提出。随着随身电子产品运算能力的提升...

AR:增强现实(Augmented Reality,简称AR),也被称之为混合现实。它通过电脑技术,将虚拟的信息应用到真实世界,真实的环境和虚拟的物体实时地叠加到了同一个画面或空间同时存在。VR和AR的区别:简单来说,虚拟现实(VR),看到的场景和人物全是假的,是把你的意识代入一个虚拟的世界。增强现实(AR)...

AR%归因危险度百分比:又称病因分值EF;是指暴露人群中发病或死亡归因于该暴露的部分占全部发病或死亡的百分比。AR%=(Ie-Io)\/ Ie =(RR-1)\/RR PAR人群归因危险度:指总人群发病率中归因于该暴露的部分。PAR=It-Io,It为全人群发病率Io为非暴露组发病率;PAR%人群归因危险度百分比也称人群病因分值...

增强现实(Augmented Reality)技术是一种将虚拟信息与真实世界巧妙融合的技术,AR技术也是最近几年的热点。在增强现实系统中,虚拟世界与现实世界叠加在一起,用有用的信息对人们看到的现实世界进行补充。 真实环境和虚拟物体之间重叠之后,能够在同一个画面以及空间中同时存在。发展 AR技术的起源,可追溯到...

镇雄县18517121541: far(单词) - 搜狗百科
亥彼复方:[答案] n.远方 adj.远的;久远的 adv.很;遥远地;久远地;到很远的距离;到很深的程度 n.(Far)人名;(德、西、塞)法尔

镇雄县18517121541: far翻译中文是什么意思 -
亥彼复方: far 英[fɑ:(r)] 美[fɑr] adv. 久远地;(问到或谈及距离时说)有多远;到很远距离;到很大程度 adj. 远的;遥远的;(某方向的)最远的;远端的 n. 远方

镇雄县18517121541: far是什么意思 -
亥彼复方: far 意思: adv. 很;遥远地;久远地;到很远的距离;到很深的程度 adj. 远的;久远的 n. 远方 n. (Far)人名;(德、西、塞)法尔 读音:英 [fɑː] 美 [fɑr] [ 比较级 farther或further 最高级 farthest或furthest ] 双语例句: When we design this plan,we should look far ahead into the future. 在构思这个计划时我们应展望遥远的未来.

镇雄县18517121541: far是什么意思 -
亥彼复方:[答案] far [fB:] adj. (常用于书面语)远的,久远的,遥远的 adv. (表示空间或时间上的距离)远,很远,遥远地,久远地,甚远地,很,很晚地 n. 远处,远方 FAR =Failure Analysis Report 故障分析报告 far Far is used to describe something or a place that...

镇雄县18517121541: 是 far什么意思 -
亥彼复方: “far”是“远”的意思

镇雄县18517121541: far的意思是什么 -
亥彼复方: adv. 很;遥远地;久远地;到很远的距离;到很深的程度 adj. 远的;久远的 n. 远方

镇雄县18517121541: far的中文意思是什么………… -
亥彼复方: 1. 远的;遥远的;久远的;2. 较远的;那一边的;对面的;3. (政治立场)极端的.

镇雄县18517121541: 经常在索爱论坛看到FAR,请问FAR是什么意思啊? -
亥彼复方: FAR就是刷机的一种软件 你可以使用他进行备份手机内部文件及替换手机内部文件以达到刷机的目的 FAR是目前普通索爱使用者常用的刷机软件 目前索爱维修店一般都使用索爱王进行刷机 索爱王的使用需要信誉点,信誉点需要用钱购买

镇雄县18517121541: far 这个词到底是个啥词.. 是什么意思啊.字典上没有,又少见..
亥彼复方: fare一种变位 具体是什么时候用,忘记了...额..

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