
作者&投稿:满辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When I was young, I’m looking forward to going to the college. College is the heaven. College can make our life different.Frankly speaking, I have always cherished my college life. When I was a freshman, I was an active student that would always take part in all kinds of league activities. And I worked hard in my basic courses, so I got high marks in the first semester. What an only pity that I spent too much money on the league activities that didn’t always take my interesting. As some people have said, there are two things the most important in the college, one is study, and the other is company. Yes, some things I still feel hard to talk about are my company with other people. Maybe it is the appearance reason that although I spared no effort on the company, I feel passive in getting along with my classmates. I was rather confused by it. So I began to take care of the philosophy, especially the Chinese traditional philosophy, such as si shu wu jing. I read in the library, I listened to the teacher in elective course, and then I got strength and courage to face my life.
Things have been always changing. What I have learnt helped me getting well with my friends. Things are always easy, but people like to make them complex. The God creates people, so people have privacy and dignity of themselves. It’s like that the nature creates all kind of flowers and grasses, and some may get beauty, at the same way some may get ugly, but the flowers and grasses themselves didn’t have any fault as the nature has given them the same bodies, what is different is that the different sight under the sunshine. Actually, maybe it will be more possible for people to look down upon the ‘ugly’ man in the first sight. But take notice of that, it’s only on the face. Not everyone will become a music star, or film star. What’s more important to a person is that the spirit he has which can really make a person healthier. What is it we have all pursued all the life? Very easy a question, our life. So people should know what he will be like. People live in today, not in the future. We should thank to what we have got, but not beg helpless. Just like this, I had many things known. I didn’t care what people said again, I made effort to keep my character nice. I tried to help everybody around me. I spoke to people with smiling, I tried to find common with people. I feel that I’m the most fortunate man that I have got so much from the God. And now, you see, I live very healthy and happy.
I don’t tell many stories about my college life as I think the most important thing in your college life is the consideration of your life. The most perfect thing I think is the fact that I can change myself.
Now everything is getting well,I can look after myself,so please don't worry about me. The only problem is that I miss you very much.Oh, the Spring Festival is coming.I wish you all will have a happy new year!

Dear friend,

How have you been lately? I am doing great. College life is treating me well. I signed up for four classes. Egyptian civilization has to be my favorite course since I have always wanted to explore the mystery of Egypt. I am learning about the Pyramid this month. I love it!

Most of the friends that I have met so far are from my classes and my dorm. I like living with friends even though my room is much smaller than the one I have at home. I enjoy the freedom as well as sharing with others.

There are many clubs here to be a part of. I am thinking of joining the Asian club and meet others who share my culture. The International club is also a great idea since I will be learning from others and their cultures as well. Besides that I am also thinking about the Math club. You know how I love math. I will be feeling so at home there.

Hope everything is well for you too. Good luck to you and your studies.

yours, michelle

Dear Mom and Dad:
You are now, please? Like you. I am in this life was very good. Now cold days, you must多穿点.
Step such as universities, the first feeling is much larger than the high school. University than to loose more than high school, depends on their ability to direct system. Thank you from a young age I began to cultivate it. Thanks to myself. My relationship with the lodgers are good, good people I could hang. I basically lived in this 4.1-line life, dormitory canteen classrooms have libraries, they feel bored, but I feel I live a very full! Enriched with the knowledge myself. In addition, the campus of the University are also many activities, enrich my life. A lot of their long exposure!
Agricultural University, the teachers are very good, rich experience special! Mainly because they can mobilize the enthusiasm of your class so that we better knowledge. I think at this school learning is my glory.
Parents, know what? You in my heart is the most ordinary extraordinary, in order to develop my talent, you have paid a more difficult than others, frugal life and crafts of the hard-working, but you never complain about too ... ... Mom and Dad, you also Among the best time of life dedicated to me, left to their own white arrhizus only that, there are unwittingly climb eye wrinkles. I do not know what kind of action to use repay you for the upbringing of my ex, now I can do, only to learn, study hard, you do not live up to my expectations. I promise you, the shortage is only a piece of paper instruments, as well as my performance in school.
I believe that I am proud of the school, the future I will be proud to learn.

All the best!Yours sincerely,Lily (任何英文名皆可)翻译:亲爱的阿美:你好吗我非常想你。自从去年七月我们说再见后,我们就没见过面了。我很好。我的家人上个月搬进了一所新房子。这所房子又大又好。我们很开心。在我的新房子里,我可以做很多我喜欢做的事情,比如写作和阅读。这些是我最喜欢...

朋友,当你知道朋友的价值时,就别太在意朋友之间的琐事,你应该知道:友谊不在一时,而在平时;不凭年龄,而凭心灵。朋友,别太在意,让我们携手望着美丽的朝阳,共同奋斗吧。 3. 写以亲情或友情为主题作文400字 【第一篇】:家庭凝聚力——亲情记得上小学时,我每天都要穿过一条马路才能到学校。 母亲担心我的安慰,总...


求一篇英语作文 详细介绍一个家人或朋友
I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home.我的家有4个人:我的父母,我的哥哥,和我.我的家庭很棒,我很快乐.我的哥哥害羞而有趣.他很擅长运动并且在排球运动上犹为突出.但他不喜欢学习并且成绩不好.他喜欢讲笑话,经常和朋友和家人开玩笑并且总能使我们发笑.我的父亲是一位...

忽然,一把雨伞把我头上的天空挡住了,我一回头,原来,我的好朋友在我的后面,他甜甜地笑着,说:“来,一起回家吧。”我太高兴了,和他说说笑笑走进了雨中,把刚才的烦恼也抛掉了。 不一会儿,我们就要到分叉口了,看来,我只能拼一下了。我正打算冲进雨中,他突然说:“给,这把伞你撑去吧...


2. 你走了,是因为我们分到了两所不同的中学,我们疏远了,我们没有和铅再像过去一样快乐了。还记得你离开时告诉我:我们是最好的朋友,虽然我们不在一起了,但是,我们的心永远在一起。3. 这句话胜过千言万语,我始终没有忘记你曾经对我说的这句话。你走了,满脸通红,晶莹的泪珠从你的两边...



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拓刘川芎: Dear,MOM Comes to my college life, I think of two words. One is colorful, the other peaceful. They are used to describe my college life in different periods. I still remember the first day I set foot in this college. Buildings were surrounded by many trees. ...

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拓刘川芎: I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program. Education background In 1995, ...

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拓刘川芎: Dear friend,How have you been lately? I am doing great. College life is treating me well. I signed up for four classes. Egyptian civilization has to be my favorite course since I have always wanted to explore the mystery of Egypt. I am learning about ...

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拓刘川芎: 简单点的,eg:I'm lily,I have a very happy family. they are my father,my mother and I. my father is a teacher,he is very humour,so students like him very much.And my mother is very beautiful ,she taught me so much,so she is also a teacher for me in my family. I love them very much ,I hope i'll be a teacher in the future.

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拓刘川芎: My Chinese name is XU-XINYI, and my English name is Annie. I'm studying at hangzhou Yu-Cai Experimental school ,in Class 2,Grade 4. I like composition ,and I have learned a Children-reporter training course .I also like sports ,such as table-...

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拓刘川芎: Dear Kate Thanks for your letter. You asked me about my school. My school isn't very big but it is clean and tidy. There are only three hundred students and teachers in our school. There is a building with three floors. We all study there. There are more...

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