你有时间吗 英语怎么说

作者&投稿:胡侦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

可以翻译成Do you have time?你有时间吗?
have 指的是“拥有”。常用主语+have/has。

Someone, I hope you will live a better life than me.
I'm sorry for what I did.
I am truly grateful to you and I hope we will have an opporunity to cooperate.
Thanks for your arrival and gift! and I am awfully sorry.
Do you have food and water?

英语是:Would you please tell me when you are free?

would you please 英[wud ju: pli:z] 美[wʊd ju pliz]
[词典] 麻烦你; 请;
[例句]Would you please open the door?

when 英[wen] 美[wɛn]
adv. 当时; 什么时候; (用于时间的表达方式之后) 在那时; 其时;
conj. 如果; 在…时; 既然;
pron. 什么时候; 那时;
[例句]When are you going home?

free 英[fri:] 美[fri]
adj. 免费的; 自由的; 免税的; 空闲的;
adv. 免费地; 自由地,无拘束地; 一帆风顺地;
vt. 释放; 免除; 使自由; 解救;
[例句]The seminars are free, with lunch provided.

Are you free now?(你现在有空吗?)
Do you have any time? (你有时间吗?)

1.Can I play with you?(我们一起玩好吗?)
Would you like to have some fun? (要不要去玩啊?)这句比较好用于口语

2.Sure. But we only have one hour, is it alright?(is it OK?)

3. Alright. It's enough.

4.Oh, time flies, one hour has just gone. Sorry, I gotta(或者get to) go.

5.Ok, it's alright. Hope to have a good fun with you next time! 33214, it's my number.

6.Ok, i got it. 658997 is mine. gotta go. see you.

Do you have time?
1 May I play with you for a moment now?
2 Alright, but we only have one hour's time. Would that be alright?
3 Oh, it's enough
4 Ah, one hour has passed so quickly. Sorry, I have to leave you now
5 Alright, it doesn't matter. Let's play again next time. My telephone number is 33214
6 Yes, I've taken it down. This is my telephone number: 65899
7 Let's call it a day! Bye bye!

Do you have time?
1) Can I play with you for a minute?
2) OK, But we only have one hour, can we?
3) Oh, it's enough.
4)Ah,one hour passed,it's very quickly,sorry,I have to go.
5)All right,Let's play next time.My phone number is33214.
6)OK,I remember it,this is my phone number 658897 that's all!bye-bye!

do you have any time?
1.can i play with you now?
2.ok!but we just have an hour ,is that ok?
3.yeah! that is enough!
4.oh,an hour is past,it is so fast and sorry i have to go!
5.oh,it does not matter, we can play together next time !my phone number is 33214.
6.ok,i get it,and mine is 65899 .
7.that is ok ,bye!

1. I can now tell you to play one would you? ? 2. Well, but we only have one hour, can I? 3. Oh, enough for four. Ah, one hour passed, good 快啊, sorry, I have to leave. 5. Well, okay, next time we are together Wan Ba! ! ! My phone 33214
6. Well, I remember, there is still this is my phone 658,997 went to this bar! ! In vain!

信阳市15328494863: 英语翻译“你有时间吗”是问对方有没有空,可不可以翻译成Do you have time?如果不行的话,那怎么翻译? -
用苛利咽:[答案] Are you free? 楼主说的那句是不行的,那是标准的chinglish,也就是中式英语.没有那么说的.

信阳市15328494863: 英语中的“你有时间吗”和“请问几点”的区别请问几点的话是do you have the time 而你有时间吗也是 do you have the time,有什么区别 是不是 the -
用苛利咽:[答案] 问你有时间没是Do u have time,没有the

信阳市15328494863: “你有时间吗”怎么翻译成英文 -
用苛利咽: Are you free? 楼主说的那句是不行的,那是标准的chinglish,也就是中式英语.没有那么说的.

信阳市15328494863: 有时间吗用英语怎么说? -
用苛利咽: Do you have the time

信阳市15328494863: 晚上你有时间吗英文怎么说 -
用苛利咽: Are you free tonight? (今天)晚上你有时间吗?解析 tonight [tə'nait] adv. 在今晚 n. 今晚

信阳市15328494863: 你有时间吗 英语怎么说还有 1.我现在可以跟你玩一会吗?2.好吧,不过我们只有一个小时的时间,3.足够了 4.一个小时过去了,好快啊,抱歉,我要走了.5 .... -
用苛利咽:[答案] Do you have time? 1 May I play with you for a moment now? 2 Alright,but we only have one hour's time.Would that be alright? 3 Oh,it's enough 4 Ah,one hour has passed so quickly.Sorry,I have to leave you now 5 Alright,it doesn't matter.Let's play again ...

信阳市15328494863: 你有时间吗?如果有时间,希望能留言用英语怎么说希望能尽快回答, -
用苛利咽:[答案] Do you have time?If you have,I hope you can leave a message.

信阳市15328494863: 你有时间嘛 英语 如果两个人在说话 然后我有事想找其中一个 这时候应该是说什么的?do u have a second/moment?要地道点的美语 -
用苛利咽:[答案] I'm sorry, but may I interrupt you a few seconds?If you don't mind, may I say a word here?Just a moment please, I want to say something about the issue.Excuse me for interrupting you.选一个你喜欢的...

信阳市15328494863: 你周末有时间吗英语怎么说 -
用苛利咽: DO you have free time in weekend?仅供参考

信阳市15328494863: 英语怎么问别人是否有时间? -
用苛利咽: 你有时间聊天吗?Do you have time to chew the fat? 我想知道今晚你有时间过来吗? I wonder if you have time to come this evening. 我想和你谈谈,你有时间吗? I'd like to talk to you.Do you have time? 你明天有时间吗? Will you be free tomorrow? 你现在有时间吗? Do you have a minute?

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