
作者&投稿:仇巧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


나는 원래 천 개 사원을 좋아한다
나는 원래 천 개 사원을 좋아한다

我最难忘的经历 my unforgetable experience
When I was ten years old,a lecture match was organized at my school. I applied to attend it.我们在一个很大的教室里比赛,台下坐了足有70人.We took the competition at a big classroom.There were at least70 people who were watching the match.我第一次参加这么大的比赛,It was my first time to atten such a big match.看到有这么多的观众,十分紧张.When i saw so many audience,i feel nervous.演讲时,前面说的还很顺利,可是到了后来,却突然忘了词,我的腿也开始发抖.At the beginning of the speech, i did well, but i forgot what to say after then. And my legs began to shake.当时我十分尴尬,在台上想了好长时间才想起来下面的词.我觉得我一定 得不上奖了.I felt embarrassed and didn't remember the words until I standed for a long time. Then i thought i can't take the prize.可是结果出来,我是第二名,我好开心. But when the result came out, I was the second winner.I was very happy at the moment.


I most unforgettable experience
At I 10 year-old time, the school has organized a oratoricalcontest, I then registered We compete in a very big classroom, undersat fully had 70 people, my first participation such big competition,saw had such many audiences, was extremely anxious When lecture,front said very is also smooth, but arrived, actually suddenly hasafterwards forgotten the word, my leg also started to tremble At thattime I was extremely awkward, had thought on the good long time onlythen remembered under the word I thought I certainly resulted in ondo not reward But the result comes out, I am second, I am quite happy

my unforgettable experience
when I was 10 year-old, the school organized a speech competition , then I registered. this copetition was held in a very big classroom, there were 70 audiences, it was the first that i participated such big competition, when i saw such mcuh audiences, I was extremely anxious. When I made the speech, at the beginning I said very smooth, but sudderenly, I forgot the word, at that time my leg started to tremble. I fell a littlt awkward, standing there for a long time then remembered the word. at first, I thought I could not get any reward. But when the result came out, I was the second, I was quite happy.

my unforgettable experience
I most unforgettable organized a lecture after the county in I 10 year-old time school then to report us me to sit in a very big classroom under fully had 7 billion my first participation such in a big way to see had such many view to be extremely more anxious than The lecture front said very is also smooth, but arrived, actually suddenly has afterwards forgotten the word, my leg also opened the initial sending my extremely urine to think at that time on the good long time only then remembered under to shift me to think I as soon as to sleep on the prize hundred million but the result not to come out, I was second I good open the indignation

I most unforgettable organized a lecture after the county in I 10 year-old time school then to report us me to sit in a very big classroom under fully had 7 billion my first participation such in a big way to see had such many view to be extremely more anxious than The lecture front said very is also smooth, but arrived, actually suddenly has afterwards forgotten the word, my leg also opened the initial sending my extremely urine to think at that time on the good long time only then remembered under to shift me to think I as soon as to sleep on the prize hundred million but the result not to come out, I was second I good open the indignation


I don't know how to say it in English. Wait a minite, let me translate it with Google.

常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?

请帮我翻译一下翻译成英语是:Please translate for me

Hello everyone.My name is Wang Xinyi.I am a Chinese girl and I am 11 years old.I am not high,but I am healthy and I have two big eyes and a small mouth .My hair is very long.My favourite color is blue and pink.I like eating fruits,such as bananas,pineapples and ...

下面是逐句翻译!全球变暖是现代的一个严重问题。Global warming is a serious problem in modern.由于人们的大量砍伐树林和汽车和工场的二氧化碳的大量排放。There will be a lot of extreme weather and disasters. For example, floods, droughts, earthquakes and other disasters. Even cause glaciers ...

Nanjing has a history for more tnan 2,400 years, in which ten of the Dynasties hounded their capitals.3.南京很美,有许多名胜,如玄武湖、鸡鸣寺、石头城等,还有许多现代化的工厂和高大的楼房。Nanjing is very beautiful. There are many of key point of interests,such as the Xuanwu ...

崔:최(发音:cui ,和中文的“崔”发音非常相似)艺:예(发音:yie,和中文的“叶”发音非常相似,但是是一声)兰:란(发音:læn,和中文的“兰”发音非常相似)这是个非常韩国味道的名字,崔是韩国常见的姓氏,艺,兰也都是韩国女生名字中比较常见的字 ...

请帮我用英语翻译一下下面的简单语句! 谢谢了! (注意grammar!)
1. 他的智商是多少? 185 What is his IQ? It's 185 2.这篇新闻的主人公是谁?Singh Who is the hero in the news? It's Singh 3.他的特质是?神童 What is his characteristic? Whiz kid 4.他来自哪里? Indian Where is he from? He's from India.5.他遇到了什么问题?

我相信我的家乡会变的更好。我希望你再次光临我的家乡。你的朋友,李华。Dear Carle,I am very glad to receive your letter. I'm very glad to tell you about my hometown.In the past five years. Great changes have taken place in my hometown. First of all,each village on the road....

达日县19196684151: 帮我翻译一下(翻译成英语
闻纨赛美: I don't want to forget I had things, I only know how to cherish you. Ha ha, I'm a little regret I the previous decision, I won't take these things keep on my memory, because I now want to fight for!

达日县19196684151: 帮我翻译一下~ -
闻纨赛美: 我明白你说的是什么I know What you were talking about.

达日县19196684151: 帮我翻译一下英语
闻纨赛美: 你好、可以这么翻译: "my dream is to become a pilot, because I can watch the beautiful scenery around the world"采纳喔、谢谢你、祝福你梦想成真、加油哈

达日县19196684151: 帮我翻译一下 -
闻纨赛美: Sunshine Abbey

达日县19196684151: 帮我翻译一下英文
闻纨赛美: learn early children's Mexico Argentina Australia Korean find out learn about all over the country in some aspects spare time be born wish you good luck frequent 形容词 frequently (副词) nationality advanced English love and hatrad written French much too difficult a little Portuguese

达日县19196684151: 帮我翻译一下啊!!!!!!急用啊!!!!!!!! -
闻纨赛美: 1 do you plant trees every spring?2 he looks worrying about something3 he asks me to double click the icon4 what's on the screen5 the thief has not been caught

达日县19196684151: 帮我翻译一下!!!
闻纨赛美: 你知道我是多麽爱你.我真的真的不能失去你!Do you know how much I love you. I really really can not afford to lose you! 也许,你已不再属於我了!Perhaps, you are no longer belongs to me! 我的世界.你不懂 you don't know my world! 我的世...

达日县19196684151: 帮我翻译一下,谢谢 -
闻纨赛美: It will be a year before he comes back, while his workmate will stay there for three days.It was one year before he came back, while his workmate stayed there only for two months.

达日县19196684151: 谁能帮我翻译一下啊!!(英文) -
闻纨赛美: Thank you for trusting me despite of my young age. (如果是求职,建议就只要Thank you for trusting me. 如果你不怕麻烦,一定坚持按字面翻译,就是Thank you for trusting me wh...

达日县19196684151: 帮我翻译一下?非常简单的! -
闻纨赛美: One named Xiaoyong, the other named Xiaoming. They are cousins.

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