
作者&投稿:红便 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




A:Who is your best friend, Connie?
B:Because she likes to do the same things as I do. (1)_We are both good at drawing__.
(因为她喜欢做和我一样的事。 我们都很擅长画画)
A:Are you good at drawing, but I think (2)_______ than me.
(你擅长于画画吗?但是我认为 比我。)
A:(3)_Are you popular than her__?
B:No, I'm not. She's more popular than me. However, we're both outgoing. (4)_Who's your best friend_?
(不。她比我更受欢迎。不过,我们都很开朗 你最好的朋友是谁?)
A:My best friend is Harry.
B:Is he the same as you?
A:No, he isn't. (5)_______. He always makes people laugh. But I'm more serious. However, people say that we look the same.
(不。 他经常使我笑。但是我更严肃。然而,人们说我们看起来像。)



  1. answer

  2. different

  3. longing

  4. idea

  5. age


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逊克县13258911807: 英语补全对话 -
月会小儿: 1 what were you doing 2 did you take your own shopping bag ? 3 what will you do tomorrow ? 4would you like to join us ? 5 when and where shall we meet ? 望采纳^_^

逊克县13258911807: 英语补全对话 -
月会小儿: 补全对白1. Really2. have to3. How is4. No, we can't. 这里用we因为后半句也是we5. I only 这句话说说学校要他们学法语,但是她只想学西班牙语 句子翻译1. be late for2. have to wear3. Don't run4. don't have to 有问题可以问哦

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月会小儿: A: Good morning,Sir. Would you like to take an order? B:Yes.Let me see the menu. A:OK.Here you are. What would you like to eat? B:I'd like to have a small cheese pizza,please. A:Anything to drink? B:A glass of tea,please. A:OK.Wait a minute. 这个应该是餐厅里的对话,吃的东西是我自己瞎编的.... 也不晓得我填的全不全,希望可以帮到你哦~

逊克县13258911807: 英语补全对话怎么写 -
月会小儿: 1. I'm very sorry2. They live in a village3. Would you like to go with me4. Why did you call me5. Did you have a good time

逊克县13258911807: 英语 补全对话 -
月会小儿: 96 my sister 由第四句My sister wants to cook a big meal for her可知 97 Because...

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