
作者&投稿:蓟吉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Carl Fredrickson, a 78-year-old balloon salesman, loved adventure stories as a child and wanted to be a great explorer.

When he was a child, he met Ellie, a girl with the same dream, and they grew up together and married until they were old. Carl and his wife Ellie share a common desire to explore the lost Paradise Falls in South America.

However, the death of his wife made the original not good at speaking Carl become eccentric, more withdrawn up.

At this time, the government plans to rebuild the house where Carl lives, and He doesn't want to leave the house where he has fond memories of his wife.

Just as the government was about to send him to a nursing home, he decided to fulfill his and his wife's lifelong dream.

He did not plan to go alone, however, but with his house, for Carl had tied thousands of colorful hydrogen balloons to the roof.







The film selected the elderly, children and dogs as three elements that symbolize peace and purity in any cultural background, and designed them an adventure that has nothing to do with big cities and modernization and is close to fairy tales.

In fact, the theme of the film does not have much breakthrough. The loneliness of city people, their persistence in dreams and their love for nature.
Carl is an old man with a strange temper and a child as fat as a ball, ronaldinho, looks silly. The main line of " Flying House" is not complicated, but it has its own unique place.
For example, it took nearly 20 minutes at the beginning of the film to describe how Carl and Ellie got to know each other, fell in love with each other and stayed together until they reached old age.
Except for the childhood when Ellie and Carl showed their personalities, there was almost no dialogue, that is, they were so close to perfect " the process of accompanying you to grow old slowly" that emotions came silently without words stirring up.
However, the creator did not change a place with one shot. This seemingly unrelated memory became Carl's biggest motivation to create a flying house and even reshape himself, and repeatedly pushed forward the plot transition at several key points.
The main character's design also has small surprises. Carl is not a kind-hearted grandfather. He is somewhat eccentric and violent in order to protect his wife's belongings.
The child ronaldinho is as fat as a ball. he looks silly and talks a lot of nonsense. these details, which contradict the conservative aesthetic view, have repeatedly erupted into comedy sparks.
in addition, Pixar's striking supporting role continues to explode into comedy skills. the design of the talking dog group best reflects Pixar's small ingenuity.

A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South Africa. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocked his neighbors by tying thousands of balloons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home。

UP, Pixar's latest animated feature, is just delightful. But how do you go about extolling the movie's virtues without giving away its surprises? Like the kid at the beginning of the movie, you don't try to conquer the immovable force; you work around it.

The one clue I can give away – because it's the movie's heavily hyped premise – is that Carl Fredrickson, a gruffy old widower (voiced with gruffy old charm by Ed Asner), miraculously inflates enough balloons to use his house as an aircraft. Soon, he finds himself reluctantly sharing his ride with a short-attention-spanned kid named Russell.

I'll also mention a couple of other items that can gauge your potential interest in the movie. One is a gag that is a take-off on a famous painting – perhaps too inside of an inside joke, but typical of Pixar's cheery attempts to appeal to viewers of all ages.

Also, part of the plot involves Carl's long-held wish to meet a Lindbergh-type adventurer named Charles Muntz (Christopher Plummer!). This is another in-joke that's even vaguer than the first one. Cartoon historians know that Walt Disney started in the cartoon biz by creating Oswald the Rabbit for producer Charles Mintz, who then greedily stole the rights to Disney's creation. This gives you a pretty good idea where the ostensible hero Muntz stands in the scheme of things.

Beyond that, I can only offer you some enticing clues about the characters. There's a dog who's the leader of his pack and in menacing beyond measure, until he opens his mouth and gets one of the movie's biggest laughs. There's a huge, awkward bird that is a big laugh-getter at first. Then she becomes a real enough character that – at least in the audience I was in – when she's injured, she elicits screams of fright worthy of Bambi's late mother.

There's surprising, heartfelt emotion, vivid imagery (you can almost touch the landscapes and skies), and a music score by Michael Giacchino that's practically a character in the movie – particularly in a thoughtful montage that takes Carl from childhood to widowhood.

There aren't many (or at least not enough) live-action movies that are engrossing as this cartoon. Pixar Studios has gotten to be one of those movie icons that shouldn't even have to deliver a premise to get funded anymore. The moneymen should just shut up, hand over the money, and trust they'll get a product that will appeal to everyone.

UP is only the second Pixar feature to get a PG rating, only for mildly intense imagery and action – nothing off-color in the least. Again, if you can handle "Bambi," this film should be a breeze.

A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. director Peter Docter. Carl Fredricksen is a 78-year-old balloon salesman. His entire life, Carl has longed to wander the wilds of South Africa. Then, one day, the irascible senior citizen shocked his neighbors by tying thousands of balloons to his home and finally taking flight. But Carl isn't alone on his once-in-a-lifetime journey, because stowed away on his front porch is an excitable eight-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell. Later, as the house touches down on the world's second largest continent, Carl and his unlikely traveling companion step outside to discover that not only is their new front lawn considerably larger, but that the predators therein are much more ferocious than anything they ever faced back home.

UP Up is another must-see animated film from Pixar Animation Studios. It's about a cranky old man and an overeager Scout who fly to South America in a floating house suspended from helium balloons. Up is director Pete Docter's (Monsters, Inc.) second feature-length film, and...

综述:There are children and old people in the film, generation gap and integration, dreams and losses. In fact, the structure of the film is not complex.It is a common trick for the two protagonists to integrate from opposition, and the role of 3D technology in this animation ...

09年的《飞屋环游记》,英文名:Up 剧情:小男孩卡尔(Carl Fredricksen)怀揣着对于冒险的热爱偶遇假小子艾丽(Ellie),而艾丽把整个屋子当成一艘大飞船游戏居然使他对这个女孩子有些着迷,相同的爱好最终使两个人成为了一生的爱侣。他们有一个梦想,那就是有朝一日要去南美洲的“仙境瀑布”探险,但...

英文翻译 关于飞屋环游记的
【纯手工翻译】一位78岁的老人,查尔 弗莱德克森,希望实现妻子艾丽的梦想——即把他们的家搬到南美洲的天堂瀑布旁。他架着飞翔在空中的房子启程了。一个名叫罗素的男孩藏在门后,并和查尔一同踏上了探索之旅。到达南美洲后,他们遇到了一只名叫凯文的鸟,和小狗大格。他们与想要抓住并杀掉凯文的芒兹...

Up is a slightly-left-of-center masterpiece. The emotional impact of the beautiful, wordless summation of Carl's life that opens the movie is the bass note that resonates through the whole film and is at least as affecting as the scene in Wall-E when he holds his own hands...

Lights go dark, the screen lights up, my left-hand side is the darkness.Look at the screen in which right Liangxiaowucai slowly getting old, along with structures that are called home, cabin, along with running a tiny balloon business, along with the dream of travel in order ...


Up is a great movie about life and dreams! There are touching pain, there are touching happiness!译文:《飞屋环游记》从故事资料,到音乐配器,到动漫人物设计精巧,到画面效果感官,到艺术性和观赏性,它的确是一部不朽的作品,历史会验证的。影片虽是动画片,动画片不惟属孩童,这个影片《飞...

求个飞屋环游记观后感。 要英文的 有50单词就够 继续
Up is a slightly-left-of-center masterpiece. The emotional impact of the beautiful, wordless summation of Carl's life that opens the movie is the bass note that resonates through the whole film and is at least as affecting as the scene in Wall-E when he holds his own hands...

跪求一篇《飞屋环游记》英文版得读后感 50-60字就好了 谢谢···_百...
Up is a slightly-left-of-center masterpiece. The emotional impact of the beautiful, wordless summation of Carl's life that opens the movie is the bass note that resonates through the whole film and is at least as affecting as the scene in Wall-E when he holds his own hands...

温州市15981957911: 飞屋环游记y英文简介要短一点, -
李曲泰力:[答案] A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and c...

温州市15981957911: <飞屋环游记>英文版剧情介绍 -
李曲泰力: Carl Fredrickson, a 78-year-old balloon salesman, loved adventure stories as a child and wanted to be a great explorer.When he was a child, he met Ellie, a girl with the same dream, and they grew up together and married until they were old. Carl ...

温州市15981957911: 飞屋环游记简介英文(十五句以内) -
李曲泰力:[答案] A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and c...

温州市15981957911: 飞屋环游记的英文简介There is love of people around, there is a dream to go to achieve, in fact, well - being has always been very simple.Becuse the love,Eille ... -
李曲泰力:[答案] 有人们的爱围绕着,有梦想要去实现,事实上,幸福一直都很简单.因为爱,Eille将他的房子充满气球,来实现他们的梦想.自私,顽固,无情,但当一个男孩出现时这些都改变了.Eille感受到了照顾他人和帮助他人这种不同的爱.即使房子失去了,但这...

温州市15981957911: 飞屋环游记y英文简介
李曲泰力: A feisty septuagenarian teams with a fearless wilderness ranger to do battle with a vicious band of beasts and villains in this computer-animated adventure scripted by Pixar veteran Bob Peterson and co-directed by Peterson and Monsters, Inc. ...

温州市15981957911: 飞屋环游记的英文简介!急! -
李曲泰力: 中文简介:影片挑选了老人、儿童和狗狗这三种无论放在任何文化背景下都象征着平和与纯洁的元素,再给他们设计了一场与大城市、现代化无关的、接近童话的冒险;影片主题其实并没有太多突破,城市人的孤独感、对梦想需要执着、对大自...

温州市15981957911: 英语翻译【飞屋环游记】故事概要带中文英语翻译,精彩对白,主人公英文名. -
李曲泰力:[答案] 影片讲述的是78岁的卡尔老先生,为了信守对爱妻的承诺,决心带着他与妻子艾利共同打造的房屋一飞冲天的动人故事. .... 我...想跟这个老房子最后道别.2、Find and scent,my compadres and you too,shall have much rewarding from 《飞屋环游记》...

温州市15981957911: 飞屋环游记英文翻译该书主要讲述了一位自闭孤僻、脾气古怪的老人——卡尔·费迪逊,与妻子艾莉从小就梦想着能环游世界.但直到艾莉去世也没能实现这个... -
李曲泰力:[答案] The book tells the story of a major autistic withdrawn,cantankerous old man -- Karl and his wife ali,from childhood dream is to travel around the world.But until ailey died didn't also can realize thi...

温州市15981957911: 飞屋环游记简介英文版[[速度,今晚要]] -
李曲泰力: UP, Pixar's latest animated feature, is just delightful. But how do you go about extolling the movie's virtues without giving away its surprises? Like the kid at the beginning of the movie, you don't try to conquer the immovable force; you work around it....

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