
作者&投稿:逄贫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小题1:A, F小题2:B, D小题3:E, G小题4:C, H小题5:We must not eat in class. 试题分析:短文大意:本文给出了一些学生应该在教室、图书馆、学校及操场遵守的规章制度。小题1:细节理解题。A句意:你一定不要在黑板上画。F句意:你必须每天打扫教室。所以选A, F。小题2:细节理解题。B句意:你必须按时还书。D句意:你读过书后必须归还了。所以选B, D。小题3:细节理解题。E句意:公共汽车开动时你一定不要跟司机谈话。G句意:当你排队等公共汽车时你一定不要插队。所以选E, G。小题4:细节理解题。C句意:你一定不要践踏草坪。 H句意:你用过之后必须把球放好。所以选C, H。小题5:造句题。我们不能在课上吃东西。We must not eat in class。

At least four rules in your school

At least four rules in your school

Get up before 6:00 AM, and sleep before 10:00 PM


Respect teachers and others.

Keep classrooms clean and tidy.

Students cannot contacts

Hello,I'm Lisa,my school is beautiful.Now let me tell you about it.你好,我是丽萨,我的学校是漂亮的,现在让我告诉你关于它 There are many flowers in our school,they make our school be more beautifui.And there 在我们的学校有许多花,它们使我们的学校变得更漂亮,也有许多树,有...

请问用英语介绍自己的学校时,说:我的学校 还是我们的学校?
my school 我的学校。中国人习惯集体性思维,西方人习惯个人性思维。英语是形式化的语言,很讲究逻辑性。当你对一个陌生人XXX 说“our school”的时候,这个 our 意思是“我们的”。这时候如果 XXX 是中国人他就能明白“our”实际上指的是“me and my schoolmates”而与A无关.但如果 XXX 是西方人...

求一封信 有英文写 内容是描述自己的新学校 和新学校生活 是写给初中同 ...
dear new classmates,I'm happy to introduce myself to you .I'm Jack , a new student of your school . I'm fifteen years old . If you intersted in playing football , we can play together after class . And after play football ,I usually have an apple . Apple is my ...

校规主要有以下几点英文表述:school regulations。以下是详细解释:学校制定了一系列的规章制度,目的是为了维护校园秩序,保障学生的权益和安全,促进学生健康成长。这些规章制度被统称为“校规”。具体的校规包括对学生行为规范的引导,比如要求穿着得体、禁止打架斗殴等,也包含教学方面的要求,比如课堂纪律等...

我要为学校做贡献 英文怎么写
i would like to do some contributions to my school.

1. To establish school website with teachers' increasing use of personal laptops, some teachers suggest that those laptops are properties of school,and it will be better to bring laptops to school. If the school would like to promote teaching by using computers, they need to ...

我在一所漂亮的学校学习。校园里有许多树和花。它一年四季都是绿色的。我的学校有三栋楼。其中两座是教学楼,一座是办公室和图书馆。我们的教室又大又明亮。我们很高兴在这里学习。英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维...

I think it necessary for student to wear the same school uniforms.Firstly,wearing the school uniform is able to make students have a good attitude towards study life.In addition,in order to attract others' attention,students will spend more money to purcher beautiful clothes,which ...

右边为实验楼。校园的正中央是长150米的教学楼。该楼共四层,两头为教师办公室。站在教学楼楼顶,你能看到楼前有一个花园,楼后右侧是一个大操场,课后同学们经常在这做运动。左边是可容纳500人的食堂。这就是我们的学校,一座美丽的学校。 2. 用英文介绍自己及学校这篇作文怎么写 Hello everyone,my name is**...


府谷县15629316182: 用英文为自己学校制定一条合理的校规 -
斗新卡左: Get up before 6:00 AM, and sleep before 10:00 PM

府谷县15629316182: 假如你是校长请给你的学校制定五条英语标语,校规. -
斗新卡左:[答案] Wear clothes from Monday to Friday. Keep quiet. Don't fight with others. Don't bring dangerous things like knives to school. No cell phone, please. Don't be late for school. Don't talk in class.

府谷县15629316182: 假如你是校长请给你的学校制定五条英语标语,校规. -
斗新卡左: Wear clothes from Monday to Friday.Keep quiet.Don't fight with others.Don't bring dangerous things like knives to school.No cell phone, please.Don't be late for school.Don't talk in class.

府谷县15629316182: 英语作文写一篇自己学校设计个性化的校规 -
斗新卡左: My school is very beautiful. I like my school very much. There is a big playground in my school and we often play sports on it . My classroom is big and clean.There are many books in the library.I often read books here.There are some music rooms ...

府谷县15629316182: 我们的二插老师让我们用英文写几条自己心目中的学校的校规,求英语高手来帮帮我! -
斗新卡左: 学生着装得体Students dress appropriately 坐正立直Sitting stand upright 行走稳健Walk steady 谈吐文明Talk civilization 穿校服,To wear uniforms.不穿奇装异服Don't wear clothe 男生不留长发Boys leave no long hair 女生不烫发不化妆不佩戴首饰...

府谷县15629316182: 用英语写的校规,要翻译,短点的,【七年级】,着急了.............................. -
斗新卡左: 校规最好你自己写出来 然后我们帮你翻译 先简单写几个吧: 校规 school regulations爱护公物 Take care of public property 不要迟到 Don't be late for school. 有事要写请假条 If you have accidence, you should write request for leave.. 举止文明 Behave civilized and polite 不吸烟不喝酒Don't smoke and drink

府谷县15629316182: 一条校规带理由英语作文70字 -
斗新卡左: Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we'll be educat! The Law is:1.student can't say anyhing during the class,expect the teacher askyou some question! 2.student can't eat anything in the ...

府谷县15629316182: 英语给未来的自己写五条校规? -
斗新卡左: 1 Be a good girl.2 Make more friends.3 Read as many books as possible.4 Practice writing and do my best to help others by writing.5 Exercise.

府谷县15629316182: 英语作文学校的基本校规 -
斗新卡左: Recently,adebateaboutobeyingschoolruleshasbeensparked. Firstandforemost,schoolrulesplayaleadingroleinhelpingstudentsconductthemselves.Associetydevelops,moreandmoreteenagersliketofollowthefashion,theydyehair,...

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