
作者&投稿:孟宣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C

  1. I have lost my money and I will find it.

  2. Will you be free next day?

  3. Where are you going and what are you going to do next day?

  4. Don,t climb thiat tree in your new coat.

  5. What is your name?

  6. I will finish my work next day.

  7. Could you do it?

  8. Don,t cross the river before dawn.

  9. Is he coming?

  10. What are you doing?

My dear friend,I have received your letter and konw about your situatuion.About how to learn Chinese,my suggestions are the followings:"First of all,you should gradually understand the cultural differences beween the two countries.The best way is to go into the life and the realit...

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1 occurred 2 risky 3 endangered 4 suspicious 5 parted 6 reputatuion 7 accommodate 8 counts 9 finally be in trouble 10 think it's natural 11 have no mood in reading books 12 if there is 13 understand 14 it suit you 15 claimed that he had witnessed ...




学霸直言:掌握“完形填空”这14种答题技巧,英语成绩每次都前3_百度知 ...


his score in each exam never added up to over 60.His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffering from, but entirely disagreed with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and sw...


临桂县15648657431: 请高中英语大神详细解答下题,谢谢!!求解析!! -
尾终必仙: A: 相当于and he was satisfied; 如果选B,常用来做原因状语.如Being satisfied with what he had done, the teacher praised him in the class.D: 相当于should ta...

临桂县15648657431: 高中英语必修五 用括号中所给的词的适当形式填空. 求英语学霸解答. -
尾终必仙: 1.conclusion conclude 2.science scientific scientists 3.polluted pollution 4.instructed instruction 5.announcement announce

临桂县15648657431: 我的高中英语成绩总是考110多分,总结很差,请英语学霸指点方法为谢. -
尾终必仙:[答案] 1.背单词 2.背课文 3.背词组 4.背句型 5.听英语 6.记语法规则,做一些题,把错题记录下来,就会总结了. 坚持下去,你一定会成功的,关键就是背.

临桂县15648657431: 英语题,请学霸解答 -
尾终必仙: 参考答案如下:1. be supposed to2. should have gone to3. makes plans to ... plans to4. invites me to have dinner5. it difficult to learn6. make me sad ... soft ... makes her7. would rather join8. To start with ... end with ... ended with9. by the time10. left the book at home(单项选择)1. A2. D 助你愉快学习!

临桂县15648657431: 英语题,请学霸解答. -
尾终必仙: 1. 图 with, going, stops/keeps/prevents, jumped, unable, thought, other, across, How, really2. 图 with, look, everyone, need, in, matter, thirty, worry, on, one 采纳后再帮你

临桂县15648657431: 英语题请学霸解答 -
尾终必仙: 1 basic2 capital3 mad4 worthy5 empty1 gets used to2 shook hands3 are supposed to4 drop by5 take off3 are supposed to4 nerves me

临桂县15648657431: 求英语学霸解答,,.1到14题谢谢 -
尾终必仙: 1.spit here,there2.from washing3.our best4.turned,leaving5.The greenhouse effect 6.abandon/stop7.turn off8.wheels9.dry10.deep11.nodded12.agreement13.action14.technol...

临桂县15648657431: 高一英语学霸求解,间接引语改直接,必采纳 1.Margot asked her what eles -
尾终必仙: Margot arsked :"What else did you hide under your overcoat?" Anne asked:"Father, when would we come back home?" Father asked:"Ann,why did you talk so much to that boy?"

临桂县15648657431: 高中英语阅读理解精题附文章翻译
尾终必仙: 高中英语阅读理解精题1【The Doctor's Call】There was ice on the road, and the doctor's car hit a tree and turned over three times. To his surprise, he was not hurt. He ...

临桂县15648657431: 问两道高中英语题目,求详解1、I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a___ - trick.A.ordinary B.easy C.smart D.simple 2、The little boy ... -
尾终必仙:[答案] 1D分析:我很吃惊你被这么简单的招数骗了.简单用simple表示.(easy的反义词是difficult,与句意不符,所以舍去)2B分析:这个小男孩走起路来像老人.第一空用as if或as though,这两个有好像的意思,even if 和even thoug...

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