
作者&投稿:习海 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)












喜欢的漫画主人公:《选拔赛》里的HUANG BO REA OM






兴趣:跳舞,听音乐。WE I TE PLAYING
喜欢的歌手:Eugene(S.E.S.)KANG TA ,后街男孩












Real name : Jeong Yoon-ho
Date of birth : February 6th, 1986
Place of birth : South Jeolla Province
Physique : 183cm, 66kg
Blood type : A
Hobbies : Listening to music, reading, exercising, song-writing
Talents : Vocal and dance
Prize winning : The Best Dancer Prize at the 1st SM Best Competition

Real name : Kim Jae-joong
Physique : 178cm, 63kg
Place of birth : South Chungcheong Province
Blood type : O
Hobbies : Computer games, listening to music
Talent : Singing, imitating other singers
Ideal woman : Someone with a good first impression.
Prize winning : The Best Looks Prize at the second SM Best Competition

Real name : Shim Chang-min
Physique : 184cm, 61kg
Place of birth : Seoul
Blood type : B
Hobbies : Listening to music, singing, computer games, reading
Talents : Vocal and dance
Ideal woman : Cute and active style
Prize winning : The Best Singer Prize at the 6th SM Best Competition

Real name : Kim Joon-soo
Date of birth : January 1st, 1987
Physique : 178cm, 60kg
Place of birth : Gyeonggi Province
Blood type : B
Hobbies : Playing the piano, soccer, computer games, singing
Talents : Vocal and dance

Real name : Park Yoo-cheon
Physique : 180cm, 64kg
Place of birth : Seoul
Date of birth : June 4th, 1986
Blood type : O
Hobbies : Song-writing, basketball
Talents : Vocal, lyrics, song-writing
Prize winning : Special Prize at the 2003 KBN Youth Song Festival, Grand Prize at the 2001 American Song Contest (Virginia)


Dong Bang Shin Gi [also known as TongVfangXienQi (TVfXQ) in Chinese and TouHou ShinKi in Japanese] means 'The Gods Of The East Are Rising'. It consists of five young men Kim JunSu [Xiah], Kim JaeJoong [Hero/Young Woong], Park YooChun [Micky], Shim ChangMin [Max] and Jung YunHo [U-Know] from Seoul, South Korea. Though the band was constructed and put together by SM Entertainment, they are far from your typcial boy band.

They were discovered through weekly auditions held by the company. The only member that did not audition was JunSu [Xiah], who earned his spot being brought into SME through a television show. SME were looking for fresh new talent, hoping to form a new band. The rest of the members displayed their strengths in singing, dancing and rapping, which impressed those at SME, instantly earning them a spot in the company. It wasn't easy sailing from than on. The five young men weren't automatically put together, nor were any of them given a record deal but given an opportunity to achieve their dream. It would be years before they would officially debut, during that time, they would train to perfect their craft. As some of the members trained, others were put on to perform.

Yunho's [U-Know] first debut was not with the band but as a back-up dancer and a rapper for one of the company's own singers, Dana. It was later on, SME determined that his talents were being wasted and placed him in what was soon to be known as Dong Bang Shin Gi.

Their first performance was back in December of 2003, opening for major headliners Boa and Britney Spears. Those in the venue had no clue who DBSK were but little did they know, that the opening act, those five young men were destine to make a large impact on Korean Pop.

Weeks later, after their first performance, they made their official debut in Korea, unleashing their first single 'Hug'. The medium-tempo accapella dance number was the perfect introduction, displaying the new and young image of the five boys that would take Korea by storm. After the success of their first single, they released their second single 'The Way U Are', showing a new and different image of the five heart-throbs. Many fans were stunned and shocked at the new look of the cute boy band. Despite the new look, they would continue to make an impression on the Korean public, doing varies activities and events to spread the music that was DBSG. The success has continued as they released their much anticipated 2nd studio album 'Rising Sun' and through out the rest of their singles and previous album.

Even with their beautifully sang ballads and choruses Dong Bang Shin Ki is more than just an accappella group but they're pop [Hug], R&B [Tonight], dance [Rising Sun], and maybe even a little bit of rock [Tri-Angle & Free your Mind featuring The Trax]. They have displayed through out many of their singles and their two albums that they are not to box themselves in. They want to expand their music to touch everyone in all music genres. However, it is probably best said that the beauty of their songs are exposed at its fullest when not accompanied by the sounds of instruments but sang by the lovely voices of the five.

Five different men with five different personalities, yet alike in so many ways, all with one common dream and that is to perform. Being exposed to such fame and celebrity in their late teens, one would think that the boys would be at least a bit stuck-up but thats far from it. The boys are down to earth, full of modesty and are completely humble. They owe much of their success to the fans and constantly showing their gratitude and thanks whenever they can. The boys have learned English, Japanese and Chinese [though not completely fluent] to help them communciate with their everlasting fan base. With such busy schedules at the tender ages of 17-19, the boys still find time to focus on their education, attending school to work towards finishing high school or college.

In their short career of approxmiately two years, their popularity has grown to such incredible heights. With the releases of 'Always There' and 'Rising Sun' from their second album and their new Japanese single 'My Destiny', they are taking the Asian world by force and don't seem to be slowing down any time soon. True to their name, they have expanded outside of their native country of Korea, directing their eye on the rest of the Asian market. But their music hasn't solely touched the hearts of those in Asia but around the world.

The Gods from the East certainly are rising..


郑允浩(Jung Yunho),1986年2月6日出生于韩国全罗南道光州市,歌手、演员、音乐剧演员、词曲创作人、舞台编导、韩国第三代舞王1,东方神起队长、领舞及主唱。2001年以第一届SM Best选拔大会舞蹈冠军2身份成为SM公司练习生,完美的九头身比例、阳光帅气的脸庞让他未出道便人气爆棚3,拥有个人FanClub并受到媒体的个人专访。2003年12月26日首次登台亮相4。2004年2月6日正式出道。2010年3月作为亚洲唯一受邀歌手出演迈克尔杰克逊一周年追念公演 5。2013年成为首个完成五蛋巡演的韩国歌手6及首个登上NISSAN STADIUM的海外歌手7。2015年7月8日发行日本SOLO mini专辑《U KNOW Y》89。歌手生涯横扫各大颁奖礼101112并且多项纪录加身131415,亦拥有众多明星粉丝,被称为Idol中的Idol161718。在音乐剧《宫》19及《光华门恋歌》20中以出众的歌唱舞蹈实力受到了好评21。主演《向大地头球》22、上海世博会韩国馆宣传片《和声城市》23、韩国国家旅游局宣传片《一天》24。2013年参演该年综合收视年冠25剧《野王》26,以76W超高票数获“第八届SDA首尔国际电视节”最高人气奖27。2014年主演《巡夜人日志》28,该剧同时段收视率第一29;参演电影《国际市场》30夺得韩国影史票房亚军31。2015年主演SBS Plus网络剧《指定你》3233,是韩国网络播放史上最短时间内突破千万播放量的剧34。郑允浩一直默默致力于慈善事业353637,其善行也积极影响着他的粉丝383940。2015年7月21日郑允浩现役入伍4142,以综合最高分新兵结业受赏4344,现服役于韩国陆军最强六大部队之一的“火光部队”第26师团45。

介绍: 郑俊河是韩国人气很高的喜剧演员,电影处女作是《那个小子真帅》。他最初于1991~1993年曾在MBC电视台作PD(制片人兼导演),后1993~1995年成为电视明星李辉宰的经纪人同时也是“COOL“的经纪人,1995年在电视节目搞笑节目特马剧场初露荧屏, 1995年后经营小饭馆,歌厅等收入不菲,2003年曾获MBC电视台最佳人气奖。他...



东方神起五位的宗教信仰!!~在中:无教派 允浩:基督教 有天:基督教 俊秀:基督教 昌珉: 佛教 金在中 姓名:jae-joong kim 中文名字:金在中 \/英雄在中 韩文名:김재중生日:86.1.26 宗 教:无神论 星座:水瓶座 血型:O型 身高:178CM 体重:63KG 兴趣:唱歌、跳舞...


怎样的存在???这话问的……要看你站什么立场了 站在红家的立场,就是队长的存在,最近我看见一句牛叉的,说“你可以不饭红家,但是你一定要尊重那个郑队”站在anti饭的立场,就是某位说的zhuang B的存在 站在一个上学的时候迷恋过他们,若干年后时过境迁的人的立场来说,他就是他的存在咯!

出生在韩国全罗道南部小城市的允浩在出道伊始与人交流经常会带有地方口音让人觉得很土,不同于一般年轻人出于虚荣心而极力隐藏,他从未为此感觉到丢脸,反而很自豪地在各种公开场合介绍自己是“光州的儿子”。 允浩除了慷慨援助家乡的慈善、教育事业 ,还会积极响应家乡的各种宣传活动。2011年4月22日,允浩参与了SBS《甜蜜...

巡夜人日志 武锡(郑允浩饰演) 作为一位拥有朝鲜最高剑术的武官,武锡是一个嘴角常挂着冷峻微笑的美男子。他是朝鲜王朝难得的文武双全的人。武锡从小接受了严格的教育和武术训练,担负起保护王子李麟的责任。但是武锡暗中也监视着李麟的行动,但是在遇到桃夏之后,武锡也深深爱上了这个性格开朗...

U-Know Real name : Jeong Yoon-ho Date of birth : February 6th, 1986 Place of birth : South Jeolla Province Physique : 183cm, 66kg Blood type : A Hobbies : Listening to music, reading, exercising, song-writing Talents : Vocal and dance Prize winning : The Best Dancer Prize...

介绍一下 东方神起的五个人···
U Know允浩(瑜卤允浩)本名:郑允浩 生日:1986年2月6日 性格:淘气,开朗 家人:父母,妹妹 体力保存方法:多睡觉 喜欢的东西:模型车 常去的地方:篮球场 东方神起歌迷使你想到:红色 印象最深的加油声:不要放弃!兴趣:跳舞,听音乐,训练 喜欢的歌手:KangTa N sync BackstreetBoys 俞永镇 绰...

磐石市19234252057: 郑允浩(韩国男歌手、演员、东方神起的队长) - 搜狗百科
尤琦乳酸: 姓 名:郑允浩(韩文:정윤호 日文:ユンホ)艺名:瑜卤允浩(韩文:유노윤호)、U-Know、Jung Yunho 生 日:1986年02月06日 身 高: 186cm 体 重: 61kg 血 型:A型 出生地:韩国全罗南道光州市 宗 教:基督教 语 言:韩语 日...

磐石市19234252057: 郑允浩的详细资料 -
尤琦乳酸: 郑允浩(Jung Yunho)1986年2月6日出生于韩国全罗南道光州广域市 身高1米84 体重66公斤 A型血 是韩国组合东方神起的队长也是东方神起中最先露面的成员 座右铭:要理解对方 喜欢的歌手:U YENG JIN、后街男孩等

磐石市19234252057: 郑允浩的资料
尤琦乳酸: 姓 名:郑允浩(Jung Yoonho) 生 日:1986年02月06日 身 高: 184CM 体 重: 66KG 血 型:A型 宗 教:基督教 语 言:韩语 国 籍: 韩国 家庭成员: 爸爸.妈妈.妹妹 性格:淘气,开朗 体力保存方法:睡觉多的一项. 座右铭:要理解对方. ...

磐石市19234252057: 郑允浩的个人资料是什么? -
尤琦乳酸: 名字: 郑允浩 出生日期: 1986年2月6日 出生地点: 全南 国家或地区: 韩国 血型: A 身高: 183 厘米 体重: 66 公斤 别名昵称: Jeung Yunhao(原名) Yunao Yunhao(昵称) [郑允浩简介] 人物简介 星座:水瓶座 兴趣:欣赏音乐,跳舞,...

磐石市19234252057: 郑允浩的基本资料 -
尤琦乳酸: u-know允浩 ★『U-KNOW允浩』超详细资料▓* ♣基本资料♣ 姓 名:郑允浩(Jung Yoonho) 生 日:1986年02月06日 身 高: 184CM 体 重: 66KG 血 型:A型 宗 教:基督教 家庭成员: 爸爸.妈妈.妹妹 性格:淘气,开朗 体力保存方法:睡觉...

磐石市19234252057: 郑允浩的详细资料
尤琦乳酸: 郑允浩u-know允浩★『U-KNOW允浩』超详细资料▓*♣基本资料♣ 姓 名:郑允浩(Jung Yoonho) 生 日:1986年02月06日 身 高: 184CM 体 重: 66KG 血 型:A型 宗 教:基督教 家庭成员: 爸爸.妈妈.妹妹 性格:淘气,开朗 体力保存方法:...

磐石市19234252057: 允浩的具体资料 -
尤琦乳酸: 组合中最先露面的成员是郑允浩,他于2002年5月13日首次来中国,之后以伴舞身份多次参加SM的演出.他那邻家男孩般的亲切感与帅气的舞姿深深吸引了大批哈韩族,且为尚未出道的他赢得了极高的关注度.2003年12月26日,在中韩两国...

磐石市19234252057: 郑允浩的资料是什么? -
尤琦乳酸: 瑜卤允浩(U-Know) 韩文名:정윤호 姓名:Jeong yoon-ho 中文名:郑允浩 生日:1986.2.6 出生地:镇南 学历:明知大学一年级 身高体重:184cm,66kg 血型:A型 家人:父母,妹妹 兴趣:作曲,看书,音乐欣赏 特长:唱歌,跳舞 讨厌的女孩:心机重的女生 10年后的自己:成为一名音乐家或者一个好爸爸 喜欢的歌手:N'SYNC,BACK STREET BOYS,俞永镇,KANGTA... "瑜卤允浩"的意思是"成为世上的阳光和盐"和"能成为懂你的人"的意思.

磐石市19234252057: 东方神起郑允浩的资料? -
尤琦乳酸: 本名:郑允浩---유노윤호 诞生日:1986年2月6日 血型:A 身高:184CM 体重:66KK 性格:淘气,开朗 体力保存方法:睡觉多的一项. 座右名:要理解对方. 喜欢的漫画主人公:《选拔赛》里的HUANG BO REA OM 喜欢的东西:模型车 在车里做的事:听音乐 喜欢的地方:蓝球场 喜欢的衣服:日本时尚衣服 东方神起FANS的话想起来的是:红色 非常留在记忆里的话:不要放弃 兴趣:跳舞,听音乐.WE I TE PLAYING

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