
作者&投稿:比响 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Students who volunteer
Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.
Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. “It’s hard work,” he says, “but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.”
Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they’re going on a different journey with each new book. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”


雷蒙德发现自己解包自己包在伦敦酒店之前,他决定在他的方法(接近的途径)珍妮。他[ 1 ](1)电话的思想,但他知道不会做。珍妮相信他死了。他不只是[环](2)上说,他是认真的。[不](3)可他只是门铃,垫在那里站。她会认为她看到的东西(眼花了)。洗个热水澡,换上衣服,并没有带来任何启示(启示),或者。他坐在写字台和 图书1单元6 -语言-综合练习开始她一封信,把它撕了,开始[一](4)-撕掉。他[将](5)笔放下,去到伦敦早期十月黄昏,故意] - [(6)避免了地址,珍妮是生活。他不习惯这样的困境(两难境界)不可[认为](7)在一个体面的时间长度,和他越来越生气[自己](8)。闷闷不乐的他变成了一个快乐的[家](9),有一个孤独的饭,知道他可能珍妮的笑脸在餐桌上他是在浪费时间,但在很多年后,做了几个小时[物](10)?

在决定联系Jenny之前,Raymond 在伦敦酒店里没有打开他的包裹。他首先想到电话,但是他知道电话不行。 Jenny 以为他已经死了。他不能拨电话然后说他没有。。。。。。也不能就去按门铃然后站在门前垫子上。她有可能认为她眼花了。

一个热水澡和换一套衣服也不能给他带来灵感。他坐在书桌面前,书本1-- 第6部分—贯注语言—综合联系,开始给她写信—撕了, 然后又写---又撕了。

他扔下笔,然后出去走进伦敦10月的雾尘之中, ----故意避免Jenny的住址。他不情愿地处在这种他不能在一定的时间之内解释原因的两难之中, 他对自己很生气。他心情不好地转进一个很红火的饭馆,孤独地吃了一顿的饭, 意识到他的对面有可能坐着Jenny和她快乐的笑脸-------他正在浪费时间-----但是都很多年过去了, 就这几个小时的事?




求翻译 汉译英
Activity is the only road to knowledge . (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist) 行动是通往知识的唯一道路 。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books . (Thomas Jefferson , American president) 一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外,还...

1. 到明天的这个时候,团队领导者就在这个项目的预算上花费24小时了。这是以by this time tomorrow为标志词的将来完成时语态。2. 我还没完成这个项目的资源分配工作,整个项目就被取消了。这是以No sooner为标志词的过去完成时语态。3. feasibility study 固定词组,可行性研究 4. 这是boss和chief的...

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I have something to ask for help.

2010年9月~2011年6月 任职班级学习委员 Appointed the Member of the Learning Committee between September 2010 to June 2011.1.在学习中,学习委员应起到标兵作用,努力提高自身综合素质。In the process, the member of committee sarves as the role model, strives to improve one's own over-...


求翻译 在线等
The manager in charge of this hotel should be responsible for this disaster. He should be punished.我期待达到你校设置的标准并被你录取 I expect to reach the standard set by your school and be accepted to enrol.昨天他加入了俱乐部并积极参加俱乐部组织的活动 所以他没时间参加会议 Yesterd...

T:teacher T:教师 S:Can I check out this book?S:我能借阅一下这本书吗?T:Yes,for three days.好的,三天时间 S:When is this book due back?这本书什么时候归还?T:It's due on Monday the 25th.应该在25号星期一 S:How much is my fine?费用多少?T:You owe five jiao.你欠...

It was widely reported that Best Buy was sitting on over 200,000 pc before IMB enacted their drastic price cut, but the fire sale has come and gone, and that would normally be that. Instead, a notice in Best Buy’s Employee Toolkit system shows that their contentious ...

And I’ve tried every means to adjust myself and relieve my stress.我已经尝试了各种方法来调整自己,减轻我的压力。A great number of studies confirm that just by eating slower, you’ll consume fewer calories.大量研究表明,只要吃慢一点点,你将会摄入更少的热量。Her parents separated ...

微山县17562523947: 跪求英语翻译 -
吉溥阿法: 1. You'd better not talk loudly in public places (had better)You 'd2. In this country, (queuing time) will never be allowed to jump the queue when the (forbid)Queue-jumping is3. forbid you do, you do not do (allow)when4. You line up, be sure to tell ...

微山县17562523947: 跪求英语翻译
吉溥阿法: No one can have another life.Not bad. 就是还不错~~美国人都这么说么

微山县17562523947: 跪求英文翻译 -
吉溥阿法: the ending of a trip is another beginning of the trip.we have many things to do,so face it bravely.youth is wonderful for us,the past in classroom is memorable for us.希望有用可以帮到你~

微山县17562523947: 跪求英文翻译
吉溥阿法: 1.是他的粗心导致这起事故的发生 It is his carelessness that led to the accident.2.我想知道他为什么没有到场 I want to know why he was absent.3.当他醒来,他发现一只老虎对他怒目而视 When he woke up, he found a tiger glaring at him.4.那就是他迟到的原因 That's why he was late.5.王鹏盼望赢回他的顾客 Wang Peng wishes to win back his customers.

微山县17562523947: 跪求!英文翻译
吉溥阿法: simple is

微山县17562523947: 跪求翻译英文
吉溥阿法: 1. 廉价商品店 = budget store 2. 普通百姓 = common people, peasant 3. 平民作风 = plebeianism 4. 人人都说 = everyone says 5. 融洽 = harmonious 6. 盛气凌人 = put on airs and bully others 7. (爱)上头版新闻的人 = regular guest on the front ...

微山县17562523947: 跪求英文翻译
吉溥阿法: 1.The baby has had one tooth and he will have more soon. 2.My father never beat me in the face. 3.Ladies first. 4.We can go to HeiLongjiang by road. 5.has received a letter from 6.He studied there till midnight.

微山县17562523947: 跪求用英语翻译!!!!!!!!
吉溥阿法: My pet is a cat, it has green eyes, black hair. It is very lazy, as it always slept until the afternoon of the morning. Sometimes it will be spoiled for me, really sweet. I love my cat, although it often make mistakes, to house a mess

微山县17562523947: 跪求翻译!!!秦王饮酒酣,曰:“寡人窃闻赵王好音,请秦瑟.”赵王鼓瑟.秦御史前书曰:“某年月日,秦王与赵王会饮,令赵王鼓瑟.”蔺相如前曰:... -
吉溥阿法:[答案] 秦王喝酒喝得高兴时说:“我听说赵王爱好音乐,请赵王弹弹瑟吧.”秦国的御史走上前来,写道:“某年某月某日,秦王与赵王会饮,命令赵王弹瑟.”蔺相如走上前说:“赵王听说秦王擅长演奏秦国的音乐,请(允许我)捧着盆缻(给)秦王,...

微山县17562523947: 跪求:英语翻译
吉溥阿法: 1Animals are humans close friends. In particular, the exist of those rare animals makes the world colorful.2. These days the information that the rare animals in the zoos were hurt by human can always be heard.3. Remember by heart that protecting rare animals is everyone's responsibility.

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