
作者&投稿:宗新 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
新概念英语同步测试卷 第二册 test6 答案~

sum threw age strange upset complained sympathetic mad completed determined
1.I promise the matter will be taken care of.
2The soldiers often dreamt about home.
3.I will be leaving for Beijing tomorrow.
4.The problem is worth discussing.
5.You do not have to come here so early.
travelling piece address threw surprise recieved age regularly post cost

I.c a b d e II.1.abroad 2.exciting 3.until 4.bear 5.attention 6.sent 7.received 8.lend 9.ringing10.spoiled
III. 1.He said angrily tome yesterday. 2.Iwillnot see you again until Friday. 3.Mary is a spoiled child. 4.I have just received a letter from my uncle. 5.He often goes to the theatre on Fridays.
IV.1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.d 9.b 10.d
V. 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.a
VI.1.c 2.a 3.a 4.c 5.d
一:1.b 2.c 3.a 4.e 5.d
二:1.refused 2.proud 3.shocked 4.allowed 5.damaged 6.turn 7.welcome 8.deserved 9.important 10.gathered
三:The clock will strike twelve in five minutes. 2.The girl in red is called mary. 3.She borrowed a book from me. 4.I cannot take part in the party this Friday . 5.Topsail is a famous little boat.
四:1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.d 6.b 7.d 8.d 9.c 10.b
五:1.c 2.d 3.d 4.d
六:1.d 2.d 3.c 4.d 5.b 七:lawyer,at,borrowing,pays,salary,lend,surprise,immediately,pay
Ⅲ⒈The young teacher cannot keep order in the classroom.
⒉After he had finished his homework he went to the zoo.
⒊He told me that he would fly to Europe next week.
⒋If you like her,please talk to her directly.
⒌It is your classroom turn to clean.
Ⅷpop called arriving present by keeping performance occasions meeting at
bill hurry waste pity catch appeared
return exclaimed realized stage
1.She must appear in a bright red dress.
2.He must have arrived by train.
3.Bad news has wings.
4.He died so that others might live.
5.You had better give up trying to win the game.

4在have match中间加个a
5把There will have改为There will be



1.whether 2.effect 3.pretended 4.wonder 5.appreciate 6.leapt
7.noticed 8.hung 9.smells 10.winds

1.Neither you nor they are totally right.
2.The earth goes round the sun.
3.I did not know you were in London.
4.The dinner is the most expensive meal I have ever had.
5.We have not heard from John for a long time.
put over hungry sang put crept woke full leapt wound
I. 1D 2E 3B 4C 5A
II. 1 employed 2 articles 3 retired 4 deserted 5 sight 6 temptation 7 saved 8 arrested 9 wrapped 10 landed
III. 1. It has been three years since I moved.
2. Is there any vinegar in the bottle?
3.My aunt used to live in London.
4. She is not so clever as her brother.
5. He does not swim so often as he used to.
IV. 1A 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7A 8C 9B 10B
V. 1D 2C 3D 4A
VI. 1B 2C 3D 4A 5D
VII. repaired, bought, saved, spare, employed, retired, head, company, success, bicycle
I. 1E 2A 3B 4C 5D
II. 1. regretted 2. most 3. struggle 4.fright 5.succeed 6.explained 7.rush 8.toward 9.intend 10.straight
III. 1. He left for Nanjing yesterday.
2. I was asked to make a speech.
3. He is sure to succeed.
4. He read so fast that I could not catch him.
5. He is such a kind man that everybody likes him.
IV. 1B 2A 3C 4A 5C 6B 7A 8D 9D 10D
V. 1D 2D 3A 4C
VI. 1C 2D 3B 4C 5A
VII. stolen, expected, worried, call, wondered, picked, away, being, by, amused.
2.edge remarked lay glimpse reminds cintinued different seemed
risk sack
3.you need not have brout the book yesterday
i find it exacting to watch football games.
Can you tell the difference between the two words
you will run into trouble if you do not play careful attention.
7.edge pocceccion after taking breath continued caught throught at fright

C 1 mustn't 2 mustn't 3 needn't 4 needn't 5 mustn't
1 remarked 2 noticed 3 remarks 4 notice
1 a 2 a 3 c 4 d 5 c 6 b
7 b 8 a 9 d 10 a 11 c 12 b
A 1 had had a long walk(1.1) 2 have a rest(1.2)
3 to have a look(1.4) 4 had our first glimpse(1.6)
B 1 had a ride 2 was having a look
3 had a wash 4 had a swim
5 had a fight 6 have had a quarrel
7 had another try 8 having a rest
9 have a smoke 10 have a good sleep
1 pick it up 2 pick up 3 pick out 4 pick up
1 d 2 d 3 d 4 b 5 b 6 c
7 d 8 d 9 a 10 c 11d 12 a
A were able to take(1.3); could…get over(1.6); was then able to rise(1.8); would be able to reach(1.9); was able to fly (1.10)
1 at last 2 at home 3 at once 4 at the moment 5 at times6 was at a loss 7 At first
1 b 2b 3 a 4 a 5 d 6 d
7 a 8 c 9 c 10 d 11 a 12 c
A tried to steal(1.4); started running(1.5); continued to run (1.7); needs mending(1.10)
B 1 to see 2 working 3 ironing
4 to leave 5 to argue/ arguing 6 to come
7 seeing 8 knocking 9 waiting
10 to rain/ raining 11 working
12 taking
1(sample sentences)
In the last minutes of the race, Jim caught up with the leader and passed him. 2 The farmer shouted at the children and they ran away.
1 c 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 b
7 d 8 a 9 b 10 a 11 b 12 d
A had been lost(11.1-2); must have been found(11.3-4); was not returned(1.4); had been wrapped(1.6); was sent (1.9); was paid back(1.10)
C 1 A meal has been prepared for you.
2 The book will be translated into English.
3 A telegram must be sent to him.
4 The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived.
5 The cat was given some milk to drink.
1 back 2 robbed… stole 3 back 4 stole 5 robbed
1 b 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 d
7 c 8 b 9 c 10 b 11 d 12 b
A arrived at Sydney(1.1); could account for the fact (1.3);occurred to one(1.4); was astonished at what(1.5); was so surprised at being(11.6-7); had been confined to the wooden box(1.9); pay £ 3,500 for the cost(1.10)
B 1 with 2 to…for 3 with 4 for
5 to 6 at 7 to 8 to
9 for 10 to…at 11 at 12 with
13 with 14 to…for 15 for 16 for
17 with 18 for 19 at 20 with
21 to 22 with 23 at 24 to
25 with…to 26 to…with 27 for 28 to…to
29 for 30 to 31 for 32 to
33 to…with 34 for 35 to 36 to
37 at 38 at 39 with 40 for
1 a 2 c 3 d 4 d 5 a 6 c
7 b 8 c 9 a 10 d 11 c 12 a
C 1 will have finished 2 broke 3 were 4 could
D 1 mustn't 2 needn't
E 1 I asked George what those people were looking at.
2 George answered that he did not know. He thought a new road was being built and that it would be finished soon.
3 I told George that all those people were silly because they were looking into an empty hole.
4 George said that some people enjoy/ enjoyed watching others work.
5 Half an hour passed. George told me to hurry up as we had been there for half an hour. He added that there was nothing to see in an empty hole.
6 I answered that I didn't want to go yet because it was very interesting.
1 d 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 d 6 a
7 a 8 d 9 d 10 c 11 a 12 c
A 1 which 2 denied 3 fetched
4 too 5 jobs 6 One…a…who
7 past 8 next 9 watching
10 continually 11 remarked 12 robbed
B (sample sentences)
I'm sorry to cause you such trouble.
Have you ever seen such beautiful pictures before? It's such a nice day that we can't stay indoors!
I'm feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work.
C 1 He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office.
2 The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport.
D 1 made 2 do 3 make 4 do 5 Do 6 make 7 made8 does
E 1 out 2 up 3 up 4 up…away 5 up 6 out 7 back 8 up with 9 up with
F (sample sentences)
If you don't stop that noise at once, you'll have to go to bed. I'm at a loss to know what to do.
It's stopped raining at last!
He's very busy and can't accept any more work at present. I'll be at home tonight.
1c 2b 3c 4b 5a 6c
7b 8 b 9 d 10 a 11b 12 c


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、特别空 3级 2008-05-24 http:\/\/book.kaoyantj.com\/kaoyanbook_jieshao.asp?kybook_id=7752UW45%5C215*d05505\/622190 新概念英语》同步测试卷 test1 《新概念英语》同步测试卷 test2 《新概念英语》同步测试卷 test3 《新概念英语》同步测试卷 test4 《新概念英语》同步测试卷 test5 《新概念...

一、1.absent 2.weekend 3.butcher's 4.hundreds 5.cinema 6.behind 7.arrived 8.clean 9.hairdresser's 10.town 二、1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 三、1.was 2.baker's 3.1st 4.were 5.arrived 6.did go 7.was not type 8.wasn't ...

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寇寿普立: 一:1.b 2.c 3.a 4.e 5.d 二:1.refused 2.proud 3.shocked 4.allowed 5.damaged 6.turn 7.welcome 8.deserved 9.important 10.gathered 三:The clock will strike twelve in five minutes. 2.The girl in red is called mary. 3.She borrowed a book from me. 4.I ...

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