
作者&投稿:熊鸿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The phenomenon of wasting time for university students is rather worse.

kippingclasses is quite common in college campus in that students have more freedom oncollege than ever before. But why do they want to skip classes? Differentstudents have different reasons concerning it.
大学生逃课现象 Skipping Classes in College Campus英语作文

Thereare some reasons given by some students. First, some students skip theirclasses just because they don’t like the classes. They think that some classesare quite boring and time-wasting, as well as they can’t learn a lot from theclasses. Therefore, they skip this kind of classes to study individually. Thisis one of the reasons for high absence rate in some public courses. Second,many students skip their classes because they lack of self-discipline and areindulged in other things, such as playing online games. They cannot controlthemselves well and finally lost their aim and motivation to learn. Inaddition, oversleeping and being ill are also the reasons for class absence.They consider that their absence will not be noticed if they teachers don’tcall over.
Thereare various reasons for skipping classes, but as far as I am concerned,skipping classes should not be advocated because students always can learnsomething from each class, no matter how boring the class is. In addition,skipping classes is a kind of waste of money. What’s more, attending classes isalso a kind of respect for our teachers. Therefore, please attend each class asmuch as possible.
贝克汉姆造访同济大学发生踩踏事故 致多人受伤Beckham Visited Tongji University Causing Stampede Accident
Beckham visit Tongji University on June 20th. He is scheduled to Tongji Universityplayground to interact with Tongji team and Shen Xin youth team. However, thescene has been out of control before it starts because there are huge crowds offans there, some climb trees, some turn on the wall, and the guards maintainorder hand in hand. As the onlookers at the scene are too excited, there happensstampede. Students, staff and police are injured to varying degrees. As aresult, the activity is forced to cancel. David Beckham arriving there to left isless than five minutes. According to reports, there are at least five or sixpeople injured.
David Beckham arrives at the scene, with great popularity.The reporter at the scene sees the scene is packed with fans and audience. Thereare about a thousand people. Many people climb to the top of the building towatch, or climb over the wall to the stadium. The scene is out of control.
David Beckhamresponds to the iccident through Xinlang blog in4:39 p.m. I had an incredible response from everyone at Shanghai TongjiUniversity today; sorry I couldn't get out on the pitch to see the teams .Itwas impossible to get through the massive crowds. I heard there were a fewinjuries, hope the fans are ok and I wish them a speed recovery.
《大学生逃课现象 Skipping Classes in College Campus英语作文》(http://www.unjs.com)。我很想走到球场上去看看队员朋友们,但我没法穿过拥挤的人群,实在抱歉。听说发生了踩伤事故,希望受伤的朋友们没事,祝他们早日康复。

提高大学生的心理健康 How to Improve Student’s Mental Health
Moreand more people has begun to consider their mental health that plays animportant role in our daily life. Nowadays ,many students suffer from mentalillness ,which seriously influence on their study and daily life.
Consequently,schools should take effect measures to solve this problem. The mental healthconsul department should be built in school to help those students who sufferfrom mental illness. In this way, those who are subjected to the mental illnesscan get rid of the unhealthy shadow and build up their confident. On the onehand, school can provide a chance for students to show their tension. On theother hand, president and teachers should try their best to help those students.In addition, giving more concentration on their physical health would help themto rebuild their mental health.
Fromwhat has been mentioned above, as students, we should try our best tocommunicate with our, friends, parents or teachers. Last but not the least; weshould not hesitate to go to the mental health consult room for help when wehave trouble in mental illness. Only in this way, can we reduce our mental illness,and we will become a strong and confident person in the end.
大学生社会实践 Social Practice of College Students
Nowadays,social practice has been brought to great concern among colleges anduniversities increasingly. During summer or winter holiday, college studentsare encouraged and organized to participate in all kinds of social practiceactivities, such as part-time jobs, volunteering teaching and fieldwork.
Thereis no doubt that students can benefit a lot from social practice activities.First, they are provided with more chances and opportunities to contact withour real society and broaden their horizon. Second, it is a good chance forthem to apply their theory knowledge to practice and improve their ability. Third,students can enjoy the happiness of work and realize their value.
However,there are also some things needed to be noticed in the process of taking partin social practice activities. For example, students should take care ofthemselves well and interchange labor and repose during the work. In addition,they should not ignore their studies when they are working.

Student perceptions of energy waste

Now, with the improvement of living quality, the universal existence of various waste of energy phenomenon, especially students waste. This is the view I on this matter:
First of all, the waste of energy is a very bad phenomenon, reflects a person's moral quality. For example, in life: don't turn off the tap when shampoo, plastic bottlethrow recyclable, often use disposable chopsticks and so on.
Second, energy saving is a traditional virtue of China, not because of the development of economy, always a waste of.

Third, China is a resource big country, is also a resource occupancy of the weak, the average population resources is much lower than the world average level. Therefore, we should promote the use of water, starts from oneself, start from the students, make an example for adult.

1.学习时间不固定,不制定学习生活作息时间表。2.课堂上思想开小差,精力不集中。3.自习课目标不明确,东翻西看,浪费时间。4.不准备工具书,需要查辞典字典时,还嫌麻烦,马马虎虎地应付学习 5.爱面子,不懂不会也不问。6.学习是沉迷于空想。7.快下课是就听不进去了,早早把书包收拾好,心中...

浪费时间的现象,比如:发呆、过度玩手机、通宵玩游戏、通宵追剧、和人聊天、睡懒觉 解决:做事有计划,不要常常发呆;玩手机玩游戏追剧要有个度,和人聊天也要有时间限制,少睡懒觉

玩手机 玩电脑 睡懒觉 上课不听讲

大一新生浪费时间的事例 急用!!!
其中,土壤污染像一把软刀子,正在剥夺大片肥田沃土的生产力。 土壤污染主要是指土壤中某些有害物质大大超出正常含量,土地无法消除这些有害物影响的现象。严重的土壤污染可以导致农作物生长发育的减退甚至枯萎死亡,这些污染后果是可以及时发现的。更多的土壤污染并无明显表现,却降低了农产品的质量,特别是通过农作物对有害物...






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师食盐酸: The phenomenon of wasting time for university students is rather worse.

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