
作者&投稿:化逸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

National Chiao Tung University in early middle class norms of the 11th five-to five do not
1. To prepare a book, not in the classroom by乱拉chaos;
2. To correct posture, not东倒西歪glance right and left;
III. To concentrate on listening, hard thinking, do not follow God;
IV. To raise my hand, do not just interrupt a speech;
5. We should conscientiously do a good job notes, exercises, no matter has nothing to do with the classroom

2. Market supervisors should immediately inform the shopping guides and business personnel of the problems found in the market, and report them to the company leaders in the meeting.

★ Gender: Male
★ National: Han
★ Birthplace: Chengdu, Sichuan, China
★ Birthday: December 20, 1982
★ Star sign: Sagittarius
★ Blood Type: O Type
★ Height: 179cm
★ Weight: 63kg
★ Education: Bachelor
★ Degree: Bachelor of Management
★ once school: Sichuan Normal University, Department of Tourism and Art and Design
★ Languages: Mandarin, Sichuan, then a few words in Hunan and Cantonese
★ Occupation: singer actor writer
★ Expertise: 10 Dance, sing and dance, particularly known for treble
★ Interests: singing, dancing, basketball, video games, online games, all kinds of musical instruments
★ personality: low-key introverted personality, ambitious, kind, strong, slightly shy, cute, know how to thanksgiving, filial piety
★ Life motto: In the past belongs to death, the future of their own!
★ motto: I am born for music.
★ a registered trademark: Black Gloves
★ family members: father, mother, there is Grandpa
★ fans Nickname: Star
★ fans on behalf of Color: Blue
★ Favorite Color: Blue Black White
★ Favorite flower: BLUELOVER
★ Favorite Food: roast of. Because it is braised's like eating potato stew vermicelli; Konjac duck
★ The most annoying fruit: durian
★ Favorite Animal: dog (little angel)
★ most afraid of animals: spiders
★ most admired idols: Jacky Cheung, MJ
★ Favorite actor: Stephen Chow
★ Favorite singer: Michael Jackson, Jacky Cheung,
★ most famous song: "across the sea" "the world" "the most beautiful too" "The Day After Tomorrow," "Big Dipper Love"

Zhang Jie】 【strength

Zhang Jie rated as rare a Mainland singer idol singer combines the strength of its highly recognizable voice of conquered countless audience, Jacky Cheung, Wu Qixian, Harlem Yu and other musicians of his predecessors have singing praise mouth without a break. He could sing and dance, decathlon. Clear and shook his treble, and his bass touching and moving, his unique style of folk songs, dance detonated his audience, he smiles like a child-like innocence, he would distribute sexy bad boy like atmosphere, he could really be able to subvert the Imagine the Latin flatter love! He is backed by tens of thousands of stars, the attention and love, sweat, and trying to prove he insisted the dream can be realized!
Features Summary
1, Zhang Jie is a rare Chinese and English songs are very skilled singer singing. The English pronunciation of the word spit songs be called a must, nasal application of his songs in English or exceed original singers. In the "My Show" and "Happy Boys" competition and later concerts, he repeatedly remake Backstreet Boys, Westlife, Michael Jackson and others in English song. He sang the Chinese song, genres, diverse, eclectic,
2, Zhang Jie atmosphere of steady, the sink, amazing, it has also become one of its "trump card." He often remake Chang Yu-sheng, Jacky Cheung, Wang Jie, Chi Chin and the singer's classic songs, especially the Chang Yu-sheng's "every day like you", "sea" as its symbol of a cover song. Happy male competition in the super-strength.
3, high, middle, bass, their own characteristics. Zhang Jie best known for his loud, high-pitched treble, in the "Happy Boys" of the game, he had cover of the "folk songs like the Spring River water," so that the judges have praised package Kogashiwa: "Even I have been shocked." He sang "love must be dead", the original singers could be higher than the order of more than 5 degrees. And Zhang Jie's, the bass is also very attractive area, such as "flowers handkerchief," "disappear", "The Day After Tomorrow" and the cover of the song "had clouds and rain" are demonstrated his bass-magnetic area.
4, true and false conversion of natural sound without leaving a trace. In the conversion, the Jie and Chen shared by Sibelius chorus song "Beautiful Love", the fake sound of their skill can be seen euphemism.
5, Styles and changeable. Zhang Jie is not only good at love songs, as well as British-style rock, Latin Styles and so on.
6, Dance unsurpassed. Without going through any formal dance training, Zhang Jie, but the dancing has an unsurpassed. Fast dance song, breath steady, dancing Maria's stunning audience.

Jason: u English name
U gender: male
Han ethnic: u
Chengdu, sichuan province of China origin: u
U birthday: on December 20, 1982
Sagittarius constellation: u
Type O blood: u
Height: 179cm u
Weight: 63kg u
Education: university degree. U
Bachelor's degree in management: u
U have school: sichuan normal university department of art and tourism
Language: mandarin, u HuNaHua, a few words in sichuan and cantonese
Career: singer actress painted writer
U feats: decathlon, skills, especially in high
U hobbies: singing, dancing, basketball, video games, online game, all kinds of instruments
Personality: u personality low-key inside collect, self-motivated, good, strong, slightly awkward and shy, lovely, grateful, filial piety
Motto: u past belongs to death, the future belongs to yourself!
Motto: my music for u.
Black: u registered trademark
U family members: father, mother and grandpa
U fan nickname: stars
U fans representative color: blue
U favorite color: blue, black white
U favorite flowers: blue demon's
U favorite food: braise in soy sauce. Anyway, is all like to eat, braised potatoes braise powder, Konjac roast duck
U dislike most: durian fruit
U favorite animal dog (small lovely) :
The frightened animal: u spider
The worship of idols: u Jacky cheung, MJ
U favorite star: chow
U favorite singer: Michael Jackson and Jacky cheung,
The most famous songs: u "through a crowd of world" and "beautiful" and "after" tomorrow is the love of BeiDouXing."

The strength of zhang jie.

Zhang jie is a rare mainland singer idol singer concurrently strength, its highly KeBianXing voice conquered countless audience, Jacky cheung, ci-sian wu, and sih-kai wu music YuChengQing predecessors have had such praise for his voice mouth. His skills, decathlon. His high clear, his bass touching his folk song and dance, and his unique flavor, he blew a pure like children's smiling face, he would send a bad guy, he could sexy feeling!!!!! Wu Latin subversive imagine He is behind the attention and millions of stars, he insisted to prove sweat and dream can be realized.
1, zhang jie is a rare, English songs are very skilled singer. English songs of excellent pronunciation intonation, the use of nasal he even beyond the original English songs. In "WoXingWoXiu" and "happy" game, and later, he has covered in concert, xicheng boy, backstreet boys Michael Jackson etc. English songs. He sang songs and music, variety,
2, the breath of zhang jie, sink, amazing, it also became the another "ace". He often cover "and Jacky cheung, etc, the singer qi qin wangjie classic songs, especially the" everyday "you", "the sea", as its iconic cover songs. In the happy powerful game.
3 and high, medium, bass, each has its own characteristics. Zhang jie's most recognizable is his love, high notes, "happy" in the game, he had covered the folk songs like spring water, let judges valentino all admire: "I was shocked." He was singing "dead to love, than the original high five more advanced degrees. Instead of zhang jie, bass area is very attractive, such as the fancy handkerchief ", "disappeared", "after tomorrow, and the cloud cover songs are demonstrated his magnetic low tone.
4 and chest sounds natural and seamless transition. In the conversion, zhang jie and Chen XiBei common chorus of "a beautiful love songs, its false sound are tactful.
5 and changeful style. Zhang jie song is not good, and British rock, Latin music, etc.
6 and painstaking dance. Without any formal dance training of zhang jie, but with painstaking dancing. Quick song songs, smooth, breath, jing superior dancing.





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龙梅可氟: I at eight every day to play volleyball. Thanks for your letter. I'd like to know your morning's job. He eat breakfast at eight every day. Please don't write to me. On Sundays I and my sister together with their homework. Every afternoon he is going to play ...

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龙梅可氟: I want beautiful nurse! Luckily I have insurance! His mother, who can give me a cigarette! Let him shut up! Hi!

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龙梅可氟: I have a good friend, she and I xxaccounting well, we like to help others, but she sings than I listen, I than her brave, her learning than I do homework, I also ratio, but I still know her very well.

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龙梅可氟: 1. Shocked 2. Especially for you 3. Put your hand in mind 4. Can not forget you 5. Love at first sight 6. I should be so lucky

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龙梅可氟: Hello!Glad you could write back to me.Now China is 12:00 noon 16 points.I had lunch.We go to school time is 7 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and then go home to have a meal, 1:30 PM to go...

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龙梅可氟: I must speak three words. Including front one. I said. Translates English.

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龙梅可氟: Wednesday, January 7 Today, we are back to school 8:00 starting today we will save you a holiday! I want to go want to go do not want to go 3:00 today because parents will have to open The days that I was not the mother I was training the next time I will certainly Examination good! Good starting today on the holiday

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