英语影评 汽车总动员和暮光之城

作者&投稿:雕何 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Twlight"is talked about a romantic between a human and a vampire. Human girl Bella fall in love with a vampire named Edward who is both handsame and wise. Althought the love is not allowed and there are lots of troubles that Bella would face,they still love each other.such love touch me deeply. In the story ,there is another boy who plays an improtant role in Bella's life,that is Jacob,who is also a human. In fact, he is a wolfman who is transfered after Edward left the town.Jacob is Bella's best friend and it is him who infered Bella about Edward's real identity. The relationship is complex for it concerned about two differnent group. However, it is full of love and choice.It is a perfect movie which can teach me something about couragment and love.

I think the stars and supporting cast did a really great job. Bella’s friends were engaging, funny and they played their roles very naturally. Billy Burke was low key and excellecntly potrayed Bella’s father. Kristen Stewart did a decent job,
And I have to say that despite his severely sculpted eyebrows, I liked Rob Pattinson ’s portrayal of Edward Cullen.There were quite a few moments of unexpected humor in the film that I enjoyed. Nothing huge just little things that were enough to actually make me laugh out loud (which some comedies this year didn’t manage to make me do). However,
For a non-fan, it was really a pretty bland film. It seemed very slow-moving at times, and let’s face it – it’s a pretty cheesy teen romance movie. There wasn’t anything really special here other than the fact that it had vampires.


awesome movie

I thought the story looked very lame from previews, and the concept didn't appeal to me. But when I saw an early screening I was surprised, it was well written and well executed. They didn't overload the movie with automotive jokes, which I think would have hurt the story and character development. Owen Wilson's voice is great for his role. Overall, it's on par with other Pixar films, even if it may not be their best so far. The animation is superb, definitely the best they've done. Giving something like cars distinct personality and characterization seems like it would be pretty tough, and they do a great job with it. See this movie the day it opens.


Just trying to enjoy the movie for what it is

Don't spend your time comparing it to the book. If you just sit there comparing the book and the movie, you'll take the fun out of the movie itself. If you are a book reader, reading Midnight Sun really helps understand Edward's reactions and such. This is the best movie I've seen that has stayed the closest to the book as much as it could. I do understand why they made a few changes to please some of the moviegoers who haven't read the book. It ties things in a different but acceptable way. I loved how they interpreted the book. I understand that it was a teen movie so of course there was a little cheesiness at times. But hey, the book is geared towards a teen audiences regardless of the wide age range that actually reads it. I think Summit did a good job and should make New Moon.










去年年底的时候听说了这部片子, 一直没有看, 最近在朋友的推荐下看完了. 电影中的帅哥美女都是一流的, 很帅很美, 但是电影的剧情实在是比较老套(不知道是不是因为只拍了书中的一部分情节, 后续可能会好看??).

这部电影总的来说是一部爱情片, 但是对于已过而立之年的我来说, 高中生的爱情故事实在是比较乏味, 缺乏新鲜刺激, 电影也没有营造出那种像<不能说的秘密>那种纯纯的初恋感觉(难道是因为文化差异?). 总之男主角追女主角用的就是两招:

1. 一塌糊涂的帅外加神秘的身世(素食吸血鬼??)

2. 连续不断的英雄救美

这个套路屡屡见于我初高中时看的漫画书, 那时候由于漫画看多了, 我经常幻想自己是紫龙或是寒羽良(因为我们班另外一个同学自称自己是星矢, 我只好当紫龙了, 好在紫龙也很帅), 在自己心仪的女生出现意外的时候挺身而出, 英雄救美, 然后很帅的问她:"你没事吧?".

随着年龄逐渐增长后, 我发现自己无法成为圣斗士或是本领高强的退伍兵. 而且现代社会的主题是和谐, 生活中也没有那么多的accident, 就算有有也不一定让你碰上, 你总不能整天跟着自己喜欢的女生看看她啥时候有意外吧.

更重要的是我发现以自己的睿智, 幽默和惊天地泣鬼神的帅气, 足以对女生产生致命的杀伤力, 用不着干那些英雄救美式的吃苦受累体的力活, 我们应该升华成脑力劳动者.

扯远了, 在说演员的表演, 基本都是平白无奇, 男主角主要的特点就是面无表情, 当他和自己喜欢的女人在一起的时候, 没有看到他有任何兴奋的感觉. 女主角的主题是忧郁, 貌似小时候受过不少苦, 而且还没头脑的爱上了这么个面无血色的帅哥(终于忍不住了, 我不觉得这个男主角非常帅, 但是我的朋友非说他很帅, 而且这个男主角的其他朋友也都特例独行, 一看就是经常跟校外不良社会青年混在一起的, 跟他们在一起一点也没有安全感).

综上所述, 这是一部帅哥美女, 剧情老套, 表演一般的商业片, 没事儿的时候可以看看.

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