it is my dream to buy a new bilk为什么dream后要加to

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It's my dream to be a writer.为什么加it is?~

It's my dream to be a writer.
it 是形式主语, 所以用系动词 is。

It is my dream to become an artist. 我的梦醒是成为一位艺术家。。

这是动词不定式 作定语来解释说明

动词不定式构成:to+ do(动词原形)

  否定式:not to+do 动词原形
一. 带to的不定式结构
  1. 我们学过的能直接跟带to的不定式结构的动词主要有:want, ask, tell, hope, learn, try, decide, forget, remember, like , love, stop, go, come等.
二. 不带to的不定式结构
  1. 在固定词组had better之后.注意:had better的否定形式是had better not do sth..
  例如:You had better go home now. 你最好现在回家.
     It's cold outside. You’d better not go out. 外面很冷,你最好不要出去.
  2. 在let, make, see, feel, watch, hear等感官或使役动词后,要跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语.
  例如:I made them give me the money back. 我迫使他们把钱还给我.
     I didn’t see you come in. 我没看见你进来.
  3. 在引导疑问句的why not之后.
  “Why not+不带to的不定式”是“Why don’t you do…”的省略,可以用来提出建议或劝告.
  例如: Why not go with us? 为什么不和我们一起去呢?
     Why not take a holiday? =Why don’t you take a holiday? 为什么不休假呢?
  e.g. It’s easy (for me) to do that.
     It’s so nice to hear your voice.
     It’s necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use it.
     It’s very kind of you to help us. 承蒙惠助,不胜感激.
(二) 作宾语
  afford; agree; ask; decide; want; expect; hope; fail; happen; help; learn;
  mean; manage; offer; plan; promise; refuse; wish; forget; remember…
  e.g. The driver failed to see the other car in time.
     It is raining hard. Jack is holding a newspaper over his head.
     He forgot to take an umbrella.
(三) 作宾语补足语
  1. 作动词ask, like, tell等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to不可以省略.
    e.g. He asked me to talk about English study. 他请我谈谈英语学习的问题.
  2. 作使役动词let, have, make以及感官动词feel, hear, see, watch等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to要省略.
    e.g. The teacher made him say the word like this. 老师让他像这样说这个单词.
  3. 作动词help的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to可以带,也可以不带.
    e.g. Could you help me (to) carry the heavy box? 你能帮我搬这个重箱子吗?
(四) 作定语
  e.g. After he finished college, he had a lot of jobs to choose.
     I have nothing to say on this question.
     He has something important to tell her.
(五) 作状语
  1. 放在句首也可以放在句尾表示目的等.
    e.g. He stopped to have a rest. 他停下来休息.
  2. 跟在作表语的形容词或过去分词的后面.
    e.g. I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这事我感到很难过.
  3. 用在结构中.
    e.g. He is too young to understand it. 他太年轻,理解不了这件事.

to buy a new bike 是动词不定式形式,在句子中当真正主语,it是形式主语。原来的句子顺序是:
To buy a new bike is my dream.买一辆自行车是我的梦想。

是想讲It is my dream to buy a new bike咩
因为是“梦想买一辆单车” 梦想嘛 是还没有发生的事情 所以要用to do形式
to buy a new bike是主语 to buy a new bike is my dream 这样
大概就是这样吧 不知道能不能让你明白

尖扎县13065044808: 我的梦想是当一名像刘欢一样的音乐家用英语怎么说提示用it is开头? -
涂徐甲硝: 我的梦想是当一名像刘欢一样的音乐家 用英语表达:1) It is my dream to be a musician like Liu Huan.2) My dream is to be a musician like Liu Huan.3) Being a musician like Liu Huan is my dream.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您.请及时点击采纳.

尖扎县13065044808: 用英语说 我的梦想是当一个画家 怎么说?赶快我马上要出去! -
涂徐甲硝:[答案] It is my dream to be an artist.

尖扎县13065044808: it is my dream to buy a new bilk为什么dream后要加to -
涂徐甲硝: 是想讲It is my dream to buy a new bike咩 因为是“梦想买一辆单车” 梦想嘛 是还没有发生的事情 所以要用to do形式 to buy a new bike是主语 to buy a new bike is my dream 这样 it是形式主语 大概就是这样吧 不知道能不能让你明白

尖扎县13065044808: 这两句英语一样吗去美国是我的梦想 和 我的梦想是去美国 这两句话的英文翻译是同一句话吗?如果不是 -
涂徐甲硝:[答案] 基本没有,硬要说的话, 第一句:I have a dream to go to America. 第二句:It is my dream to go to America. 仅供参考

尖扎县13065044808: lt's one dream to...仿写句子 -
涂徐甲硝: It is my dream to have a girlfriend like you.Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. 爱让人卸下不敢卸下的伪装,懂得要坦荡

尖扎县13065044808: 成为一名篮球运动员是我的梦想英文It's my dream - --- - ------a basketball player -
涂徐甲硝: 应该是:to be 或 to becomebe 成为.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

尖扎县13065044808: 各位英语天才帮帮忙,用英语说 我的梦想是当一个画家 怎么说? -
涂徐甲硝: It is my dream to be an artist.

尖扎县13065044808: 英语翻译1、去美国是我的梦想.2、你能把名字签在这个篮球上吗? -
涂徐甲硝:[答案] Go to the USA is my dream. 或者 It is my dream to go to the United States of America. Could you please sign on the basketball? 是去见美国篮球明星么~哈哈~祝好运~

尖扎县13065044808: 我的梦想是到月亮上去英语怎么翻译
涂徐甲硝: It is my dream to travel to the moon.

尖扎县13065044808: It is my dream to be the member of the school Union. 改为强调句 强调 Dream -
涂徐甲硝: 你好!It is my dream to be the member of the school Union. 这是我的梦想学校联盟的成员.

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