
作者&投稿:敏波 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Its taⅰl ⅰs long的中文?~

tail 尾巴


fits 英[fɪts] 美[fɪts]
n. (癫痫等的) 突发,发作; 昏厥; 痉挛; 一阵(忍不住的咳嗽、笑); (强烈感情) 发作,冲动;
v. (形状和尺寸) 适合,合身; (大小、式样、数量适合) 可容纳,装进; 试穿(衣服);
[词典] fit的第三人称单数和复数;
[例句]This suit fits perfectly.
[其他] 原型: fit

你好,tail,is,its,long可组成句子:Its tail is long.意为:它的尾巴很长。

He’s sⅰter is a teacher 是什么意思?
这句话应该说 是 His sister is a teacher. 如果是这样的话,那它的中文意思是 他的妹妹是一名老师。

a is for apple是什么意思?
意思是A就是apple这个单词里的A , 也可以说 A is for animal,意思是A字母就和单词animal里面的A一样。这是典型的英文表示方式, 是为了方便人更快的识别。英语环境中会遇到你说的字母,有时因为某种情况别人听不清,或是容易和别的字母混淆,比如字母B和D有时就会让人分辨不清,即使是母语是...

Is this\/that a\/an?
这样的用法一般用于一般疑问句,而是是对单个物体的提问。that是"那个"的意思,this是 " 这个"的意思,is是be动词,用于第三人称单数,a、an都是不定冠词,表示一个。如果一个单词是以元音音素(a,e,i,o,u)开头的话,表示一个要用an,反之则用a,比如一个苹果 应该写成 an apple,一支钢笔应该...

There are over 350 films in the Edinburgh Film Festival this year.今年爱丁堡电影节有超过 350 部影片参展。2.N-COUNT节日;节庆A festival is a day or time of the year when people have a holiday from work and celebrate some special event, often a religious event...the Hindu festi...

11. He can’t be her father, ___ he? A. is B. isn’t C. can D...
答案是A 原因:1.前否定,那么逗号后面的疑问句就用肯定(反之也成立);2.根据句意,她不可能是她的父亲,反问,则使用am,is,are提问!

1 Blair is having a fever.2 It isn't interesting at all. 它一点也没有趣。3 It is not as interesting as that book . 它没有那本书那么有趣。加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

She isn't anurse ,is she? 作肯定回答和否定回答
Yes, she is.No, she isn't.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O

11. He can’t be her father, ___ he? A. is B. isn’t C. can D...

有首歌的歌词是All I wanna do is love your body,I had a t
It's true what you heard, I am a freak, I'm disturbed.So come on and give me your worst. (uh oh, yeah)We're moving faster than slow,If you don't know where to go,I'll finish all from my own. (uh oh, yeah)(Hey boy)I don't need to know where you've been,...

Don't worry .There is a little time__left. 空格处要不要加to. 还有...
left在这里其实是leave的过去分词。原句是:don‘t worry ,there is a little time left.其实应该是:don't worry. there is a little time (which is to be )left.left 在这里确实是与to be 搭配作了后置定语。to be done是一种过去分词,即非谓语,非谓语可以做定语,状语等很多, 所以在...

赞皇县18344904390: taⅰ|,is,ⅰts,long什么意思? -
养壮脑心: 你好,tail,is,its,long可组成句子:Its tail is long.意为:它的尾巴很长.希望对你有帮助.

赞皇县18344904390: This river is ( ) that one. A.as long as B.longer than C.not as longer than应选哪一个?为什么?为什 -
养壮脑心: A,B都行吧

赞皇县18344904390: It is a long story是什么意思? -
养壮脑心: 是一言难尽的意思!在回答别人问你问题的时候用的.比如这段对话: A:Tom,what happened to you ?You look so angry! B:It is a long story.

赞皇县18344904390: taⅰl什么意思 -
养壮脑心: tail 尾巴 Look at the elephant! Its tail is short. 看这只大象!它的尾巴很短.

赞皇县18344904390: about its tail 38cm is long 连词成句 -
养壮脑心: Its tail is about 38cm long. 它的尾巴大约38厘米长. 呵呵 这个要是六年级应该算简单的题了额 你要加油啊

赞皇县18344904390: ts is ok as long as you work hard 英语什么意思 -
养壮脑心: 只要你努力(工作),ts 还是ok的

赞皇县18344904390: howlongⅰsⅰtstaⅰl?什么意思 -
养壮脑心: 它的尾巴有多长?how long 多长 its tail它的尾巴

赞皇县18344904390: 现在轿车后面的AT或MT代表什么?S或L又代表什么? -
养壮脑心: AT:自动档 MT:手动档 回答者:★笨鸟飘零★ - 魔法学徒 一级 5-11 19:26 AT:自动变速器(自动档、自动波) MT:手动变速器(手动档、手波) S:一般表示SPORT,运动型; L:一般表示LONG,轴距加长型;或者LUXUSE,豪华型.

赞皇县18344904390: 对时间提问时,什么时候用How long?什么时候用How soon? -
养壮脑心: how soon是指未来多久 如:I will get there in next week 对in next week提问用how soon How long是指持续的时间长短 如:I was in hospital for two weeks 对for two weeks提问用how long

赞皇县18344904390: 跪求 权志龙 一年停车场 的罗马音译 谢谢亲们了. -
养壮脑心: 说不出来Ma ri su ga ob so马里输嘎哦说抓不住你Na o qia bu su ga ob so罗不咋不输嘎哦说看着颤抖的嘴唇,忍住了的眼泪,,我要装作不知道Non li do li su ri qia t...

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