急求《与梦想同行》英语演讲稿 1分钟以内 具有感染力 口语化 初中 带翻译!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

作者&投稿:兆昆翁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Once god came up two me & granted me a dream to be realize. I asked 4 world peace. That’s impossible, he said.
Then I asked him to give you brains. He said, "Let me try world peace".


《With the dream》Dream is always out of reach, there really is so out of reach? Dream dream, just as its name implies, the dream of beautiful things for people is a kind of vision and desire, sometimes dream is unrealistic, but there is no doubt that dream is the most naive and innocent human desire the most beautiful and the most lovely. But unwrapped font, you will find why so to difficult to achieve the dream. Dream, here is not the meaning of the dream, but people's pursuit of a kind of consciousness, vision. Think, is to pursue a variety of ideas and plans. People think this union is a key, that is. Have a goal in a planned way, of course, also put into action. I believe that as long as a dream in your heart the idea, the future of this man never simple.
Let the dream traction with happiness! One day! We will put the dream become a reality! Face the challenges of the new era! Are you ready? You ready!!!!!!!!!!!翻译:梦想总是遥不可及,梦想真的有那么遥不可及吗?梦想梦想,顾名思义, 梦想就是人们对于美好事物的一种憧憬和渴望,有时梦想是不切实际,但毫无疑问,梦想是人类最天真最无邪最美丽最可爱的愿望。但是把字体拆开,你会发现梦想为什么那么以难实现了。梦,在这里不是做梦的意思,而是人们一种意识里的追求,憧憬。想,则是对追求的各种构思和计划。个人觉得这对组合还差了个关键,那就是行。有目标有计划,当然还要付诸行动。我相信只要心中有梦想行这一理念,这人的未来绝不简单。让梦想牵引着幸福!总有一天!我们会把梦想都成为现实!面对新时代的挑战!你准备好了吗? are you ready!!!希望对你有帮助


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善夏散痛: 英文演讲稿 主题:青春与梦想同行 携手与世界同伴 (英语口语大赛 初一水平)

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