
作者&投稿:臧殷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



发 音

词 性

一、名词n. [C]
He did a marvellous feat.
The circus acrobats performed featsof dexterity and strength.

feet 英[fi:t] 美[fit]
n. 脚步; 脚( foot的名词复数 ) 底部; 英尺(=12 英寸或 30.48 厘米)
[网络] 猪脚;
[例句]His feet echoed on the bare board floor.

bee 和eat

The teapot needs cleaning. 这个茶壶需要清洗。

i find the bird beautiful chemical potential化学势 In which direction does it turn?Opium is addictive. 鸦片会让人上瘾。misleading directions 使人误解的指示 We must make allowances for his youth. 我们必须体谅他年轻。The lively give and take of ideas, ie willingness to make concessions...

lovely1.She is a lovely girl.她是一个漂亮的女孩。 2. The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls.这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 3. It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden.让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的。 4. My lovely daughter came to her father for a ...

4、clean用名词的用法造句 (1)The house needed a good clean.这房子需要好好打扫。(2)Oh, I see! I must take a clean for you!原来是这么回事啊。看样子是该帮你好好清扫一下了!以上就是关于clean 这个单词的造句及相关知识了,希望可以帮到大家更进一步的对clean这个单词的理解。

第一个短语应该是:Clear off 1.Clear off ,you boys!你们这些男孩快走开!2.The little girl is climbing the stairs,up and down.小女孩在上上下下爬楼梯。3.What you say has no relevance to what we're talking about.你说的和我们正在谈论的话题毫无关系。4.she try to tell him the ...

This thing is finally at an end 这件事情总算结束了。 After this incident, the furniture in ruins 这件事情过后,家具严重受损。 People in the earthquake hazardous area also need rescue 还在地震危险区域的人们急需援救 This time, I've been involved with Super girl vote 我参与了这一次...

1 The campus of Harvard University is very beautiful.哈佛大学的校园非常漂亮。2 This is a young mother's crowded days 3 It affords pleasure to me.这使我很高兴。4 The father of a family should have more sense of responsibility.一家之父应有更多的责任感。5 She must have ...

Don't whistle until you are out of the wood. 没有脱离险境,不要过早高兴。9.Hearing the whistle, all people tore down the roads. 听到哨音,所有的人沿着路跑起来。10.The referee blew his whistle, and the game stopped. 裁判吹响哨子,比赛停止了。

1 i am going to shopping 2i'm thinking about this problem 3early men used to hunting .4in early days, human beings had to make a fire to cooking.5knife is use for cut.6mother cook food for us any day.7,when you cross the road,be careful with the cars.8millions of ...

The wire twists easily. 铁丝易扭弯 The graph is divided by its symmetry axis 这个图形沿着对称轴左右对称。New industries create new jobs. 新工业带来新职业。Let's divide the bill evenly. 我们均摊费用吧。I love Spring. Everywhere is a bed of flowers.我喜欢春天,到处都是花团锦簇的...

We had all things in common in those days.那时我们共同分享一切东西。As for my desert, I'd like a chocolate milk shake.甜食我要巧克力牛奶冰淇淋。This lesson adds to the value of the book.这一课增加了这本书的价值。Here is the fried beef with green onion.这是洋葱炒牛肉。Held ...

鄂州市18312325505: 含有ee的单词有什么? -
琦径奥扎: Bee Fee Teeth Free Feel Feet Wee See Deed Geelong heed heel Jeep jeer keel keep keen lee leek meek meet need needle peel peep peer reed reef reel seed seek seem teem 应该够了吧

鄂州市18312325505: 英文单词中,带有ee或者yy的单词有哪些?最好是ey都有的,eyy,或者eey这样的! -
琦径奥扎:[答案] keep,feed,meet,sheep,sleep,beep,feet,seed,sheet,beef,keel,eerie,eel,deed,deep,teem,teen,beech,weep,sweep,jeep,queen,see,seen...There are no words with yy,eyy,and eey in it unless you are talking about...

鄂州市18312325505: 含有元音字母Ee的单词有哪些!含有元音字母Ee的读音的单词有哪些 -
琦径奥扎:[答案] egg,every,enter,bed,

鄂州市18312325505: 带有ee字母组合的单词,ee要发/i/ 有哪些 -
琦径奥扎: 发长音/i:/,比如feet, feel, need, knee, cheese等

鄂州市18312325505: 含有元音字母Ee的单词有哪些!
琦径奥扎: egg,every,enter,bed,祝楼主学习进步,对楼主有用

鄂州市18312325505: 含有e,ee,发音为/i:/的单词 -
琦径奥扎: 含有e,ee,发音为/i:/的单词有be有英 [bi] 美 [bi], bee蜜蜂英 [bi] 美 [bi],fee费用英 [fiː] 美 [fiː] ,deed行为英 [diːd] 美 [diːd] ,indeed真正的英 [ɪn'diːd] 美 [ɪn'diːd],free自由的英 [friː] 美 [friː] ,need需要英 [niːd] 美 [niːd] ,peer同辈英 [pɪə(r...

鄂州市18312325505: 哪些单词中ee读/i:/ -
琦径奥扎: bee蜜蜂 beef 牛肉 see 看见 seek 寻找 meet 遇见 feel 感觉 feet 英尺;脚(复数) greet 问候 sheep绵羊 need 需要 sleep睡觉 bleed 流血 heel 脚跟 flee 逃逸专业团队献上的专业解答 请考虑采纳! 祝:学习更上一层楼!o(∩_∩)o……

鄂州市18312325505: 含有音标【eE】的单词 -
琦径奥扎: air 空气 /εə/ fair 公平 /fεə/ hair 头发 /hεə/

鄂州市18312325505: ee在英语中是什么意思 -
琦径奥扎: ee是表示额、额的意思,表示对事物的认同,但在英文缩写时也可能是下列的意思: 1、Early English 早期英语; 2、East Europe 东欧; 3、Electrical Engineering 电机工程(学); 4、Electromechanical Engineering 机电工程(包括机械和电...

鄂州市18312325505: 三、四年级英语课本中带有“ee、ea”的单词(10个) -
琦径奥扎:[答案] bean 豆 bee 蜜蜂 beef 牛排 beer 啤酒 dear 亲爱的 deer 鹿 ear 耳朵 pear 梨 near 近的 see 看见 tree 树 sea 海 wear 穿、戴

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