
作者&投稿:毋屠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
有句谚语:少年强则中国强 用英语翻译~

Youth is strong, has the strong!


country strengthens as its youths strengthen.

Young strong a country is strong

strong youths lead to a strong country

Junior strong Guoqiang

少年富则国富,少年强则国强翻印为:The young rich national wealth, the youth, strong, strong countries(这句话有收藏价值哟~)

中文翻译:今天的责任,不在别人身上,全在我们青少年身上。青少年聪明我国家就聪明,青少年富裕我国家就富裕,青少年强大我国家就强大,青少年独立我国家就独立,青少年自由我国家就自由,青少年进步我国家就进步,青少年胜过欧洲,我国家就胜过欧洲,青少年称雄于世界,我国家就称雄于世界。英文翻译:The modern...

少年兴则国兴,少年强则国强 英文(在线等)求高人
Thriving youths leads to a thriving nation; strong youths lead to a strong country.

...少年独立则国独立,少年胜于世界则国胜于世界。 的英语翻译...
少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,少年胜于世界则国胜于世界。Juvenile wisdom is national wisdom, juvenile wealth is rich, juvenile is strong, juvenile independence is independent, and young people overcome the world.

少年智则国智,少年强则国强,少年进步则国进步 Молодые мудры, то страна мудра; молодые сильны, то страна сильна; молодые прогрессивны, то страна прогрессивна.

这是你摘要的:State-chi-chi, juvenile, juvenile rich countries are rich, strong, the juvenile Guoqiang, Junior is an independent country independence, freedom is the freedom of juvenile, the juvenile progress is progress, Junior is better than Europe, the country is better than Europe...

少年强则国强 怎么用法语翻译
少年强则国强 Puis de la jeunesse 希望对你有帮助!

Jeune con Guoqiang

耳边也会响起一个声音“少年强则中国强、中国强则唯有少年更强”。Beijing\\'s Badaling Great Wall is also world-famous. Along the footprints of history, you can feel the road the Red Army walked and the wall it supported.北京的八达岭长城也是举世闻名,沿着历史的脚印,去感觉当时红军走过...

What is the most important for a country? Money or supplies? Neither is the most important thing is whether this country boy who loves his country, has new ideas.Our country is now a high-speed development of technology innovation to make our country the status of a step-by-...

颍州区17181843108: 少年强则国强用英文怎么说?急 -
仰傅醒脑:[答案] Well equipped youths lead to a powerful country.

颍州区17181843108: 少年富则国富,少年强则国强如何翻译成英文 -
仰傅醒脑: 少年富则国富,少年强则国强翻印为:The young rich national wealth, the youth, strong, strong countries(这句话有收藏价值哟~)

颍州区17181843108: "少年强则国强"怎么翻译成英文比较好? -
仰傅醒脑: Well equipped youths lead to a powerful country.

颍州区17181843108: 少年强则国强用英文怎么说????急急急 -
仰傅醒脑: 少年强则中国强用英语说:youngster's stubborn chinese stubborn

颍州区17181843108: 有句谚语:少年强则中国强 用英语翻译 -
仰傅醒脑: 少年强,则国强! Youth is strong, has the strong!

颍州区17181843108: 少年强则国强 翻译一下?
仰傅醒脑: 1.Strong youth entails strong country! 2.The strengthness of a country depends on its youth. 备注: 1.entail势必产生,可换成predict, herald,indicate,"预示". 2.strong, 体格或精神上的强大.

颍州区17181843108: 英语翻译少年强,则国强;少年富,则国富还有其他经典名句吗?如果能附加上来,一定是英文中文在一起哟~ -
仰傅醒脑:[答案] The state will be strong if the juvenile were strong. The state will be rich if the juvenile were rich.

颍州区17181843108: 少年强则国强,少年富则国富用英语怎么说 -
仰傅醒脑:[答案] The strengthness and riches of a country depend on its youth.

颍州区17181843108: 关于梁启超《少年中国说》的英文翻译? -
仰傅醒脑:[答案] 少年中国者,则中国少年之责任也.故今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年.少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步,少年胜于欧洲则国胜于欧洲,少年雄于地球则国雄于地球.红日...

颍州区17181843108: 梁启超的少年中国说有没有英文版的?少年智则国智 少年富则国富 少年强则国强 少年独立则国独立 少年自由则国自由 少年进步则国进步 就这一小段如果没... -
仰傅醒脑:[答案] Youth wisdom country wisdom few time of strength and vigor national wealth youth country strong youth independent country independent youth free country free the youth progresses the country to progre...

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