College life planning, familiar with the environm

作者&投稿:萧姣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
College life~

In my opinion, college life is full of freedom,and fun, my college life in my dream is that you can choose any courses as you like,move freely to the classrooms to listen to various can late for school without punnishment. You can lie on the lawn under the sunshine to have a nap,you can find a book you like by climbing a flaxible ladder in a supper library. Of course, you can fall in love with someone without parents scoldings!you can bring computer to type down the notes teacher show and so on. In short,These are what I dream about college life!

But come to college life also wonderful.because I have my lovely roommates,the first time I went to college, I knew my roommates who were came from places,like foshan,zhanjiang,meizhou, taishan,and me I come from guangzhou,so Cantonese is my native.for so long ,we also remembered an episode happened in our college life ,that is going to bed at 9 o’clock at the first arriving day to college.It was so funny that it is me who went to bed first.they all laughed why we went to bed so early when they recalled this thing,and they always laught at me! But we all feel happy at that can imagine how lovely my roommates are,like a girl come from foshan loves eating peanut,like a girl come from meizhou loves the colour-pink,like a girl come from zhanjiang loves making fun, like a girl come from taishan loves laugh ,like a girl come from shaoguan loves share delicious food with us, they all make me feel happy everyday,I love them.

As to my study,actually, I am a hard-working girl,my dream is being a translator!so, I am chasing my dream.and little progress came out. In the first term my school record was ranking top in the class,ranking the third in the department.that made me spired. I asure that I will realize my dream one day. In every weekend, I would went to the library to read newspapers, Caring about the current events. Once I knew that Wenchuan Earthquate have happened I felt shocked, nothing grives me more,I donate my money to them. And wishing all of us could put a staunch fight during this earth quake I hope we can pull through the difficult time!

当我在高中的时候,我曾梦想着有一个美好的生活在大学的。我对自己说,我会做很多有趣的事情,使未来几年内洋溢着幸福。我什至做了详细的计划。但是当我进入大学,我发现它完全不同于我以前的想法,我觉得有点郁闷不同,因为我不知道下课后做什么,其实,我们已经远远低于我们在高中的课。;。所以,我应该怎么办,从长远的业余时间。我不知道,所以我花了过多的时间去读书,你知道,有些小说,但是,日复一日,我开始觉得无聊为只读。将在未来四年是一样的吗?我想知道,如果是的话,我会疯了,四年有太多的空闲时间四年读小说四年感到沮丧,我想不出更多地了解它,所以在一段几个星期后,我开始做一个计划,我的大学生活,为了使它丰富多彩的,有价值的。首先,我要起床清晨,而不是睡懒觉,即使在周末,那么我可以做一些练习作为班子建设。二,我应该去图书馆,当然,不只是小说,其他种像数学书,英语也包括在内。如果我仍然有一些空闲的领带,我会找到一个兼职工作。以这种方式,我可以得到一些钱,什么是最重要的经验,我可以更多地了解真实的世界。我的大学生活 男孩和女孩之间的通信之前被考上了大学,这是一个问题对我进行沟通自由女孩。被用来保持沉默,我更喜欢女孩率先启动了会谈。通常情况下,采取的第一个步骤,将填补我的心脏与羞怯,甚至引起我的心脏跳得像一个袋子蠕虫。在天准备期末考试,我很惊讶地收到一个邮件从我的女同学其中一人我几乎不聊至。在邮件中,她问我在数学问题的一些帮助。毫无疑问,我是倾向于尽我所能,给一只手,所以我固定日期和答应来。正如谚语所说的:那就是花费麻烦的第一步。与无以言说进入教室的时候我很尴尬。此刻,周围的空气似乎被冻结。后来,我鼓励自己要挤掉一些单词和女孩微笑着回答一个甜美的声音。也许,羞怯不应该阻止我们自由沟通的障碍。渐渐地,我感到踏实和我们讨论的问题,同时,我们谈到我们的高中生活来劲。一切都好于我们预期只有当我们踏出第一步肯定。不要害羞,只是试试!

My college life
What can you do to make your college life colorful ? describe the ideal life in college .
When I was in high school , I had dreamt of having a wonderful life in college . I said to myself that I would do lots of interesting things to make the next few years filled with happiness. I even make a detailed plan . but when I entered college I found it quite different from what I thought before ,I felt a little depressed .As I don’t know what to do after class .in fact , we have far less lessons than we had in high school;. So , what should I do in the long spare time . I didn’t know ,so I spent much of my time reading , you know ,some novels , but ,day after day ,I began to feel boring only to read . Will the next four years be the same ? I wondered .if so , I will be crazy ,Four years have too much spare time , four years reading novels ,four years feel depressed ,I couldn’t think more about it .So after a period of several weeks , I started to make a plan for my college life , in order to make it colorful and valuable . First of all , I should get up early in the morning rather than sleep late , even on the weekends, then I can do some exercises as body building .Second , I should go to the library , of course , not just for novels , other kinds of books like maths , English are included . if I still have some spare tie , I will find a part-time job . in this way , I could gain some money and what is the most important, experience , I can know more about the real world .

My university life
Communication between boys and girls
Before being admitted to a university ,it was a problem for me to communicate to a girl freely . Being used to keep silent ,I prefer the girl to start a talk at first. Usually ,taking the first step will fill my heart with shyness and even cause my heart beat like a bag of worms.
During the days preparing for the final exams,I was surprised to receive a mail from one of my female classmates whom I hardly talked to. In the mail ,she asked me for some help in mathematic problems. With no doubt ,I was inclined to try my best to give a hand ,so I fixed a date and promised to come.
Just as the proverb says :it is the first step that costs troublesome. I was embarrassed when entering the classroom with no words to say. At the moment ,air around seemed to be frozen. Later ,I encouraged myself to squeezed out some words and the girl smiled and answered in a sweet voice. Maybe ,shyness should not be the obstacle that prevent us from communicating freely. Little by little ,I felt at ease and we discussed the problems ,at the same time,we talked about our high school life in high spirits.
Everything is better than we have expected only when we take the first step positively. Do not be shy ,just try!


你的好评是我前进的动力!! 你的采纳也会给你带去财富值的。(祝你事事顺心)

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