
作者&投稿:超冒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



see a lot of someone是说常见到某人,这里用进行时,表示与某人常在一起

译文: I hope to see a lot of you.



i want to get on the rainbow bridge,stand on the clouds and see those gorgeous high rises.

ghgygyd fdhf jdhfrjwjwerjerqjequ32yrbewrui

i must get on the Rainbow bridge,and board the clouds to see those skyscrapers.

I will climb on the rainbow bridge and mount on the clouds,high buildings and large mansions are all in my eyes.

I wanna get to the rainbow bridge,then walk on the cloud in order to overlook these high-rise buildings.

I would like to board the Rainbow Bridge, mounted the clouds, looking at those high-rise buildings.

1 我准备带她去看电影,以便使她高兴起来。I'm planning to take her to the movies in order to cheer her up.2 这些词都很重要,请他们记下来。These words are all very important, so please remember them.3 你知道谁正在校门口分发广告吗?Do you know who is passing out advertisements...

culture?8.我相信我们将会相处的很愉快 I believe we'll get aong very well.9.我希望这一个月的经历将是我永远珍藏的记忆 I hope that this month's experience will be one of my treasured memories forever.自己翻译的,保证语法地道,正确。如对你有帮助,请及时采纳—— ♥...

we believe in the future ,with more people have first-aid knowledge ,there will less sadness and more happiness in the world.

翻译:不仅是我们去了动物所在地方,而且是我们也和它们有过亲密的接触,受大众欢迎的国外的宠物把一个完全新的疾病带给了这个国家 句子(2)精彩解析:It 指代上面整句话意思,后面是个表语从句(其中表语从句又是一个主语+谓语+介词to+从句并且该从句又是一个省略先行词和关系代词定语从句);...

用英语描述一个人的外貌句子如下:1、He is very tall——almost 1.95 metres.He is the tallest boy in my class.翻译:他很高——几乎1.95米高。他是我班上最高的。2、She is shorter than I am and is very small.She has straight,shoulder-lenghth hair.Everyone thinks she is pretty...

2.he has better sense than be carried away by success。这我不可能告诉你了(本意为:与被胜利冲昏头脑相比他更有理性)3.a small shift in the heat of the ocean will set in motion a weather pattern意思是:一件小事也会产生意想不到的后果。(本意:在酷热的海洋运动中一个小的移动都...

not want time to pass quickly.正在休息或吃东西的人们不希望时间很快过去。8.It took Alex many weeks to learn his first word.Alex刚开始学习单词时花了好几个星期。9.She has found that parrots are much clever than scientists used to think.她发现鹦鹉比科学家以往认为的要聪明得多。

“第1:he has to ask for it. 解释ask for it 的意思。详解哦“---“当他想要什么东西的时候,他会找你要”。"has to"原型是"have to",表示”不得不,必须,得“的意思,"ask for..."就是“寻求,要”的意思,在这个语境下,翻译成“他想要什么就会找你要”比较合适,不要把“不得...

这是一个主从复合句,条件状语从句:If you don’t make time to create the life you want, 主句:you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don’t want.条件状语从句中:If 从属连词,you don’t... the life 主句,you want 定语从句,...

Confronted with “面对,面临”,后面加某种情况,表示面对这种状况。。。we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation.我们应该采取一系列认真有效的措施来处理这种状况。其中,take measures表示“采取措施”,serious有“严重的”意思,还可表示“认真的,严肃的”,cope ...

长洲区13737932106: 大家帮我翻译几个英语句子,我给高分,非常感谢 -
惠蓝二羟: As other languages, the more time you spend on English, the better you learn it.They have already arranged our tour to Great Wall tomorrow,and I believe we will have a great time there for sure.I am lucky that I learned different kinds of skills when I ...

长洲区13737932106: 帮忙翻译一句英语句子(英译汉)高分等你拿哦...
惠蓝二羟: 我不禁看到连接的漂亮的蓝色小花和我的丈夫的姐姐和我们权关系.

长洲区13737932106: 请英语高手帮我翻译一个英语短句,翻的好的话有高分加. -
惠蓝二羟: "Maybe I have not talent , and I may be stupid, so that others are not sorecognized me , Whether there would be another day..." 虽然句子不是非常高级那种,但意思绝对没问题...祝你好运..

长洲区13737932106: 英语句子翻译,高分跪求!在线等哦.哪位高手帮帮忙咯!急哦 -
惠蓝二羟: 1、Common makes us closer. 2、Be happy to grow up and make progress. ……

长洲区13737932106: 几个英语句子翻译!!高分 -
惠蓝二羟: 1.进行更多的锻炼,否则你会更胖的.(两种) Do more exercise, else you'll get fatter; If you don't do more exercise, you will get fatter.2.我不知道后天是否会下雨,如果下雨,我将不得不待在家里.I don't know if it'll rain tomorrow, but if it does rain...

长洲区13737932106: 高分求翻译一个英语句子
惠蓝二羟: 在我的生命中拥有你我很幸运,你让我的心微笑了

长洲区13737932106: 请英语翻译高手进来赐教啊!帮我翻译一个句子.谢谢了.我高分悬赏. -
惠蓝二羟: Sex realtionship is human only when it is brought into the orbit of verbal communication. Without wife or husband, there would be not ta...

长洲区13737932106: 一个英文句子翻译,高分
惠蓝二羟: 你非常幽默,我希望我能和你一起去.

长洲区13737932106: 问个英语句子翻译~汉译英 -
惠蓝二羟: During the war, I went through a lot of sufferings. I set down my experiences in a diary so I can recall them when I am old.

长洲区13737932106: 一个英语句子的翻译 - ----高手帮忙-----在线等 -
惠蓝二羟: we(主语) can decide(胃语) that(后面是that引导的宾语从句) the thing(宾语从句的主语) presenting the challenge (是the thing 的分词定语)isn't(宾语从句的胃语) worth the trouble and call it quits(and 后是宾语从句并列的decide 的宾语) 当面临挑战时,我们通常有两种选择.一则我们可以尝试击败它,二则我们可以决定提出挑战的事情并不值得我们去麻烦,从而对其置之不理.

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