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作者&投稿:展飘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This essay mainly discuss the reason for the love tragedy of the two protagonists in two contemporary famous literature masterpieces. One of the main reasons is that, comparing with other themes to be selected, my personal interest tends to be literature. I think literature works can well reflect the reality of life meanwhile it can endow various objects with vivid image and corresponding literature value and society value. At the same time, it can enlighten the readers. Besides, for the two novels I selected, it is a coincidence. I happened to borrow these two books from two different friends respectively. After reading these, I like them very much and I am deeply attracted by the personality of the two protagonists. I found that facing the tough fate, the two people share similar things – they both obey and rebel, they are passionate and kind-hearted, clearing know what to love and what to hate however, they have to be ended as tragedy due to the social reality. Therefore, I choose this topic before I have long-time consideration.

This essay makes analysis on the reasons for the love tragedy from two aspects: same reason and different reason. These two reasons are divided into three detailed reasons, i.e. the same point of social background, family environment and personality, the different point of economic condition, personality and love experience.

I hope readers can understand the social reality of that time through reading this essay, to the unfair living condition of the female and their real social status at that time.

I take some research documents into reference but not many because people have different feeling to literature. I pay more attention to express my own opinions in this essay. The documents I listed in reference part are just for the purpose of reach the requirement. In fact, I did not read them all clearly. I am sorry about this. I will amend all the inappropriate places.

As for answering part, I did not well prepared due to the limit time and too many matters to handle such as exam and find jobs. Therefore the final effect might not be very good. Please forgive me. Thank you.

希望你找份好工作!论文?just let it go..... it means nothing.....通过就okle !


Lonely people are not ever in solitary
But you are the most lonely

心跳 鸣笛 和忧伤
被刻录 回放不停
这混沌日子 却似将死者的歌声
The station is tranquil like still water
You and your shadow are the only travelers
Heartbeats, whistles and melancholy
They're recorded and being played back repeatedly
These days of chaotic confusion
Just like the singing of a dying person
Expressing all the solitudes of the flashy times
Reflecting the golden paddy in your eyes

Just like a moving castle
Shuttling alone in the dark jungle
Wandering hesitatingly in your hazy juvenility
Inside the leather pouch hidden in obscurity
Behind that staggering castle wall
Holds your weary soul of cynicism to the world
On the spurious mode it suspends freely
And it’ll carry on running but lethargically

Flowers in orange blossom for you one after another
Emitting fragrance you hate yet desire
And rendering a lone traveler’s trail
Rid of this hankering you’ve tried but to no avail

哦 是的 请不要在意
Oh yes, don’t you mind at all
‘Cause masks are worn by all
For one who’s in disorientation
This is spurious mode’s street junction
Savor your lips’ sweet scent of wheat
Still you’ll be walking on the street
And the next junction will appear
When your moment of hope is here

The piercing cold wind of the night
It's a bayonet of those jealous hypocrites
Your youthful face is slashed without hesitation
What flows out after a pricking sensation
Is no cold blood but some grief and rebellin’
With a scoop of golden wheat ears added in
Glutted within the spurious mode
As well as the time of spurious mode

只是有些氤氲 有些迷茫
Rambling on the road you continued
Only but a bit hazy, a bit confused

Wear your jockey cap of crimson color
Together with a handful of golden color
Twist and flash past the deserted dark corner
Where have the ducks at the boundless riverside wandered
Maybe just like you they’re reluctant to go home
So into the night they roam

To each his own secret garden of the mind
Getting rid of the spurious mode is on your mind

在麦田里 手拉手闭上眼睛奔跑
那声音回荡 回荡
An aspiration of yours that’s always in presence
It’s a confused dream of youthful innocence
I am no different from you
Maybe should keep watch together me and you
As big as an ocean is that field of wheat
As if the clouds in the sky are gilded like the rippling wheat
Together we run in the field
Hand in hand with eyes closed, we run by feel
Pocketful of wheat ears that we scoop
The ever fading aroma of hope
Your hairs are stained and your smile is smoked by the sweet scent of wheat
Hales of laughter like sunshine are refracted on the sprouts of wheat
Over the horizon is the reflection of your countenance
The air is resonant with the sound, and repeated resonance.

Go to keep watch we will
On the ledge of the cliff we keep vigil
Let one and every spurious mode
Distant burial is its abode

像你一样 守着这一方麦洋
The scarecrows are also keeping vigil
Just like you watching this big wheat field

朝着这麦田 在阳光下
Still you are on your way
On that damned despair we trample away
In the sun facing the wheat field
I am doing the same as you



The lonely is not always lonely.
But you are the exception, sadly.

心跳 鸣笛 和忧伤
被刻录 回放不停

Sinking in the quietness of the station,
while only your shawdow being your matey.
Heart-beating, train-horning and sad-being,
are like a recorded track, playing repeatedly.

People don't always lonely lonely
You are one of the most alone

The station is like quiet
Only you and shadow
Sirens and sadness. Beat
By burning playback
This seems to be the day was chaotic
Sing as the loneliness. Buckish
The golden your eyes

If the castle was moving
Alone in the dark forest
You stray to wander in fog of scattered in the young
The black wall to fall after the skins to hide inside
Wrapped the cynic is your gut
JiaMoJiaShi suspended in the outside
The weak must be out
Pure-white orange flower for you open
Put your hope but disgust
Rendering a trip
You want to throw away the damn desire
But can't let go

Oh yes, please don't mind
All the people are masks
Lost in his own
This is the JiaMoJiaShi around the corner
Think of the corners of liquor
You can walk on the road
The next intersection will appear in
When you hope

Fresh breeze
Who is false envious of your bayonets
It is no doubt ripped you face
Then after a twinge of sr
No cold blood
But some rebellious and sadness
Mixed with a spoon is gentle yellow grain
In JiaMoJiaShi filled in
JiaMoJiaShi full time
Walking on the road
You've been so
Just a little bit dense some confusion

Wear your red cap
Hold hand golden
Shrinkage of darkness and flashed around the corner
The long river ducks
Where they have gone
Maybe just like you
Reluctant to return home
To wander in night

The secret garden
Everyone is different
Do you think
JiaMoJiaShi desire is off

You always have a wish
This is the dream of pure young confusion
I also like you
Maybe we can go to watch
The crop is too big like an ocean
If the sky and the clouds dyed golden wheat-wave
We went together to run
In wheatfields run hand in hand closed his eyes
To pick up a grain into his pocket
This perfume has gradually out of hope
Your hair dyed yellow liquor
Bacon with your smile
Laughter sunshine in the refraction replenished
Reflecting on your face
The voice echoed resounded

We go to watch
The mouth of the cliff
Let all the JiaMoJiaShi
Deep in the distance

Scarecrow also watch
As you keep it MaiYang party

You walk on the road
Trample feet. Comfort break
In this field in the sunlight
I like you


还有楼上” 精典杂字“ 损一楼罗嗦一大堆,最后贴出的还不是直抄一楼?

People don't always lonely lonely
You are one of the most alone

The station is like quiet
Only you and shadow
Sirens and sadness. Beat
By burning playback
This seems to be the day was chaotic
Sing as the loneliness. Buckish
The golden your eyes

If the castle was moving
Alone in the dark forest
You stray to wander in fog of scattered in the young
The black wall to fall after the skins to hide inside
Wrapped the cynic is your gut
JiaMoJiaShi suspended in the outside
The weak must be out

Pure-white orange flower for you open
Put your hope but disgust
Rendering a trip
You want to throw away the damn desire
But can't let go

Oh yes, please don't mind
All the people are masks
Lost in his own
This is the JiaMoJiaShi around the corner
Think of the corners of liquor
You can walk on the road
The next intersection will appear in
When you hope

Fresh breeze
Who is false envious of your bayonets
It is no doubt ripped you face
Then after a twinge of sr
No cold blood
But some rebellious and sadness
Mixed with a spoon is gentle yellow grain
In JiaMoJiaShi filled in
JiaMoJiaShi full time

Walking on the road
You've been so
Just a little bit dense some confusion

Wear your red cap
Hold hand golden
Shrinkage of darkness and flashed around the corner
The long river ducks
Where they have gone
Maybe just like you
Reluctant to return home
To wander in night

The secret garden
Everyone is different
Do you think
JiaMoJiaShi desire is off

You always have a wish
This is the dream of pure young confusion
I also like you
Maybe we can go to watch
The crop is too big like an ocean
If the sky and the clouds dyed golden wheat-wave
We went together to run
In wheatfields run hand in hand closed his eyes
To pick up a grain into his pocket
This perfume has gradually out of hope
Your hair dyed yellow liquor
Bacon with your smile
Laughter sunshine in the refraction replenished
Reflecting on your face
The voice echoed resounded

We go to watch
The mouth of the cliff
Let all the JiaMoJiaShi
Deep in the distance

Scarecrow also watch
As you keep it MaiYang party

You walk on the road
Trample feet. Comfort break
In this field in the sunlight
I like you
我也有。 楼主 推荐你去下个 有道桌面词典 简单的 都用这个搞吧。
行的给分。 别给1L了- -。 过于傻。。


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